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*time skip*

8:45AM Saturday 18th September 2021

I woke up to yet again an empty house, although this time, demi left a note on the fridge. I walked over to the fridge and looked to see what was in, which wasn't a lot. We hadn't been food shopping for a bout a week due to how busy we have  been with matches, and final wedding arrangements, we were having our actual wedding on the 23rd of September, everything was now ready, rhea had told me that she now had a suit, all the invitations had been sent out and the venue was now being put together. We had pretty much a free day today, other than food shopping, training and sorting out our matches. Me and liv had lost our titles to Natalya and Tamina and we were working to get them back, but so was superbrutality, and they were closer to getting it. I didn't mind though, neither did liv, they were so supportive of us on our win and we were going to be supportive of them.

They had a match literally 3 days before our wedding and we'd be having a 5 day vacation to an unknown location, for me at least, rhea still wouldn't give up the location of the honeymoon and it was driving me insane. I decided to use what I had in the fridge and make some eggs on toast. Aspen was at her friends house and Maya was in day care. By the time I had finished eating, and by the time Naila, Barry and Luna (rheas other dog) had stole half of it I went to make a protein shake. We had had another protein delivery and I put it away in the garage. I hadn't heard demi enter as my music was too loud "Hey!" She said tapping my shoulder, I jumped at her "...yeah" "I booked Shauna out for tonight, Sunday and Monday, pack a bag" I shot her a confused glance "What why??" She smiled and handed me two tickets that read 'Ice Nine kills Sunday 8:00PM front row VIP' I looked at her in disbelief "No fucking way! How!!" I jumped on her and squeezed her tightly, she laughed a few times, falling on her back with me on top of her "I know these sold out but, I contacted Spencer and after a while of talking, he figured out who we were, he gave us these, we will have security escort us to the front, and I have something for you during hunting season..." I couldn't believe it, ice nine kills was my favourite band ever, and now I had vip access to their concerts.

I kissed demi what felt like 100 times before I let her stand back up. She explained our plan for it. We'd be going to a hotel that was about a 4 minute drive from the stadium, we would stay the night there tonight, have the day to ourselves, go to the concert and stay the night in the hotel once again, we'd return on Monday morning and then demi will be staying with Nikki until our wedding day. She'd do her match on Monday night and then go to Nikki's. I knew it was going to be hard for the both of us, we both hated being apart, but tradition is tradition. We decided we'd go food shopping after packing our bags, which only took about ten minutes.

Rhea let me drive considering she'll be driving quite a bit later, we got to the store and walked around looking for items we needed. When we turned the corner to the hygiene aisle we noticed a young girl, couldn't have been any older than 14, looking at some of the period products. "Stay here.." I said walking over to the girl, she looked confused "Hey, are you okay?" She jumped a little and I assured her that I was safe "I, don't know what to get.." she looked pretty distraught. "Who's it for.." I asked leaning down next to her "me, and my mother. She said to get the cheapest things they had... We don't have much, mum is always at work, 3 jobs 4 kids, single" I felt awful hearing her story, my mum was single throughout my childhood, so I understood her struggle. I sighed and stood up "wait here, okay" She nodded and I walked over to demi "my purse, can I have it" she nodded and looked into my bag. I walked back over to the girl. "Let's see, hmm" I grabbed everything she needed, regardless of the price and handed them to her "I don't have that much..." I smiled at her, looked through my purse and pulled out a the cash I had on hand, I looked through it and gave her a few hundred dollars "here, get everything you need, and go straight home okay." She almost cried at the amount of money I gave her "thank you! So much! We really needed this!!" She hugged me tightly before running to the checkout. I watched her run off and rhea joined me "that was kind of you" she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder, "I know what it's like to be in her situation, I couldn't just let her struggle" I could sense rhea's smile "see, this is why I fell in love with you" she said kissing my temple.

*time skip*

We had just finished packing and were now sat on the sofa talking to the girls. "Right so me and demi are going to a concert tomorrow, so well be in a hotel for a few days. Shauna will be here taking care of you, so you listen to everything she says, she's in charge. I will be home on Monday, demi won't be home until after our honeymoon. Tradition and all" after hearing this, the girls cuddled with rhea while waiting for Shauna to arrive. The drive to the hotel was about 2 hours long as we'd be going across town, I was falling asleep in the car but forcing myself to stay awake, for rhea's sake. "Love go to sleep, don't force yourself awake for me" her hand reached over to my thigh as she spoke but she kept her eyes on the road. I looked over to her with tired eyes and she glanced over to me and smiled.

I woke up to rhea nudging me, we were at the hotel. I hadn't even realised I had fallen asleep "come on then, we'll get you into a bed in a minute." I laughed and helped her with the bags, heading towards the reception "hi yeah, I have a room reserved for us both. The Victoria suite" the receptionist looked up the suite "name and date of birth please" "Yeah. Demi Bennett, 11th October 1996" she handed us our key "3rd floor lat door to your left" the receptionist said with a smile. We headed Up the lift and to the suite. It was gorgeous, there was a double shower, double vanity, a huge bed and a balcony with a gorgeous view, I looked around in awe and once I stopped at the balcony demi snaked her arms around my waist, pulling my body against hers. She scarred kisses on my neck and then she noticed the tiredness on my face. "C'mon. Let's get to bed now" I frowned and shook my head. "But this view is beautiful" she laughed "okay fine. But not for long." I smiled and sat down with her. We talked about anything we could think of and soon enough I fell asleep, snuggling into her on the bench. She looked down and just smiled at the peace I found in her arms. I felt her pick me up and place me in bed with her. Tomorrow's concert would be amazing, to say the least....

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now