Spa day

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You were lying in bed, breathless, Rhea lying on your chest. She was scattering kisses all over your chest and stomach. You really didn't want to get up but you and rhea had booked a spa day, you couldn't remember the last time you had a massage and you've never heard rhea talking about if she has had one. You both very much needed it with all the tension from constantly working out and being in the ring. But right now you just wanted so sit in bed with Rhea showing her affection. Her lips were soft and even though her hands were rough she was gentle, kind, loving. You loved everything about her, her scent, her touch, her affection, everything. You could tell she didn't want to leave either as every time you tried to get up, her hand met your chest and gently pushed you back down.

Y/N pov:

I sat in bed with a huge smile on my face as rhea's lips and hands glided over my body. I knew we had to get up, but I really didn't want to. "Demi-" she stopped moving "shhhhh. Don't ruin the moment" she said before continuing what she was doing. She knew exactly how to keep me where she wanted. "Demi we need to get up" I said reluctantly. "But this is so much better." She said refusing to let me get out of bed. "Demi come on we need to get up soon" I sighed looking at her. She groaned as she lifted herself up off of my body. She stood up and looked at me. "You're a fun ruiner, you know that right?" She said to me pouting slightly. I laughed and pulled myself out of bed. I rubbed her arm "cmon we'll do some training before our spa appointment." I said she smiled at me, I knew she loved training with me and she couldn't stop herself from saying no. We got dressed and stretched out before starting our workout. It was leg day on our rota so once mapped out what we were going to do I started with squats while rhea started with 2 minutes on the skipping rope.

*Time skip*

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I looked down for a second to check my phone and when I looked back up, I got startled by rhea stood behind me. I jumped and yelped and she laughed. "Dude, you should've seen your face" she said walking towards me and brushing my hair out of my face. I learned in to kiss her but she pulled away, a smirk flashed across her face and she looked down at my hand. "Where's your ring?" She asked grabbing my hand. I smiled "don't worry. It's in the bedroom. I didn't want to loose it." She smiled and kissed my forehead "good. I'll go get it for you." She said, I nodded and began to get changed. She came back just as I finished getting ready. I felt her hand brush over mine and I turned around. She grabbed my hand and placed the ring in its rightful place before kissing my hand and leading me to the car. "So. Where is this spa then?" She asked me. "It's the Orlando spa oasis" I replied "what the one above  inkspot?" She asked turning to me. I nodded and she knew where she needed to go.

Once we arrived at the spa we checked in and waited about 2 minutes before being shouted in. We walked into a room full of oils, incense sticks and candles. I had booked a full body massage and facial. We lay down on separate massage tables and the masseuses explained that if we became uncomfortable we could let them know and they would stop. Rhea immediately relaxed and became comfortable. I however took a little time to adjust.

*Time skip*

We Left the spa and rhea couldn't help but smile. "Fine you win. The spa day was a good idea" she said wrapping her arm around me. We continued to walk to the car and that's when we noticed that people were staring. We didn't know if they were anxious fans or what but I knew that Rhea couldn't stand people staring. She pulled me closer and the people carried on staring. "Got a problem!" Rhea shouted from across the room. "Yeah my daughter is here and I don't need you or your partner here influencing her" The woman of the group shouted.  Anger immediately coursed through my veins but I knew to let rhea sort this one out. "I'm sorry I don't quite understand how me or my girlfriend here have anything to do with your teen daughters influence!" She said her voice getting louder. "I've seen you two on the internet. It's gross how you can be so open to things of that nature" the woman shouted back to us. Rhea kissed her teeth before shouting "look Hun the only way we can influence your daughter is if she's open to supporting the LGBT community which judging by her lack of disgust she already does support she's just to afraid to tell you!" The woman went red with anger "HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT MY DAUGHTER SUPPORTS ACTS OF SIN!" She screamed at rhea. "I THINK YOU NEED TO REALLY TAKE MORE NOTICE OF YOUR DAUGHTER" Rhea shouted before walking away with me next to her. The woman scoffed and rhea turned back around one more time. "and just so you know" she kissed me "women do it better" she smirked at me and we walked to our car.


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