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Tuesday 31st May 2022

My new character had called for a new look, which meant I needed to have a makeover. I wasn't going alone, demi was coming with me, the kids were at school and daycare so we didn't have to worry about them. We had just finished up in the gym and I had just finished in the shower, all I had to do now was wait for Demi to finish her shower then we could go. I got dressed and tied my hair back while waiting for my wife to get herself ready, I was gonna miss the look I had now, but in order to join in with the whole "evil" thing, I had to look the part. Besides it had been a while since I had been to get my hair styled.

Y/N outfit:

It didn't take long for Demi to get ready, her black mass joggers and grey crop top fit her body perfectly, and she knew that I was staring

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It didn't take long for Demi to get ready, her black mass joggers and grey crop top fit her body perfectly, and she knew that I was staring. I'm guessing she didn't feel like a teasing mood because usually she'd make a snarky comment to take a photo, today she just smirked and laughed to herself.

Our first stop was the hair salon, I hadn't been there in a while so my face showing up excited my stylist quite a bit. "Y/N!! Long time no see girl! Where you been?!" She said hugging me "heyy Andréa, I've been busy, work schedule is tight when you're champ." I chuckled, hugging her back. She looked at my hair for a moment, running her hand through it "so what can I do you for?" She laughed, checking my hair. "I need something done with it. Something dark, preferably with a bit of purple. You know for the judgement day?" I watched her smile grow as her vision accumulated in her head. "what about a fringe? You open to it?" She asked examining my features, I nodded at her, making her have a little excited jump "great! Okay so sit down and I'll get your colour mixed, you probably won't need bleach so that's a plus." She said before running to her hair dye. She came back after a minute or so with a dark purple-ish colour in one bowl, and a pitch black for my roots in the other.

She began applying the colour to my hair and I couldn't help but notice her glancing over at demi, I knew she didn't have a problem with dem because it wasn't her first time meeting her, but for some reason she couldn't stop looking. "Yo, what's up with you?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. "She's just gorgeous. You think she'll let me put some colour on?" Andréa asked me, I glanced over at my wife who was sat on her phone, waiting for me "no way. Dem doesn't really do colour, especially not now with the judgment day shit" I replied, clicking my tongue, she was a bit disappointed, but continued to work on my hair, which eventually brought her spirits back up.

*Time skip*

It took a few hours but eventually my hair was completed and I actually loved it. Andréa had a way about her that made her so creative when it came to styling hair, she always knew how to make it look amazing

 Andréa had a way about her that made her so creative when it came to styling hair, she always knew how to make it look amazing

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"Thank you Anne, really I love it. It's just what I wanted" I said once again, Hugging her tightly. Dem stood up and rean her hands through the purple section on the right side of my hair "... Beautiful..." She said with a smile, kissing my cheek. We paid Andréa a little more than what she charged, as a thank you for making my hair look so good before heading to the next place, a nail studio.

I didn't want anything too crazy, but I wanted it to match the black and purple theme of the judgment day so when I gave the tech some ideas, she got to work immediately. It didn't take as long as my hair, an hour, maybe less. But I loved them all the same.

 The final place we needed to visit was a tattoo shop, I had wanted this tattoo for a while now, just never had the guts to get it done

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The final place we needed to visit was a tattoo shop, I had wanted this tattoo for a while now, just never had the guts to get it done. it was gonna be placed on my upper thigh, and it would be covering up some of my old scars, From when things got bad and it was a tarot card to symbolise strength. My Artis had already sketched up the template but the time I had arrived and he immediately got to work. It didn't take long for me to start feeling the pain,and I had to call demi over so she'd distact me. After a while I had to tap out for a break, and then we realised that Maya and Ben were finished at their school/daycar for the day and demi had to leave to pick them up. We knew Ben would be alright with Venus on their own for a while but he was a bit too young to be looking after Amaya for a long period of time. Luckily Gia said she'd hang out at our place for a bit, look after Maya and maybe even train with Ben for a bit. After 30 minutes demi came back to the parlour and I was taken back into the room to have my tattoo finished off.

Almost 2 hours later and the last few details had been added. "And we are done, you did pretty well, considering what we were tattooing over." Isa said, turning off the tattoo gun and beginning to wrap my leg up. "Thank you isa." I replied, slowly climbing off the chair that I had been sat on for hours on end. I was glad it was over now, I had endured that pain for way too long and I was glad it was over.

 I was glad it was over now, I had endured that pain for way too long and I was glad it was over

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I had an email sent through while my tattoo was being done, but I didn't check it until now. It was Adam Pierce, and it wrote:

Good evening jinx, we have scheduled you for a title match against Bianca belair this Saturday due to her being first in line for you're title match. It will be the live show main event and you will start around 21:00 so we just needed to confirm that this would be okay.

Many thanks, Adam

I knew that my tattoo wouldn't be fully healed, but healed enough that I would be able to fight so I replied with a smile "yeah, that's fine" before switching my phone off and getting back into the car.

*Time skip*

To day was fun, it's not everyday that I get a full on makeover. I knew that Demi was in love with the new look, and it would tie in great with my judgement day vibe. To be honest I was excited for my match on Saturday, me and Bianca alway bring the brutality to each other and it's always a great fight between us. We'll just have to see if she's ready for the new me...

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now