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This should be fun..

The moment Liv's eyes met mine and she realised who I was, her face dropped and I just sat there waving and smiling. Two male superstars were also introduced, Matt riddle, who sat next to Liv, and Seth Rollins, who sat next to me. "Okay, I'm your host Mina, and these are our lovely superstars that have come to join us today for a Q and A  on all things Money In the Bank! This first question is going to everyone, and then we will be going to the audience for questions! Who do you think will win the ladder match from your opposite gender? Matt we'll start with you!"
(M: Matt, S: Seth L: Liv J: jinx H: host aka mina AM: audience member)

M: well I think that everyone is gonna put in a big effort but Raquel is gonna be the victor of the ladder match.
H: why do you think that?

M:  well don't get me wrong, each and every woman that'll step in that ring will give it everything they've got, but Rodriguez is a beast in the ring and she's the strongest powerhouse in the ladder match, it's a no-brainer that she's got the highest advantage in that ring.

H: valid. Now, what about you Liv, who do you think will win the Men's ladder match?

L: i think that drew would probably win, for the same reasons that Riddle chose Raquel. I mean look at him.

I knew I was up next, which meant that i had to talk to crowds, which I was open to doing, but in my own time, and the only way to get out of the way, was to start a fight with someone I knew would cause a scene. Liv.

H: Jinx, same question.

J: well I think that y'all are going to give it your best shot, but I gotta hand it to Seth, I've seen him fight, he's a spirited fighter, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. 

H: And, Seth. who are you routing for?

S: well obviously, Becky, but I do believe that Jinx has got a fighting shot, and I appreciate that she understands my determination.

H: okayyy, and now we'll move onto the audience questions, let's start with you, in the back, Judgment Day shirt.

different audience members asked each and every one of us a series of questions, and I was really beginning to get in my head and I needed to leave.

AM: okay this is a joint question. Jinx, Liv, how did you feel about your qualification match?

L: well it didn't turn out the best for me, but I honestly gave it my best shot and it worked out the second time when I worked with lex, so yeah I'm okay with the outcome.

now was the perfect time to start some drama, so I would leave before shutting down in front of everyone.

J: I loved the outcome. I have beaten Liv Morgan time after time after time, but to steal a qualification to something she wanted so bad was really the icing on the cake. And Liv, that was your best. If you're serious about that you don't stand a chance in that ladder match, because you know what Liv, I've said it, Rhea's said it, you're pathetic, you'll always be pathetic. That's why i went against you, and that's why Rhea betrayed you, you're useless, you don't stand a chance!

the entire time I was examining her body language, seeing if I was annoying her, and sure enough, I was. She walked over to me and I stood up to face her. She smiled slapping e across the face. I stumbled back, clutching my left cheek, smiling menacingly at her, before pouncing on top of her until security interfered. It took a total of four guards to keep us away from each other, but I succeeded in the task at hand, which was to get me away, yes, it came at the expense of Gia but she would understand once I explained it to her later. I was dragged away until Demi took over, clutching my chin in order for me to make eye contact with her. "what was that?!" she exclaimed, a look of confusion spread across her face. I tried to hold the brave stature, but I hated confrontation, especially when I was getting overwhelmed. I began to stammer, trying to force words out but nothing that would form a sentence was apparent to me. Luckily for me, my wife was able to recognise that I did that to leave and she understood that I physically could not talk in this situation. She explained that to Priest and Balor before taking me to the car, by the time we got home it was already late, and the kids would be in bed by now so we didn't have to sit up with them. Once we were in the house Demi headed to the bathroom and began to run a bath for me while I explained to Gia why I provoked her, she was of course very understanding and she recognised some of my cues throughout the panel so she wasn't mad. I hated social situations, especially after my time with E/N so it was really great that my friends knew when I was overwhelmed and needed to leave. 

I sat in the bath for about half an hour, planning my actions for MITB, and remembering a detail that Demi hadn't told me about. she was supposed to earlier, but she was cut off. I knew that she would've told the boys while I was on the panel, but I still wanted to know and I had an idea on what it was. So once I was in bed, warm and cuddled up to her, I decided to ask er about it. "hey dem?" "hmm" "what were you going to tell us, earlier, when you were cut off, before the meeting" "you remember that huh? Well, you were right." "about what?" "about my injury, its more serious than I thought, not career ending, but enough to take me out for a while. I won't be medically cleared for money in the bank.."


~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now