RAW championship!!

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Becky Lynch and I have been fighting on Twitter for a while now and last Monday she finally challenged me to a championship match. Me and gionna (liv morgan) had sorted things out since her attack on me  I found out that Adam had told her that I knew about what was going to happen, that's why she went through with the attack.

I was driving to the performance centre when I got a call from Aspen.
A:"hey mum?"
Y:"yeah sweetie"
A:"can I go my friends house?"
Y:"which friend hun"
A:"kayleigh, she was at my birthday party."
Y:"do her parents know?"
A:"Yeah her mum said it's fine and she can pick me up from our house"
Y:"Okay then make sure Shauna and demi know okay. Demi is going out soon that's why both of them need to know okay"
A:"Okay bye, love you"
Y:"love you sweetie bye"

--end of call--

I sat at the red light and put my phone away before it switched to green. Upon my arrival at the performance centre I was greeted by fans, who I took photos with and gave them autographs. I couldn't wasteuch more time though because I had to prepare for my match against Becky.

I made my way to the locker room any got changed into my gear before heading to hair and make-up.

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(With black fishnets)

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(With black fishnets)

My make-up was very cute it was green and black graphic liner paired with black lipstick.

Once my makeup was done I headed out to the wings, where Becky was talking about how she was going to stay as champion and no one could beat her and blah blah blah

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Once my makeup was done I headed out to the wings, where Becky was talking about how she was going to stay as champion and no one could beat her and blah blah blah. I cued my music and ran straight down into the ring, pulling her into an armbar right away.

Once the officials pulled me off of her they rung the bell, this match had officially begun. I fought for dominance but fell short by Becky pulling my leg from underneath me. I slammed my head against the canvas and found myself in a quick pin. I kicked out as quickly as I was rolled up and countered it into a cradle of my own. Becky of course kicked out of this pin almost immediately.

I climb up to the top rope and jumped off toward Becky  however she knocked me out of the way leaving no one home and me smacking my ribs on the canvas. Becky now had the advantage and she was completely taking over. She was attacking me in any way she could, throwing me about and making sure I was weak enough before wrapping her arm under my jaw and holding me in a headlock. I was slowly giving up and she knew it. Just before I tapped the audience started to hype me up to try and keep the match up going. They continued to chant my name as I placed my hands down on the mat, slowly arching my back further and further until Becky's arm slipped from around my neck. I quickly pulled her into a standing headlock before wrapping my arms around her body, throwing her back into a northern light suplex, I quickly pulled her legs into the air, securing her shoulder to the canvas but to my disappointment she pulled a shoulder up right before the final count of three.

My shock was my downfall as it gave her the upper hand in twisting my arm into an armbar which hurt like mad. I writhed around trying to manipulate my arm out of the submission but with every movement I made, she tightened her grip making it even harder to escape. Even though the crowd was cheering for me I couldn't take any more, after one more escape attempt failure I tapped, making Becky the winner and retaining her championship.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, bianca's intro played and she sprinted into the ring, sending Becky running out. She grabbed a Mic and pulled me to my feet before saying "i dont know what was going through Becky's mind but her challenging you before me just doesn't sit right to me" I sort of laughed at her remark and took the Mic out of her hand "I guess that just means I'm better than you" I smiled at her offence which was probably the worst mistake I could have made. I must've struck a nerve for bianca because I quickly found shots if pain coursing through my torso when she swung her braid repeatedly into my stomach. The pain I was experiencing was so excruciating that I didn't even realise that demi had sprung into action to protect me. She grabbed bianca by her braid and pulled her to the floor, stomping on her arm afterwards. She climbed out of the ring before pulling me out by my arm  supporting me as we left to her music.

She brought me straight to medical and stopped anyone from interviewing me as I was checked over. After my checks had finished she brought me to the locker room and waited for me to get changed. Upon removing my gear demi had the first glimpse of the whip marks that bianca had left on my body. She examined the bright red marks scattered over my torso "does it hurt?" Said my wife  her tone full of worry. I shook my head in response "it's not that bad anymore" she ran her hand over them causing me to give up the act that they didn't hurt, I winced as her hand touched the deeper marks in my skin. She went over to her bag and pulled out a cooling pack which once she squeezed began to grow colder. She placed it on my torso and watched as I finished getting changed before taking the pack from under my shirt.

Her arm wrapped around my waist as we left the building and she made sure that I wasn't in any pain when we got home. She knew i was tured after my match so instead of sitting downstairs she took me to bed and watched tv in our room instead while I fell asleep on her chest.

(How we liking protective and caring rhea?)

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