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Wed 12th Oct 2022

Ben pov:

"Ben? Why are you here?" My mom began, I dropped my bag next to the door and tried my face. "I got suspended." I muttered pretty quietly but she definitely heard me. "Suspended! Why?!" She yelled a hint of anger beginning to show in her voice. I lifted my head up to reveal the slight bruising, my bloody nose and my split lip. "You were fighting again." She sighed, grabbing my face and examining the damage. "It wasn't my fault. They started it. I finished it" I replied coldly, swatting her hand away from my face. "Hey, I'm trying to help here-" she was getting angrier, and I snapped. "You don't help! You never help! So why start trying now" I yelled at her, forcing her away from me before running upstairs with tears rolling down my face.  I couldn't do this, I couldn't handle it before and I can't handle it now, so I turned to the only thing I knew I could handle. Watching the blood flow from my wrists was the only thing telling me that this was reality. I wanted to stop but my mind continued to tell me "just one more" until...

Y/N pov:

My stomach turned, I felt sick watching my son cutting into his arms like I once had. He couldn't lie now, I had seen too much. He hadn't noticed me yet "Ben..." I finally said, he dropped the sharpener blade that was in his hand. "Mom i-" he began, I cut him off "how long have you been doing it Ben?" I asked, hoping for an honest answer "few weeks..." "Bullshit. This-" I grabbed his arm revealing a sleeve of scars at different healed stages. "Isn't a few weeks. How long, be honest" I said letting go of his arms. "Since you and mom started fighting" he replied quietly "that was months ago ben. I'm not mad. I can't be. I was in your position once. What's giving you grief?" My voice was calm and I had joined my son on his bedz wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Not a what ..." Was all he said to me, his head hung low and he hadn't lifted it since I walked into the room. "Who then?" "Who'd you think? They won't stop it doesn't matter what I do, I can't do it anymore, I grit my teeth for so long and that's why I turned to cutting myself"

I knew who had been doing this to him and I was going to sort it out. "Look, I need to sort them out.  And I don't want any arguments, hear me out on this one. Stay here, tell your mother, she'll help clean you up, I promise she won't be mad. I wouldn't let you tell her if I knew she'd get mad. I'll be back soon. I'm going to your school." Before my son could argue I shouted demi upstairs and headed to my car, heading directly for the school. These boys were not going to look, speak, breath, exist around my son anymore. I was done with them. They crossed the line. They made my baby, my boy, hurt himself and lie to us, I was beyond pissed off. I walked straight through the office and directly through to the principal's office where one of my son's bullies was sat with his dad. Perfect. "Ahz Mrs Bennett. I had a feeling you'd show up, I'd like to discuss Benjamin's punishment with you." The principal said, offering me a seat.  I sat down and the kid left leaving me, the principal and Jake's dad. "Before you say anything about my son's punishment I'd like to say that your punishment system is fucked up." My annoyance was clear in my tone, I didn't give a shit that she was trying to keep everyone calm it wasn't going to work. "Now, Mrs Bennett we serve the punishment after surveying the damage-" "okay so why does my son have a longer suspension than his bullies?!" "We go off of physical trauma and those boys are a lot more beat up than your son, so he got a worse punishment" "okay but there are worse things happening to my son every single fucking day, he hurts himself because of those boys and he feels like ha can't talk to anyone anymore!" "We don't believe that things like that are an excuse for starting fights" "no, you don't get to say who started the fight, for months my boy has been gritting his teeth while being jeered at, made fun of and assaulted but only begin to see damage when he throws a punch, you're full of shit. So what? My kid defends himself well and gets punished and those boys harass him and nothing happens." "I understand your frustration but it's not really helping your son." "And you think you are?! Let me ask you this, were you ever bullied?" "No ma'am" "you got kids?" "No ma'am" "ever witnessed bullying?" "No ma'am" "okay so what gives you the right to say whether my kid standing up for himself is worse than those kids traumatising him?" "Ma'am have you seen the damage your son has caused?" "No. Bring them in." The principal headed over to her door and a group of four heavily beat up boys walked into the office"you see what your kid did to my boy and his friends?!" The dad finally jumped in "you wanna match?" I asked causing him to go quiet again"Ben's dead. You hear me, I'm gunning for him" the leader of the pack said, holding an ice pack this jaw. "Sure he is. If you don't get beat up by him again" I smirked turning my attention to the suited up lady "these kids, they won't be a problem to my boy anymore" "the punishment will not change" "you didn't let me finish, find these boys a ne school to go to, I'm sick of the bullying now" "are you suggesting expulsion, in which case your son will also be expelled." "No he won't, find these boys a new school in three weeks, or I sue this school" I smiled standing up an turning to the door.

"3 weeks, I mean it."

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now