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We had been getting to know Venus and found out that it's just them and their dad, They had been spending a lot of time with us because, Dean, their father isn't the most stable. We all liked Venus so it didn't matter how long they wanted to stay. They had been walking to school with Ben every day and I had been making them both breakfast in the morning. They had just headed off for school and I was cleaning up the breakfast mess, demi was still in bed and I didn't want to disturb her, I had gotten Maya up, dressed, ready for daycare and she wasn't in the best mood today, I still managed through.

I left her for 2 minutes while sorting out her car seat and when I came back she had taken her hair out and was trying to take off her dress. "Maya cmon please, keep your dress on sweetie then I'll take you to Auntie Gia" and with that, she listened, should I have lied to a 3 year old, no, did demi approve, absolutely not, did it get Maya to listen, yes, yes it did. I pulled her hair into a ponytail and got her into the car seat, when I went back inside for my phone I took one look at demi and knew what was coming next. "She'll get trust issues you know." "She's three, she won't remember." I said as I smiled "trust. Issues." "To. Ddler" I left the house with my phone and my keys and got back into the car, taking Maya to daycare.

"Hello Y/N it's not often we see you dropping Maya off." I smiled at the daycare assistant "yeah. Wife was asleep so, she's in one today so I apologize for any tantrums." The assistant just laughed before taking Maya inside the daycare.

I received a lecture about lying to the toddler that probably wouldn't remember the white lie I told but we got over it pretty quickly. I had been cleaning pretty much all day, with the help of demi at points, we had also done a bit of training and showered afterwards. I was making some dinner when I received a phone call, from Ben's school. "Hi is this Ben's mother Mrs Bennett." "Yeah that's me, what's wrong" "can you come down to the school please Ben has been part of a fight and we need you here to discuss the matter." Shit. "Okay yeah we'll be there in a min" I put the phone down and pulled demi off the sofa, grabbing a bag with my phone, wallet and keys in it. "What's up?" "Ben's been in a fight." "Shit! did he win." "We're gonna find out aren't we?" We got into Demi's car and headed towards Ben's school.

Ben pov:

"How many times! I didn't start the fight!" I kept on shouting at my guidance counselor and principal. I was getting fed up. My principal believed me, the other teachers, not so much. "Ben there is a  zero tolerance policy to fighting and he's a lot more beat up than you." "So what the trans kid gets in trouble because he knows how to defend himself!" Then my parents burst through the door "great." I whispered under my breath, knowing exactly where this was headed.

Y/N pov:

I sat down next to my son grabbing his hand, getting the first look at the damage. He was a little bruised but his knuckles were covered in blood. "What happened" I asked looking at him "it's not my blood. And it's not my fault! Which is what I've been saying this entire time! Where the hell is Danny, or or Callum or Jake! They were the ones bullying me remember! But no they don't get told! The second I stand up for myself I get the balme!" Seeing my son so upset was heartbreaking, I needed to know what exactly had happened.

The teachers explained what they saw and what they thought happened, I didn't believe that my son started a fight, he might've won a fight, but he wouldn't have started one, "why did you swing Ben?" "That doesn't matter! why aren't they the ones in trouble!" "WHY DID YOU SWING BEN!" I shouted desperate to know why "THEY Called ME A FAG!" th room fell silent, Ben was fighting tears and Venus burst through the door, bloody nose and split lip on show. "Us. they called us fags. and you're all getting it wrong. Ben was standing up for the both of us, and, he didn't swing first. I did" they smiled at me and then at demi. "Carl-" "Venus." "Right. Venus. The lunch ladies are saying that you didn't do anything." "Well they're fucking liars!" They were told off for cursing but then asked to explain what happened "me and Ben were talking at lunch, Callum and Jake were following us, scared of ben though so they wouldn't say anything. Danny came over and the other two egged him on until he said it. Called us both fags so I turned around and decked him in the nose. Then dickhead over there stepped in when I got double teamed. He stuck up for me and beat the shit out of the boys, so yeah. Wasn't his fault. See ya later Ben!" And with that Venus was gone.

"See. I was just defending my friend." Ben said, slouching in his chair. "Mrs and Mrs Bennett we can clearly see the misunderstanding here. Now Ben did cause a lot of damage... But so did the other boys so, Callum, Jake, Danny!" All three boys walked in, bruised bleeding and fucked up, Demi was trying her hardest not to laugh, earning the side eye off the councillor. "Look what that fag did to my boys" oh hell no, no way in hell was I gonna let a grown ass man call my son that slur. "Well if your boys weren't such pussies and learnt how to throw a proper punch then maybe, just maybe my kid wouldn't beat the shit out of them!"

This was it, full momma bear mode, I'd win this argument, whether or not it was physically or verbally. "My sons can throw a punch! I tought them!" At this point demi had burst into laughter "mate, no wonder they got beat up!" She said continuing to laugh, I was now trying not to laugh at the man stood in front of me, turning red with anger. "I advise that we all calm down!" I wasn't backing down, but he did, knowing that I'd kick his ass. He sat down and then the head started speaking "fighting is prohibited so all parties involved with the incident will be suspended. Ben for three days, the other boys for a week. They initiated the incident, they get the bigger punishment" the 3 boys sighed and left the room. "...what about ve-" that was the first thing he said, he really cared about them. "Venus will be let off the hook..." Ben lit up "IF they promise not to react the way they did again." "Yeah no they already told me they regret it." Ben said grabbing his bag and leaving the room with demi. I stayed, "can you change Ben's punishment. Ve is the only true friend he has, maybe more than friends if things are going in the direction I think they're going" I sighed, leaning back in the chair "I'm sorry the suspension is the only thing that we can do at this point... We can change it to two day suspension and 2 days after school detention" "yeah that's great thank you. I'd rather him be in school, for the sake of his friends. Oh and if you don't sort out the bullying problem, I will. My way." Then I left.

My wife and son were waiting in the car demi in the drivers seat now. She liked picking Maya up, but we were all in the car so driving was the next best option for her. We had a crazy day today, I just wanted to go home. Believe me I was proud of my son for finally standing up for himself but the punishment was fair. "Why didn't you want Ve to get into trouble?" I asked my son while demi was getting Maya from daycare. "Their dad." "What about their dad." "Drunk dad gets pissed off at a kid next thing you know the kid's running from home afraid of their own parental figure...."

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now