Fatal 4-way match!!

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You and rhea were sat in the gorilla waiting for the match to begin. Lynch and Asuka still hadn't arrived yet so you figured you were just early. You were stretching out when Asuka walked in to the gorilla, she tried to annoy you by pushing the back of your head down while you were stretching but she actually sorta helped you. Once you finished stretching you stood in the wing waiting for your  cue, you were the first one out since you were champion soon followed by Asuka, then Rhea then Becky. 

*time skip*


"1! 2!" "and a kickout from jinx just before 3!" the commentators shouted down their mics. I was exhausted, Rhea had managed to keep Becky put of your way for a while and she was almost completely out, she was outside the ring and Asuka wouldn't give me a chance to breathe before attacking again. I was now laying in the centre of the ring after just about dodging Asuka jumping off of the top rope. Rhea quickly jumped into the ring and went for the cover on Asuka, if she completed this pin I would lose my title. I didn't care about losing my title to Rhea, I just didn't want anyone thinking I wasn't trying against her. I picked up myself and threw myself forward, my fists crashing down of Rhea's back. Hearing her pain-filled screams hurt me so bad but I had to keep pushing if I wanted to keep my title. Asuka had rolled out of the ring, directly on to Becky so now they were fighting outside of the ring. Me and Rhea made eye contact as we stood in either corner of the ring, she ran toward me and I just about missed her headbutt by ducking out of the way. In doing so she hit her head on the turnbuckle, this gave me the chance to drive my knees into her back, sending her to the floor. 

I rolled her up but she kicked at 2, the back of her hand drove across the side of my face which sent me back. Within a second she took full control and performed a riptide. However it seemed as though Asuka couldn't hold off Becky who threw Rhea over the top rope before kicking my ribs a few times. Knowing I was too weak to kick out Lynch took the opportunity to roll my legs up and hold me in position for the count of three. The bell rung and that was it, I lost my title to Becky Lynch, I was beyond upset but the pain and anger I was experiencing overruled that. I rolled out of the ring and after gathering myself I left the arena. While I was walking to the locker room Rhea ran over to me "You okay?" she said  grabbing my shoulder. I looked back at her to tell her I was fine, but when I did my vision was fuzzy "Shit baby your nose!" Rhea said in panic, I touched my nose to find blood rolling down my hand.  Within the space of two second my vision grew darker and my mind completely blanked as I fell forward into my fiancée. 

Rhea pov: 

Y/N fell forward, completely unconscious, directly into me. I shouted for medics and slowly knelt so I could move her face up, with her head slightly tilted upward. Crew and wrestlers swarmed around up as I tried to wake her up, she didn't budge. Within a few minutes an ambulance arrived to check on her. Upon inspection they found her to have a slight concussion from hitting the ground too hard. I was the only person who had hit her head during that match. I was the cause of this. I followed the ambulance to the hospital and let Shauna know the situation. She understood and let the Aspen know what had happened. 

I refused to leave the hospital until she woke again which took about three hours total. I stayed with her for another hour afterwards until a Nurse arrived for the night shift. I had no choice but to go home after that.  When I arrived home I had to fight the tears when walking into the house alone. The girls were asleep and Shauna had gone home. Once I knew no one was around I began to sob. I had sent the love of my life to the hospital with a concussion, It hurt me to know what I had done. It hurt me knowing I had hurt her.

I ended up falling asleep in tears. What had I done?


~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now