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The orange haired boy turned to look at you. "Y/n!"

You gave the boy a hug. "I missed you so much, Shoyo!"

"You two just saw each other yesterday...." Hinata's mother had said gently.

Hinata frowned. "It felt like forever, mom!"

You two hugged each other tighter.

This was happiness.

This is perfect.

Why can't things stay like this?

7 years later...

Hinata laid on his bed, sobbing silently - doing his best to not wake his mother or little sister, Natsu. For several years now, Hinata Shoyo has been depressed.

It all started on his 12th birthday, his best friend had moved away at the beginning of the school year, and his father returned home for a single day. Hinata's father had only yelled at him - telling the boy that he was an absolute failure and would never amount to anything. Hinata, still being a fragile child, believed him.

That night, his 12th birthday - June 21st - Hinata Shoyo had cut himself for the first time.

Since then, the once happy ball of sunshine had to fake his smiles.

No one can know the pain he's really in.

It had been roughly 3 years since you last saw your childhood best friend, Hinata Shoyo. Your parents had forced you to attend Shiratorizawa Academy for middle school, meaning you technically moved away. Now, they were allowing you to go to any high school of your choice - you happened to choose Karasuno High School.

Unknown to you, your childhood best friend is attending the same school. You would finally get to see him again.

Unfortunately, he's not the same as he once was.

At the entrance ceremony, you spot a familiar head of orange hair. Your heart starts pumping faster, your lips curving into a smile. Thoughts of your childhood with the boy made your cheeks tint to a shade of pink, enough for you to feel the heat building up.

You walk up to the boy, seeing exactly who you thought it would be. "Shoyo!"

Hinata turns to you, a small smile creeping onto his face as his eyes meet yours. "Y/n."

You pull him in for a hug, squeezing him slightly. "I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry about not being around for you during middle school. I feel so lucky that my parents let me choose what high school I get to go to! And it looks like I made the right choice! Now, we can see each other all the time!"

The orange haired boy nodded. "It's great." For a little bit, he felt genuinely happy and didn't have to fully force a smile on his face. He just had to force it to stay on his face. "I can't wait to spend the next three years with you. How was middle school?"

You hum, releasing him from the tight hug. "It was rough. Shiratorizawa is no joke, they don't seem to like letting their students have fun. I couldn't do anything but study 24/7. I'm glad I'll be going to a school that will give a little more freedom and not suffocate me. How have you been? Have you been a part of any clubs? Are you thinking of joining any this year?"

He nods, making sure that sweet looking smile remains on his face. "I started a boys' volleyball club in my middle school. I plan to join to volleyball club here. What about you? Are you going to join any clubs?"

You shrug. "I don't know. I'll have to make sure my grades stay up, or my parents might rethink their decision to let me come here instead of going to Shiratorizawa's high school. If I can get my parents to agree, I might just join as a manager for your club. It'll be nice to spend time together again."

"It would be great to see you all the time. Hey, what class are you in? I'm in class 1."

You look at the board in front of you, looking for your name under each of the class numbers. "Looks like I'm in class 5. I guess that was to be expected, since I was forced into getting nearly perfect grades in middle school. It sucks we're not in the same class, but we can always spend lunch break together."

Hinata stretches his smile wider, just enough for it to be noticeable. "I'd love to spend lunch with you. And, until I start club activities, we can go home together. You still ride a bike to and from school, right?"

You nod, giving him a thumbs up. "That's the perk of living next door to you. We get to ride our bikes together."

"That's good. Oh, it looks like we need to start heading to our classes now. I'll see you at lunch, Y/n-chan."

You wave to him as he splits away to head to his classroom. "See you, Shoyo." You walk into your classroom, finding the seat you were supposed to be sitting in. You happened to be in one of the front rows.

You watched as a short blonde girl with some of her hair in a side ponytail walk into the room. The girl looked anxious, almost slinking across the room. She looked for her seat, finding it to be the one behind you.

You turn and smile at her. "Hi, I'm L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you." You hold your hand out for her to take.

She hesitantly takes it in her own, giving it a shake before letting go. "Y-Yachi H-Hi-Hitoka. N-nice to meet you t-too." Yachi gives a nervous smile.

You chuckle. "You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm a very kind and friendly person. Would you like to be friends, since we're gonna be spending the whole year together?"

Yachi nods, her hair moving all over the place. "S-sure. Um, do you have any other friends that go here?"

"Yeah, my childhood best friend is in class 1. I'll be seeing him again at lunch. You can always join us, if you'd like."

She shakes her head. "I won't interrupt you two. I don't know anyone here, yet. B-but! I need to work on getting better with my anxiety, so I'm going to be trying to make friends during lunch today."

You give her a big smile, your teeth showing and eyes closing. "I'm glad to be your first friend here so far. And if you ever need or want to, you can always join me and my friend during lunch. We'd be happy to have you around."

"Thank you!"

Meanwhile, Hinata was sitting at his desk in his class. The smile had long since been wiped off his face. He just wanted to get this day over with. Of course, he'd be applying to join the boys' volleyball club for the school, and he'd go to check it out by the end of the day. Other than that, he had no motivation to be here whatsoever. Seeing you made him feel a little better, but deep down, he just wanted to lay in bed until he stops breathing.

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