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You made your approach to the net, jumping about as high as Hinata normally does. You watch the ball from your peripheral vision. Once it's in front of you, it seems to stop moving. This allows you time to slam it down in any way you see fit. It lands on the opposite side of the net, and you land. You jump up, cheering that things were going so well. "Great job, Kageyama! It's looking really good!"

Kageyama nods, watching as you move back to get another running approach. "Thank you, L/n. Yachi, can you get another ball ready?"

Yachi nods, already grabbing a new volleyball from the ball cart that was placed near where she stood on the side lines. "Let me know when to toss it to you again, Kageyama-kun."

He nods slightly, turning back to you. "Go ahead and start your approach, but make sure you're not jumping in the same spot as last time. I need to work on being able to toss to any spot on the court. And we'll be using each spot multiple times. I need consistency. The sooner I can get everythign perfected, the better."

You nod. You start your approach once more. When you're ready to jump, you hear Kageyama signal to Yachi to toss the ball to him. Once the ball is in his hands, he sets it over to you with the toss he's been working on. Once again, the momentum of the ball stops as it arrives in front of you. You decide to use a cross spike this time around. When you land you smile at the boy. "Once again, good job. You're getting much better with this."

Kageyama looks at his hands. "I can't do it all the time, though. I still need work. But, it's much easier to have an actual spiker. It make it easier to toss. Just visualizin a spiker alone can only get me so far. You've seen the mistakes I've made during matches. I need to get this down, so that it can actually be useful when it's time for the next tournament. Please keep doing everything like you have. This is the only way I'll get better."

You make an ok sign with you hand. "You got it. I can keep going for as long as needed." At least, that's what you thought.


You land once more, but something feels off. Your body feels heavy like lead. You shake your head, but feel your entire body sway. Your vision blurs, and you heave in a deep breath, desperately trying to suck in air. Something felt wrong, even worse than usual. You quickly drop, sitting on the ground. No matter how much air you sucked in, it felt like you couldn't breathe.

Yachi dropped the ball she was holding, rushing to your side. She dropped to her knees, carefully placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, Y/n, are you ok? What's wrong? Are you feeling dizzy? Lightheaded? What's wrong?"

You couldn't speak, even though you opened your mouth. No sound would come out. You simply nod your head, panicked. You hadn't felt like this the last few times you passed out.

Kageyama hurries over, kneeling beside you. He put his hand in front of your face, holding out one of his fingers. "Can you see my hands?" He watches you nod. "Can you clearly see how many fingers I'm holding up?"

You shake your head. You gasp for air, wondering if any was actually getting to your lungs. You sway again, falling against Kageyama. You start hyperventilating.

Kageyama furrows his brows. "Slow your breathing down, L/n. The way you're breathing isn't going to do you any good. Calm down. Yachi, can you find one of the coaches, or even Takeda-sensei please? We need to get someone else here, they might know what to do."

Yachi nods, quickly standing up. "Hang in there, Y/n. I'll hurry back with an adult." He bolts out of the gym in a panic, hoping to find someone soon.

Kageyama tries calming himself, since his heart was frantic in his chest. He took slow, deep breaths. "Can you stand?"

You shake your head. It felt as if your body was shutting down. You couldn't hold yourself up any longer, slipping away from Kageyama and falling onto the ground.

The setter rushed around, finding a full water bottle. "Here, drink some. Take your time." He hold it to your lips and helps you drink.

It was a struggle for you. The water felt thick going down your throat. It hurt a little, making your stop. You gasp for air once more. Everything started spinning, your body started shaking violently. You had no clue what was going on. You no longer had control over your body. Things went black, and all your senses dulled until you felt nothing but a sharp pain in your chest. But, that soon disappeared.

Kageyama was panicking, hoping someone would hurry up and come back. He's never experienced anything like this. He has no clue what just happened. All he knows is that you're unresponsive. He tried calling your name multiple times, but you remained still. Your eyes were opened, but slowly closed on their own. You had no control over what your body was doing.

Yachi bursts into the gym, a certain teacher right behind her. "Kageyama, is she alright?!"

Kageyama slowly turns to the two, a horrified look in her eyes. "She - her whole body just suddenly shook violently. She - she's not r-responding."

Takeda quickly kneel down, checking for a pulse. "It looks like her pulse is a little weak. Explain to me what happened to the best of your ability."

Kageyama swallows the saliva that built in his mouth. "She - it looked like her body was spasming or something."

The teacher takes a deep breath. "I need you two to remain calm and keep quiet about this. Based on what Kageyama has said, it sounds like she might've just had a seizure. I'm gonna call the medics on campus to take a look at her tonight. If they say this is serious, I might have to leave the camp with her to take her to a hospital. Don't say a word to anyone else about this, since L/n should have a say in who knows. Kageyama, can you pick her up and follow me? Let's get this dealt with carefully and quickly. I'll inform the other coaches, and make sure they know to not say anything to any of the other players. Don't worry. L/n should be fine. I'll make sure of that."

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