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You groan, letting your head fall and hit the top of your desk.

Yachi looked at you from her seat behind you. "Are you alright, Y/n? You don't seem to be doing so well today. Did you not sleep well? Are you feeling sick? If you're not feeling well, you should probably go home and rest. I think the teachers will understand if you need a day off. And you won't have to worry about practice, I'll work hard with Kiyoko-san. I think we can manage without you if you aren't feeling well."

You don't pick your head up off the desk. "It's not that. I feel fine. I guess I'm just a little tired from the late night study session I had with Shoyo. Kageyama is doing just fine with everything we've been giving him, since his memorization skills are pretty good. Shoyo... I think he might be a lost cause. I doubt that we can get him in proper shape to score well on the midterms."

The blonde girl hummed. "If it's taking so much out of you, why don't I help him for a bit?"

"You don't live next to him. He's coming over to my house for extra studying. I know he's determined to go to this training camp in Tokyo, but this is kinda ridiculous. As much as I'd love to see him do well academically, it's just too much for me. He kept me up until 1 in the morning just to make sure he got his english as good as possible. I mean, it took him that long to get him to get not only a passing grade, but a pretty good grade. Like, it was almost college prepatory level of passing. For once in his life, he was able to score an 80 on a mock test." You let out another groan. "Then he insisted that I give him a reward for how well he did. He has too much stamina, and no ability to read when someone is already completely drained!" You pick your head up, just to slam it back down onto the desk.

Yachi reaches over, gently patting your back. "It can't be that bad. Maybe he just wants to make sure that you two still do couple stuff together. I mean, even if he doesn't exactly have the best timing, he at least has good intentions. Hopefully." She lets out an awkward chukle, hoping she wasn't just speaking utter nonsense.

You raise your head once more, this time turning your body to face the girl behind you. "I hope you're right, Hitoka. And, can you actually give Shoyo some help with his studying? It would be so much easier for me to spend less time helping him. I've barely had enough time to do my own studying. I literally have to get up about three hours before morning practice just so I can review all the material that might be on the midterms. I'm trying to make sure my grades don't drop, or else my parents will lose their shit."

She smiles at you. "Don't worry. I'll help out as much as I can. Maybe I can also try talking with Hinata to let him go easier with you, in regards to giving you enough time to sleep and study."

You offer a weak smile to your friend. "Thanks. I appreciate your existence so much."

"Now I know you're exhausted. You should get sleep during lunch, Y/n. I'll leave the class to help Hinata and Kageyama."

"Thank you so much."


Tsukishima looks at you, eyeing you up and down. "You look tired. Did shrimpy keep you up all night?"

You look up at him, a tired expression on your face. "Yes. You're lucky you don't live close to him. He'll force me to stay up till early in the morning just so he makes just a little bit of progress." You lean against the tall middle blocker, closing your eyes.

The blond rolls his eyes, gently stroking your hair. "You should've just stayed at home. With how tired you are, you might not be much help for us during practice. The most I'd expect you to do is sleep in a safe spot while we practice."

You hum, leaning into his touch. "You might be right there, Tsukishima. But I'm still a manager, so I'll be pushing myself to help everyone out to the best of my ability. I just hope Shoyo will let me rest tonight."

"I'm starting to worry about how you're going to perform on the midterms." He glances around the gym, hoping none of the other guys could see what he was doing. "Tch. Hold on a minute. Sit down over here." He guides you to a spot on the floor, out of the way and makes you sit down. "I'll be right back."

You watch as he walks out of the gym. What is he doing?

Tsukishima returns, his track suit jacket in his hand. He throws it on top of you, covering your face. "Take this for the time being. Get some rest. You're still helping me tutor the two idiots after practice. Get yourself into proper shape." He walks away, not letting you get another word in.

You pull the jacket off of your face, a smile spreading across your lips. "Thanks, Tsukishima." You lean against the wall, pulling the jacket over you. You close your eyes, slowing down your breathing.

Kiyoko walks over, standing beside you. "Taking a nap, Y/n?"

You crack open one of your eyes, taking a glance at the older girl. "Yeah. Didn't sleep much last night. I was told to get some rest, since I'll still be helping out with tutoring a certain first year duo."

The black haired girl chuckles. "I see. Well, I won't disturb you. I hope you get a good rest in. I'll only wake you up if it's an emergency."

You nod, closing your eye again. "Thanks. I'll try to be more helpful by the end of practice."

"Take your time. We can wait for you to get into a better state. Your health is the number one priority." She walks off, letting you rest up.

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