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The alarm went off. A hand reached over, causing the noise to stop. A head pops out from under a blanket, causing the figure to slowly sit up. They rub their eyes, trying to get rid of their sleepiness. Legs are swung over the side of the bed before the person stands up, starting the day. A messy head of orange hair moves across the room, leaving the bedroom and moving towards the bathroom.

When Hinata looks into the mirror, he sees how tired he looks. He lets out a sigh. I could've slept so much better if it weren't for everyone else either snoring or moving around. I hope Y/n got a good night's sleep. It would suck to see her exhausted while she's helping us out. What is she gonna say if she sees me like this? From what I know, Shimizu and Y/n might be coming here to make breakfast for all of us. I have to wake myself up quickly. Y/n has already been seeing through my act. I don't need her to find out there's anything wrong. If she knows about how bad I've been doing, she'll do nothing but worry about me. She needs to be able to live her own life. I can't keep taking up all her time and attention.

There's a knock on the door, startling the orange haired boy. "Y-yes?!"

Kageyama yawns on the other side of the door, speaking loud enough for the boy inside the room to hear. "Hurry up, dumbass. I need to use the bathroom."

Hinata opens the door, peering out at the taller boy. He lets out a relieved breath when he sees that the setter is the only one around. "Sorry, Kageyama. I guess I'm still a bit tired. I took too long. Is anyone else awake yet?" Hinata walks out of the room, turning to look at the taller boy.

Kageyama steps into the doorway of the bathroom. "No. Your alarm only woke me up. Everyone else is still sound asleep. Shimizu and L/n aren't gonna be here for another hour or two. You should try getting more sleep. You need enough rest or you'll play like shit." He walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

Hinata sighs. "Right." He walks back to the room all the guys are sleeping in. He goes back to his futon and lays back down, closing his eyes. I should get some more sleep. I would've liked to go for a morning run, but I can't let anyone find out that there's something wrong. I should keep up with pretending everything is fine. That's the only way I won't be a burden on everyone else.


"Ryu, we've been blessed once again!"

"You're right, Noya! This meal has been pleased by the gods themselves after being made by angels."

You sighed, heading to the kitchen to start cleaning up all the dishes that have been used. "Looks like I'm going to have to get used to those two acting like this all the time. How does Kiyoko put up with it? And how will it not drive me crazy when I become a manager for them?" You mutter to yourself, aggressively cleaning the dirty dishes.

Kiyoko chuckles, grabbing the plate you're scrubbing and rinsing it off before putting it in the dish drying rack. "You'll get used to how things work in no time, Y/n. Don't let it bother you. If you really need to, just do what I do: pretend as if nothing is going on."

You smile slightly. "Right. You've been doing that for two years now. You have to teach me your ways. I need to become like you. That might be the only way I can stay sane around Nishinoya and Tanaka."

"I'll help you out. It just takes a little time. Sometimes, it's almost as if they're not around."

"Oh, you two are doing the dishes. Thank you for working so hard already." Takeda had walked into the kitchen, surprised to find you girls cleaning up already. "You do have the schedule for the day, right?"

You nod. "Yes, coach Ukai gave us a run down of how things are gonna play out each day while we ate breakfast. We're ready to help out however we're needed."

The teacher smiles, turning to walk out of the room. "It's really great that you're helping, even though you're not a part of the club, L/n. They boys seem to be really happy whenever you're around." He walks out, not letting you say anything to him.

Kiyoko nudges you with her elbow. "See? Everyone likes having you around. You never have anything to worry about with this team. Let's hurry, the boys might come in here if we take too long."

You two quickly wash the dishes, soon leaving the kitchen. You walk through a few of the other rooms, heading outside. You vaguely remember the way back to the gym from here, so you decide to walk there before anyone else shows up.


You stop in your tracks, turning around to look at the owner of the voice. "Did you need something?"

Hinata shakes his head, slowing to a stop until he's standing right next to you. "I finished my breakfast before the rest of the team, and saw you leaving. I thought we could walk together."

You smile at him, starting to walk with him. "I guess that's fine. How did you sleep? it's not everyday you sleep in a different place, especially with a whole bunch of other people. Were you able to fall asleep? You didn't wake up in the middle of the night, did you?"

He chuckles. "You worry too much, Y/n-chan. I slept great. I feel like I can run all day! What about you? How was it to spend the night with Shimizu-san? You didn't have any problems did you?"

You shake your head. "Quite the opposite, actually. I had such a good time, and her mom already loves having me around. I have a feeling that I might end up having more sleepovers with Kiyoko in the future."

Hinata smiles. "It's good that you're having fun, and that you have other friends. I just want you to be happy."

You pause, letting him walk ahead of you. Your face heats up, feeling almost as if it was on fire. Shoyo wants me to be happy? Does that mean... "Would you do anything to keep me happy?"

He stops walking, turning to face him. "For the most part, yeah. Your happiness is the most important thing to me."

You smile sweetly, walking up to him and grabbing his hand. "I feel the same about you, Shoyo. Let's get to the gym. I can send you some tosses while we wait for the others."

Hinata tightens his hold on your hand, then start jogging. "What are we waiting for? Let's hurry to the gym!"

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