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When the third set was getting ready to start, the door to the gym opened. You looked over and saw a tall brunette boy walk in. For some reason, he looked really familiar to you, but you couldn't place it. He walked over the Aoba Johsai team and talked to the coach, before heading out of the gym.

He stopped and looked at you with wide eyes. "Ushiwaka's kouhai?"

You realized why you recognized him. "Oikawa Tooru. I thought I recognized you. It's been a while."

Oikawa nods. "You're not going to Shiratorizawa?"

You shake your head. "No. I never wanted to be there in the first place. I go to Karasuno now. How've you been?"

He smiles at you. "I'm good. I'm glad you don't go to Shiratorizawa. I always thought you were too good for that place, L/n-chan. Well, I've got to go change and warm up. I'll see you later." He winks at you, waving as he walks away.

Both teams look at you with jaws dropped.

Kageyama muttered to himself, a frown settling on his face. "She knows Oikawa-san? Wait, she's friends with Oikawa-san? When did that happen?"

Hinata looked surprised. "I didn't even know that she knew him. Do you know him, Kageyama?"

"Middle school senpai of mine. I'm pretty sure he's the usual setter for the Aoba Johsai team. I'm just surprised that L/n knows who he is." Kageyama turned his head towards the team on the other side of the net. "I guess we'll have to wait until later to find out more about this."


"L/n-chan~! Are you ready to watch me play against your current team?" Oikawa walked back in, patting your head as he started walking past you.

You look up at him from where you sat on the bench. "Shiratorizawa was never my team. And you have a lot of catching up to do. My team is about to kick your ass."

"Such a dirty mouth! You need better influences, L/n-chan! I'll be talking to you after this match!"

You shoo him away. "Go to your team. They could use their setter right about now."

"Fine, fine." He walks away from you, smiling and waving at you as he makes his way to his team.

You watch as he replaces one of the wing spikers, being brought in to serve. You knew he had a pretty good serve, from what you remembered about being forced to matches in middle school. Ushijima spotted you and would have you come along with him, practically make you take care of his every need. You frowned when you remembered how middle school went, shaking your head and refocusing on the match in front of you. You see Oikawa hitting a powerful serve, your own team being unable to receive it. It doesn't help that Karasuno currently doesn't have their libero with them, who's position you had taken whenever you joined in on their practices.

You watch your two first year friends prepare to do their quick once more. You were able to spot the ball hitting the floor on Aoba Johsai's side of the court. You looked closely, seeing Oikawa just looking around with wide eyes. You suppress a chuckle, not wanting to laugh at the boy who didn't expect that quick.

The boys on both teams went back to their benches, packing up and getting ready to call it a day. The Karasuno boys look at you warily, wanting to ask you the question that's been on their minds since Oikawa first spoke with you.

Kageyama steps forward, leaving little to no space in between the two of you. "L/n, how do you know Oikawa-san?"

You look at the team, seeing the curiosity in all of their eyes. "Oh, well a senpai of mine from Shiratorizawa middle dragged me to a few of his games. I met Oikawa-senpai there, and we kinda became friends. Speaking of which, he said he wanted to speak with me. I'll see you guys in a bit." You bow to the team, turning to walk over to the Aoba Johsai captain. "Oikawa-senpai. You lost, how do you feel?"

Oikawa frowns at you. "So mean. You really are surrounded by bad influences wherever you go. And I barely count that as a loss on my end, I wasn't even around for the majority of the game." He walks closer to you, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the gym. "Come with me. I need to change real quick, then I can walk you to the entrance of the school." He leads you into the locker room, throwing his shorts off and changing into his track suit. "Do you finally have a little boyfriend, L/n-chan?"

You shake your head as you two walk out of the club room. "Not yet. Though, the orange haired boy on my team is my crush. I haven't found a good time to tell him my feelings yet. I've just been worried cuz it seems like he's going through things, but he won't tell me about them."

The brunette hums. "I see. Well, I wish you the best of luck with that. Does Tobio-chan bother you much? Does he yell at you? Bully you, perhaps?"

"Nope! Kageyama is my friend!"

Oikawa halts, arriving at the entrance gate with you. "Interesting. Let me know how that goes for you. You're always more than welcome to come to me if you ever need anything. Even if you just wanna talk, I'll lend you an ear. If you ever feel like crying, I can be the shoulder you lean on." He looks away from you, noticing his former kouhai approaching with the rest of the Karasuno team. "Look at what the cat dragged in. It's been a while, hasn't it Tobio-chan. I see you might not be the same little brat you were in middle school."

You smack his arm. "Be nice, Oikawa! Don't make me get Iwaizumi on your ass."

"L/n-chan, so mean! Where have you learned to be like this?"

"From literally everyone around me." You deadpan. "From Ushijima to Iwaizumi, and now I learn from everyone at Karasuno."

Oikawa huffed out a breath, crossing his arms over his chest. "And to think, you were once so cute that I would've loved to become your boyfriend. Nowadays, I wonder how anyone would ever want you as a girlfriend. I think I need to teach you how to appeal to the opposite sex."

You roll your eyes. "There are plenty of guys that would like a girl like me. I'm not gonna pretend to be butt hurt about it because I'm not your type." You turn to the Karasuno team. "Are you all ready to head home?"

They nod. A few more words are exchanged between Kageyama and Oikawa before the older setter walks away.

Hinata moves closer you to, carefully wrapping an arm around you. "Are you ready to eat dinner together? My mom says you're more than welcome to come over tonight."

You smile at him, wrapping an arm around him. "Let's go, Shoyo."

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