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You stare blankly at the paper in front of you. You had no words. You just remained silent, unmoving.

Your reaction caused the boy in front of you to fidget nervously. "I know you're probably mad, Y/n, but just know that I tried my best. It was an honest mistake, but I didn't notice it in time. But - but! The answers are all right! That's something, isn't it?"

"Shoyo. You will have a supplementary lesson. This means you don't get to go to Tokyo with everyone else this weekend." You slowly move your eyes away from the paper you were holding, looking at your boyfriend.

All the color drained out of Hinata's face. "No. There - there has to be a way that I can still make it there! I can't just do nothing! I want to play volleyball!"

You look at the other boys in the room. "Someone, please talk some sense into him. There's no way he can make it to Tokyo if he failed any of his tests. There will be supplementary lessons that he'll have to take. There's no chance that he can still travel, since grades take priority over extracurriculars."

Sugawara sighed. "Look, Hinata, Kageyama, you just need to do your best with the supplementary lessons. Don't worry about the training camp, we'll be able to handle ourselves without you guys."

Tanaka cut in. "Actually, I know of a way you guys can make it to Tokyo. You both only have one failed subject each, right? That will only take a little bit of time in the morning. When you guys finish up, I'll call your savior."

Immediately, Kageyama and Hinata brightened up, determined looks on their faces. "Thank you, Tanaka-senpai!"

You sigh, heading to the door of the club room. "I give up. I'm going to meet you all in the gym. Don't take too long, or coach Ukai will get mad." You open the door and walk out, closing the door behind you while exhaling a breath. You walk to the gym, almost dragging your feet as you walk inside the building.

Yachi jogs over to you. "How was it? Are they in despair? Are they giving up on life?!"

You shake your head. "They're idiots alright. They're finding ways of actually going to Tokyo after dealing with their lessons. I'm not gonna bother with this matter anymore. I'm just a little disappointed that they still managed to fail even just one of their tests. After everything we all did to get them to pass. It feels almost like I wasted time and energy."

Kiyoko walks over, patting your shoulder. "Don't worry about it. All that hard work wasn't for nothing. They only failed one subject each. And with Hinata, there was just a little mistake with the placement of his answers. Weren't all his answers right?"

You nod. "Yeah, but still. It's such a shame that they didn't pass all of their tests. I feel bad for both of them. And Kageyama worked on memorizing everything, only for him to get a curveball thrown at him. I feel bad for the guys. They worked so hard, and still failed."

Yachi tried giving a reassuring smile. "It should be fine. All we need to do well is tutor them so they can do well on their supplementary lessons."

"Oh no." You fall backwards, landing harshly onto your back. "No more! I quit! Don't involve me with any of this!"

Right as you shouted out your frustrations, the boys of the team walk into the gym. They all look in your direction, seeing you sprawled out on the ground with your eyes closed. They looked at you, visibly confused.

Daichi sighed, walking over so he could find out what's going on. "What happened this time?"

Kiyoko looked down at your sprawled out form. "Hitoka brought up the fact that Hinata and Kageyama are gonna need to study for their supplementary lessons."

Yachi had a bead of sweat roll down her face. "I don't think Y/n is gonna lend a hand this time around."

Hinata looked at you with sad eyes. "You're not helping, Y/n?"

You open your eyes, glaring at your boyfriend. "I love you, but kindly fuck off. I already loat plenty of sleep having to deal with that bullshit while studying for my own tests. You're on your own this time. Don't even look at me if you want help."

Kiyoko and Yachi work together to pull you up off the floor. The older girl shakes her head. "And now we see Y/n be absolutely done with everything to the point where she can't manage to put on a smile."

Tsukishima huffed out a breath, stepping further into the gym. "I'm with L/n on this one. I'm not lending a hand to help. Leave me alone and deal with your own problems. I have my own life to live."

You stretch, feeling a slight pain from where you hit the floor. "I'm really sorry, but I just can't keep staying up late at night. My parents nearly lost their shit when they thought my grades would lower. If they catch me staying up late again, especially to help someone else, they might not let me stay with the club... or at Karasuno. They really want me to put my grades first."

Hinata looked at the ground, feeling bad for causing you problems. "Sorry. I guess it's ok if you don't help out this time around. I should be fine with Yachi-san's help."

Yachi nodded, offering a kind smile. "Don't worry, Hinata! I'll make sure you pass on the first try!"

You look between the two, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. You felt unhappy for some reason, you couldn't understand what exactly you were feeling. "Ok, good luck then." You turn your back to them, a deep frown spreading across your face.

Tsukishima caught sight of the look on your face. Huh. L/n was the last person I would've expected to ever get jealous.

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