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"Shoyo did what." You speak calmly, staring at the adults in front of you. You blink slowly, a neutral expression on your face.

Takeda sighed. "He... snuck into the training camp at Shiratorizawa. He has permission to stay, but... Ukai, will you tell her?"

The coach nods, stepping closer to you. "He's going to be acting as a ball boy for them. It would seem like coach Washijo doesn't care that he's there, but he refuses to let Hinata play with the others. Rightfully so, since he wasn't actually invited to the camp. Can you retrieve him at the end of their practices every day? Just, I'd like to have someone arrive to check in on him daily. If anyone can sense a change with Hinata, it would be you."

You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "I can only imagine how Tsukishima is feeling about all of this right about now. Not only will I do as you say, but I'm going to remind him of his position on the team. I'll definitely lecture him the whole way home. He'll learn a lesson one way or another."

Ukai gave a nervous smile, kind of fearing you in this moment. "Oh, uh, since you're willing to do that... let's make a deal. Since you said you can play with the boys for a bit, we'll limit your time on the court to an hour. The first hour you come back from walking Tsukishima and Hinata to Shiratorizawa will be used for you to act as a libero. For the remaining time, I'd like you to travel back to Shiratorizawa to keep an eye on things. I already discussed everything with the coaches in charge of the camp, and they agreed to having you around for about half of their practices."

You nod, heading towards the court. "Got it."


"Um, hello. I'm L/n Y/n from Karasuno. Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei said they alerted you I'd be coming here."

Coach Anabara smiled at you. "Thank you for coming. And, so sorry to trouble you when you have your own matters to tend to."

You shake your head. "Not at all. I already promised Tsukishima that I'd provide as much support for him as possible. This is also the least I could do since our shorter first year came out of nowhere."

Coach Washijo snorted. "He's not even valuable without that setter of yours. You shouldn't waste time worrying about him. He made his choice, now he'll live with the consequences. That's all there is to it. He won't do much improving for nationals if he stays here. You should try convincing him to go back to his own practice. He's actually needed and wanted there."

You frown. "Shoyo has potential. He just needs to find a way to unlock it." You look over, seeing him fail at being a ball boy. "But I will continue to consider talking him out of this nonsense. It won't do any good if he can't get any practice in."

Tsukishima looks over, noticing how you're watching everything happen. He decides to walk over to you. "L/n, why are you here?"

You give him a weak smile. "I was sent to keep an eye on my idiot over there." You point to your boyfriend. "He's being stubborn and wants to participate in this any way he can. I was sent away after practicing with the team for an hour after getting back. I'll be walking you guys here, practicing with the team for an hour, then come back here to assist you both home when the day's over."

"That seems like a bit too much work for a manager. Why don't you just stay here the whole time?"

You shake your head. "No, I already promised everyone else that I would play with them for a little each day. I can deal with running around like this for a while. Don't worry about me. Just get back to what you're supposed to be doing here. I'll try to keep Shoyo under control."

Tsukishima hesitates, but ends up nodding. He turns his back to you. "Thank you for everything you do. I'm counting on you, L/n." He walks back over to the court.

You let out a sigh. "Is there anything you two need me to do while I'm here?"

Washijo let out a huff. "Talk some sense into that short idiot."

"Right." You walk over to where the ball boys were. "Shoyo-"

"Watch out!"

You quickly receive the ball, sending it right into the ball cart. You turn back to your boyfriend. "Shoyo. This is enough. You've caused enough trouble for one day. Give it up and come back to Karasuno with me."

Hinata just looks at you in awe. "That receive was amazing, Y/n!"

You ended up having the attention of everyone in the gym, the activities being halted. You furrow your brows at the orange haired boy. "Shoyo, you're an absolute idiot. What the hell were you thinking?! Coming all this way when we need you at practice! Have you lost your goddamn mind?!"

He shrunk in the spot he was standing in. "I just want to get stronger. I really wanted ot be invited to a camp, too. Just let me do this, Y/n! I know this will help me!"

"No. You're leaving now. You've caused everyone enough trouble. I have to come here every day that you're here. This is disrupting our own practice. You don't even realize what you've done, do you?"

Hinata straightens himself up, a look of defiance forming on his face. "I'm not leaving. If you have to come here every day, then so be it. I know this will help me. I don't know how, but I'm sure it will. I can't be the only one that sits and does nothing this whole time. Just support me like you always do."

Everyone in there stood in a stunned silence. Even the boys that had only seen you once before knew that what Hinata said was wrong. They were waiting for the drama to happen.

You crossed your arms over your chest, clearly unhappy. "Shoyo. I'm not fucking around."

"Neither am I." He stood his ground. "If you really love me, then you wouldn't stop me from doing I consider important for me."

You look away, making eye contact with Tsukishima. "Do as you please. But I'm not gonna help you. If you struggle with anything, you're on your own. I'll be standing with the coaches, watching over Tsukishima instead of worrying about you." You turn on your heel, walking back over to the coaches.

The camp resumes, but there's an uncomfortable tension in the air.

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