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When the bell rang to signal lunch, you turned around to smile at a certain blonde girl. "Hitoka, I'm going to go meet up with Shoyo, Kageyama, and maybe one of the third years on the volleyball team. Text me if you need me for anything. I'll come running if it's urgent."

Yachi chuckles. "I'll let you know if something comes up. I'll make sure to include whether or not I'll actually need you to come help me out. Go, and enjoy your lunch with your other friends. I'll be fine here until further notice. Have some fun with the boys you're lucky to have as friends."

You smile wider, standing up and hugging your friend. "Alright, I'll see you in a little while." You grab your bento from your bag and leave the classroom. You walk through the halls, stumbling upon Kageyama on your way to Hinata's classroom. "Oh, hey, Kageyama. Would you like to join me while I get Shoyo?"

The setter just looks at you for a moment. "Sure, why not. That means you two need to come with me while I get milk from one of the vending machines."

"Does this mean I get to learn what you like to drink during breaks?"

He shrugs. "I guess. Why? Did you want to know?"

"I was curious since you always manage to show up drinking something everyday." You arrive at your childhood friend's classroom, opening the door and peeking inside. "Shoyo! Kageyama and I are here for you! Come on, let's go spend lunch together!" You gave a bright smile to your friend.

Kageyama frowned. "Why'd you have to say that I was here too? Don't make it sound as if I care about him or came here specifically for him. I'm only here because I ran into you and you asked me to join you."

Some of the students began murmuring the moment they saw you. "Hey, look! It's L/n! She's actually here, asking for someone in the class."

One of the boys that talked to Hinata earlier turned to him. "Hey, L/n's here for you, Hinata. Didn't know you two were so close. She even calls you by first name."

Hinata stood from his seat, grabbing his bento from his bag before murmuring back to the boy. "We've known each other our whole lives." He walks over to the door, where you were waiting with the black haired setter. Hinata puts a smile on his face as he greets you. "Hey, Y/n. How was your day so far?"

You shrug, grabbing his upper arm and leading him out of the classroom, Kageyama on your other side. "It was fine. Hitoka and I talked a while before class, even helped each other double check our homework. Nothing special happened."

"Why did you and Kageyama go to my class together?"

Your eyes widened for a split second. "Oh, well I ran into him on the way to your classroom. He only joined me because I asked him to. Right, Kageyama?"

Kageyama nods. "I would've just walked away if it weren't for L/n showing up. Let me stop at the vending machine before we go to the open space for lunch. And eat quickly! We still need to get some receiving practice in while we have some time."

Hinata frowned, looking away. "I know, I know. You're so bossy sometimes. Would it kill you to be a little nicer to me?"


"You're just mean!"

You pat your friend on the back after letting go of him arm. "Calm down, the both of you."

Kageyama glances at you from the corner of his eye, getting ready to press a button on the vending machine. "I am calm."

"Oh. Right. Good job for remaining calm and not yelling, Kageyama. Shoyo, don't let everything others say to you get under your skin. Be the bigger person and let it go."

Hinata huffed out a breath, walking over to a nearby bench and sitting down. "He started it, though."

Kageyama leaned up against a tree near the bench. "I think you actually started it. You called me bossy then asked the question I responded to."

"You were tryna order me around!"

You quickly shovel food into the ginger's mouth. "That's enough of this. You both need to get along. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." You began to eat your lunch, using your peripheral vision to keep an eye on the two boys. Neither said another word after you last spoke, knowing it would be best to remain quiet to keep themselves from fighting again.

Sugawara spots you guys, after having spoken to Daichi. He walks right up to you, sitting beside you on the bench. "Hey, L/n."

"Oh, hey, Sugawara-senpai. Is everything alright?" You put more food into your mouth, trying to make sure you actually eat your lunch. You look towards Kageyama and Hinata, who had already finished their lunches and were doing some receiving practice.

The silver haired boy nods, smiling at you. "Yeah, don't worry. I just talked with Daichi. He said it would be ok for you to sit in on the practice match tomorrow. He thinks it might be better to have someone not a part of the team to watch it. He thinks it might actually be great motivation for all the guys on the team if they see someone coming to watch anything we do."

You nod, turning your full attention to your two friends. "I see. Well, I'm glad that it'll be fine for me to sit in and watch. I would've been so bored at home with nothing to do. I look forwards to watching all the guys play."

Sugawara hums. "Maybe, when the time comes, you could watch some of our actual matches. You could probably be the motivation we need for some of the guys on the team to work a little harder during our games. And, if we have a pretty girl cheering for us, I think everyone would be much happier while playing."

You chuckle. "I'll have to see. I don't think the school will let me just skip classes to watch your matches. I do want to see them, but I also don't want to miss anything important in class."

"You're a pretty good student, then. Most people our age would be looking for ways to get out of classes." He chuckles.

You look at him briefly before refocusing on the two first years. "I guess I have my reasons for being a good student. Though, I'd love nothing more than to be able to cheer Shoyo on while he's doing the thing he loves most."

Sugawara smiles warmly at you, slowly tearing his attention away from you. He watches the two first years sending the ball back and forth. "You're a good friend. I bet you'd make a good girlfriend to one of those two one day. Which one, I'm still trying to figure out. All I know is that they love having you around, even if they don't always show it. I just hope it doesn't get in the way of their passion for volleyball."

You laugh softly to yourself. "As if I could distract either of those boys from volleyball. It's what they love most. That's why I've always stood on the sidelines. I just want to see all my friends happy. I wouldn't dare to do anything to get in the way of their passions."

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