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You've been worried about him all day. He barely said a word to you all day. You could tell something was wrong, but he was hiding it from you. If you tried asking what the problem was, he'd blow you off. And you started realizing something about this boy. He started saying a certain excuse whenever you asked how he was. "I'm tired". The fact that he wouldn't say anything else raised a red flag in your mind. You had learned from several psychology books that the phrase your best friend kept saying could mean something more serious. Was Hinata hiding depression from you? You had no clue, but you were starting to suspect that something was going on, and he wasn't telling you.

"Shoyo." You place your hand on his shoulder, stopping him from moving. "Talk to me. Something's going on. You can't just be tired, unless you're trying to say that you're tired of something. I won't take excuses anymore. Tell me what's wrong. I'm your best friend. I'm here for you. Open up and let me shoulder your burdens with you. Don't try walking away, don't give me a simple excuse. Something's bothering you and you clearly can't handle it anymore. What's wrong? Don't you trust me?"

Hinata sighs, turning to face you. "Sorry, Y/n, I just don't want to talk about it. I trust you, more than anyone else, but I really don't want you to deal with it. It's nothing. I'm fine."

You could feel that he was lying to you. You just knew that something was wrong, and it seemed like it was gonna take a lot to get him to talk to you about him. "Shoyo, I don't believe that. Don't fucking lie to me. What the hell has been going on with you? Everything seemed fine yesterday, and now something's off. I don't care what your reasoning for not telling me is, but you need to forget about every reason you could possibly have. Tell me right now what's the matter. I'm here for you, but I can't do anything unless you open up to me."

His eyes widened as he looked at you. I fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. I knew I was worthless. I've upset her because I want to keep this from her. What do I do? Will she believe me if I lie to her? He looks away from you, sighing. "I'm just not feeling well. I'm nervous for this game, and Kageyama doesn't seem like I'm really the best person to play during the match." He tries moving away from you.

You narrow your eyes at him, harshly grabbing his wrist. "Don't lie to me, Shoyo. Kageyama told me himself that he thinks you're useful, since you two have that special quick. I get if you're nervous, but there's got to be something else. Tell me what's going on."

Hinata felt pain sear through his arm. She grabbed right over one of the cuts! "Can you let me go? You're holding me too tight."

"I won't let go! If I loosen my grip, you're gonna try running!"

The rest of the team looks over, seeing Hinata trying to escape from your grasp.

"Tell me what's going on with you, Shoyo!"

"It's none of your business! Just let me go, Y/n! If I wanted to tell you, I would've! Clearly whatever might be going on shouldn't matter to you! Stay out of my business!" He froze, hearing what he just said replay in his head. "Y/n-chan, I didn't -"

You let go of him, turning your back to him. "No, it's none of my business. I'm sorry to bother you." With a pained expression, you walk away from him. You walk over to Kiyoko, keeping your head down. "How long do these practice matches usually go on for?"

The manager looks between you and the orange haired boy. She lets out a breath. "Y/n, is this your first fight with Hinata? I'm worried about you. Please talk to me."

You nod. "We've never fought before, never had secrets. How you talked to me just now, that's what I always do for him. And this is how he's been starting to act lately. Does he not like me anymore? Did I do something wrong?"

Kiyoko quickly engulfs you in a hug. "No, no. Maybe he's just not ready to talk about it yet. You shouldn't pay it any mind. Just focus on helping me prepare for the traveling we're going to be doing. We leave in a few minutes. Can you lend me a hand?"

You nod, following her out of the gym.

Sugawara walked over to Hinata. "I know it's not really my business, but what happened with L/n just now, Hinata?"

Hinata groaned, covering his face with his hands. "I'm an idiot that chose to keep secrets from my best friend. There's something I just can't tell her, and I'm pushing her away instead of trying to talk it over with her." He leans his back against the wall, facing his covered face at the ground. "What do I do? I don't want to hurt her, but I also don't want to get her involved with all of my problems."

The rest of the team, except for Tsukishima, crowd around the boy.

Kageyama raised a brow. "Why don't you just tell her what's bothering you, dumbass?"

Hinata took his hands away from his face, letting them hang at his sides. "I can't do that. If I tell her what she wants to know, then so much will change between us. She won't be able to look at me the same way. I'm already enough of a burden to her, I don't need to make things worse."

Sugawara puts a hand on the orange haired boy's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok to worry about these kinds of things. Just take your time and tell her when you're ready. For now, when you get the chance, apologize to her and let her know that you're not ready to tell her everything right now. Promise her that you'll tell her when you're ready, before it gets too bad. Whatever it is that's bothering, I bet it won't change how she sees you. I bet she'll feel just the same, maybe even like you even more since you let her know everything. Don't worry about things, they'll turn out just fine.

The boys on the team were thinking that Hinata was talking about having a crush on you. And, boy, were they wrong.

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