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"Hey, Y/n, Kiyoko, Hitoka!" Yukie gains all of your attention. When she sees all three of you looking at her, she continues to speak to you. "Some parents donated watermelons, so we're gonna cut them up and serve them to the boys. The coaches planned on taking a break soon. Kaori said she can't cut all of the watermelons by herself."

Kiyoko smiles at the other third year manager. "Of course we'll help. Right?"

Yachi nods. "I'll help."

You stand up. "Yeah, I'm good to help out. Let's go. We do get to eat some of the watermelon too, right?"

Yukie nods. "Yes. There's nothing stopping us managers from eating some of it. Watermelon sounds perfect right about now. I'm so hungry!"

Kaori rolls her eyes as she hears the girl whining. "You're a bottomless pit. You eat too much, but gain no weight. You need to think with your stomach less." She smiles at you Karasuno managers. "Thanks for coming to help out. I know it's not fair to the teams to pull all the managers away, but there's no one else able to cut the watermelons."

You stretch, walking over to the counter and grabbing one of the knives. "Let's just cut them up so we can enjoy them."


Bokuto rushes up to you, grabbing one of the big pieces off of the tray you're holding. "Thanks for the watermelon, L/n!"

You nod, a small smile on your face. "It's nothing. They were donated by some parents."

"You are ok, right? Your head isn't hurting or anything?"

"Bokuto-san, I'm really fine. Getting hit in the head earlier wasn't anything serious. You don't need to keep worrying about it. Come find me if you want more watermelon, I'm gonna go make sure the other guys get some."

He nods, waving as you started walking away. "See you later!"

Of course, a certain orange haired boy walked up to you, a blank expression on his face.

You smile at your boyfriend. "Hey, Shoyo. Here, take some. It's really good. Us managers already had some earlier, while we were cutting them up."

Hinata takes a piece off of your tray. "Thanks. Oh, what's up with you and that one guy from Fukurodani?"

You tense, having not expected to talk about Bokuto with him. "Oh, he's just really friendly. He wanted to make sure I was ok after getting hit earlier. He feels really bad about having been the person to spike the ball that hit me."

The short middle blocker raised a brow. "If you say so. But, if I seem him around you often, I'm going to have to make sure everyone knows you're taken." He walks away, not saying another word. He ends up walking over to where Lev and Kenma were eating watermelon.

You sigh, knowing what you might have to deal with later. You walk over to Daichi, holding the tray out for him. "Here, Daichi-san."

The Karasuno captain smiles as he takes a piece from the tray you're holding. "Thanks, L/n. You're feeling fine, right? I just want to make sure you're ok after what happened earlier."

"I'm fine."

Kuroo walks over. "Look, captain, I think I need to apologize to you. I think I struck a nerve with your tall middle blocker with the glasses."

"I'll take my leave now." You walk away, serving the rest of the watermelon that was on your tray.

"Still got some more?"

You turn, looking to see a smiling Bokuto. You hold your tray towards him. "Take it."

He happily grabs the piece, about to take a big bite out of it. "Oh, are you gonna help me again during individual practice tonight? I'm gonna try asking the tall boy on your team, the one with the glasses."

You hum. "I guess I have the time to help you out. And, good luck about getting Tsukishima to agree to practice with you. He's not one to work too hard on anything."

Bokuto shrugs, eating some of the watermelon he was holding. "I can be pretty convincing. Oh, when exactly do you leave to go back to Miyagi?"

You raise a brow at him. "The last day, we head back home after all the practice matches finish up. Why?"

"Well, I was gonna ask for you to come somewhere with me if you had the free time. I guess I'll have to wait until the next time you come to Tokyo, huh?" He chuckles, looking away for a second.

You let out a sigh. "Look, Bokuto-san, I'm really only here because of volleyball. I'd rather not do anything that isn't necessary for the training camp. I don't want you to get your hopes up, thinking that I'm gonna do whatever you want all the time. I'm only acting as a manager, and helping out where I can."

Bokuto blinks rapidly for a few moments, not understanding what you were trying to tell him. "I see. Well, as long as you're willing to help out, can you be the manager to join me for individual practice for the rest of the week?"

You purse your lips, brows furrowed. "That - ya know what, sure. I'll help you out this week." I was hoping I'd get some time with Shoyo, but I can only imagine what kind of tantrum Bokuto-san might have if I refuse to spend some time with him. I think his team will hate me if I upset him. Worst case scenario, they end up hating our team and make sure we don't win even match, not even having a chance to win, during this whole training cmap. What could possibly go wrong?

The ace smiled. "Thanks. I'll make sure it's not a waste of your time. Oh, you probably have to hand out more watermelon to the other guys, right? I'll leave you be now. I'll see you later." He turns, happily walking over to some of the other players.

You let out a sigh. "This is more work than I expected."

Kaori, who had snuck up behind you, had overheard you muttering to yourself. "Told ya so. Bokuto is already starting to cling to you, while trying to hit on you. You're digging yourself a pretty deep grave there, Y/n. Are you ready to lie in it?" She walks off before letting you utter a single word to her.

You knew this was going to be a long week.

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