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Kiyoko bent down, taking a good look at your face as you were sitting on the gym floor. "Are you feeling alright, Y/n? Your nose was bleeding for a while. It's been stopped for only five minutes now. Are you sure you want to continue to be here?"

You nod, feeling lightheaded. "I'll be fine. I can handle this. I just need to sit for a little. You two can handle all the tasks we have today by yourselves for a while, right?"

Yachi nods. "I'll do my best!"

Kiyoko lets out a sigh, standing up straight. "It should be fine. To be fair, we don't exactly need to have three managers, but it makes it easier on all of us. Hitoka-chan and I can handle things ourselves for as long as we need to. I'm just worried about you, since you lost a lot of blood. I've never seen a bloody nose last an hour like that."

The blonde manager gave you a worried look. "Are you sure you're alright? Should I get you something? A snack? Maybe something to drink?"

You shake your head, trying to wave the two girls off. "I'm fine. It may not be common, but things like this can happen from time to time. It's no big deal. You don't need to worry about me so much. Just go ahead and start doing everything that needs to get done. I'll join you two once I've gotten a little rest and regain some of my strength. I promise, everything is all good."

The two girls nod, walking off to start taking care of the manager duties. You let out a sigh and lean your head against the wall, closing your eyes for a few moments. You didn't expect to get hit in the face. The whole team stopped what they were doing to check on you after it happened. Even when the boys went back to practice, everyone was worried about you since your nosebleed took a while before finally stopping.

You open your eyes again, looking at the ceiling. Things looked a little blurry, and you were still feeling lightheaded. I might've lost too much blood. I'm feeling a little anemic. I might not be able to help out today, but maybe that's not so bad. Even Takeda-sensei and coach Ukai told me to take it easy. Shit. I can't believe everyone was so worried about me. I think Shoyo's blaming himself. he's probably thinking it's all his fault since his receives still need some work. I should probably try to convince him that everything is fine. I don't need him to get down over something like this. Is everything supposed to be blurry? Why do I feel so weak?

You slump against the wall, your eyes closing once more. You pass out, falling to the floor with a thud.

The noise caught the attention of everyone else in the gym. All the could see was you, limp on the floor with closed eyes. They wanted to assume that you were just tired, but you had lost quite a bit of blood. They knew your body was going to need some serious rest if you were going to be able to do anything for the rest of the day.

Hinata furrowed his brows, very concerned for you. If she's not doing good, she might even have a hard time going home tonight. I should probably stick close to her, so that there's at least one person able to check on her. I'll have to ask her how she's feeling after practice. If she's feeling that bad, maybe I'll have to figure out how we can safely get back home.

Kageyama glanced down at your boyfriend. "Hinata, focus. We don't need you to get hurt either. Think about how L/n would feel is she found out that you were so distracted from thinking about her that you get hit in the face or something."

Hinata sighs, turning to look up at the taller boy. "You're right. I just feel bad about messing up a receive that bad. I hope this doesn't cause problems for her."

Sugawara decided to reassure the younger boy. "Don't worry about her so much. She's stronger than she looks. I bet she'll be feeling much better after getting some rest.

And so, practice continued like normal. The boys pushed their worries about you to the back of their heads, focusing on volleyball practice. Of course, Hinata would glance over at you from time to time to make sure you were still doing alright.

At some point, you woke back up. You knew that you passed out, but you were now feeling better. Not much, but it was an improvement. You were able to stand slowly, leaning against the wall to make sure you were stable. You took in a few deep breaths, then stretched your limbs out. You looked around, only seeing that practice had continued like usual. You look around, deciding to walk over to the other managers.

Yachi breathes out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that you're alright. You were unconscious for a while. Are you feeling any better?"

You shrug. "Not much, but it's better than earlier. I think I can do some light work for the rest of practice. I'd feel bad if I did nothing and let you guys take care of everything."

Kiyoko waves her hand in front of her. "It's not a problem at all. I was more worried about how you'd be feeling. You were out cold for a while. Everyone heard the thud from you falling."

You looked away, nervously rubbing the back of your neck. "Yeah, I guess all the strength in my body kind of just vanished. Everything was blurry, and then I kinda just passed out. I guess." You mumbled, not knowing how they were going to react to your news.

Kiyoko sighed, shaking her head. "At least you hadn't been sent home. That could've put you into a dangerous situation."

Yachi nodded. "You don't need to worry about walking with me. Kiyoko-san said she'd walk me to my bus stop before heading home. You should just walk home with Hinata-kun today."

You nod, not feeling like trying to argue. "Alright. I'll let Shoyo know the plans during break." You go back to watching the practice, keeping a close eye for any balls that come flying in your direction. You weren't about to let lightning strike twice.

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