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You step off the bus, groaning. "That was the worst ride of my life."

Kenma walked over, tipping his head to one side. "You look sick, Y/n. Are you ok?"

Hinata flinched. "Did you just call her Y/n?!"

The pudding head raises a brow as he looks at the shorter boy. "What else would I call her? We're friends. Right, Y/n?"

You nod, not seeing the problem. "Yeah. I told Kenma that he could call me by my first name. Is there a problem with that, Shoyo?"

Hinata huffed out a breath. "I should be the only guy calling you by first name. Is that Sky Tree?!" He points at a cell tower.

Kenma blinks. "That's... just a regular cell tower."

You roll your eyes, grabbing the second year setter. "Let's go, Kenma. Don't waste too much time on explaining things to him."

He nods, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. "Why did you never ask what Sky Tree or Tokyo Tower look like?"

You hum, a grin spreading on your face. "I looked up their locations and pics of them. I already knew we wouldn't see those landmarks during the training camp."


You look behind you. "Hurry up, Shoyo!"

Lev suddenly appeared, making a b line for your boyfriend. "Hinata! Did you get any taller?!"

Hinata frowned, having just gotten to your side. "Can can I grow in a small amount of time?"

The tall boy beamed. "I grew a millimeter!"

You sigh, pulling Nekoma's setter with you. "It's better to stay away from stupid. There's only so much of it that I can put up with."

Kenma chuckles. "You put up with it more than most people, since you're dating Shoyo."

"Don't get me started, Kenma."

Hinata watches you walking away, holding onto the boy beside you. "Lev, bother your setter. He's getting too close to my girlfriend."

Lev looked over, seeing you drag his setter away. "Really? It looks like your girlfriend is pulling Kenma-san, though? How is he bothering her?"

Hinata gritted his teeth, sending a glare at the back of Kenma's head. "She should be wrapped around my arm, not pulling Kenma around."

Lev hummed. "Why don't you just say something to her? If you want her attention, just ask for it."

The orange haired boy sighed, starting to walk towards you. "Y/n."

You turn, smiling at him. "Did you need something, Shoyo?"

He silently grabs your hand, walking off to an empty hallway in the building you all would be staying in. "Stop touching Kenma. I should be the only boy you ever touch." Without warning, he slammed you against the wall and attached his lips to yours.

He's aggressive today. Did I do something wrong? Or is there some other thing bothering him? And why does he want me to stop touching Kenma? I was just pulling him away to walk towards the buildings. Did Shoyo get jealous from that? You tried thinking of a reasonable explanation for what your boyfriend was doing, but struggled to make sense of the situation.

Hinata moved away, keeping his eyes locked on your while still holding you in place. "The next time you get too close with on of the other guys, I won't stop at just a kiss. I'll mark you up, and show everyone that you're mine."

You tipped your head to one side, confusion painting your face. "Are you jealous? All I'm doing is being friends with everyone. What's the big deal?"

His eyes form into a glare. "I hate other guys getting too close to what's mine. If you don't keep them in their place, I will." He lets go of you, turning his back to you and beginning to walk away.

You stood there, dazed. It took you a moment to let his words fully sink in. You start walking, going to the room the managers were staying in for the week. Once inside the room, you set your bags down and let out a breath.

Kiyoko watched you from a corner of the room. "You good?"

You flinch, looking at her. "Ah, well, I think Shoyo got jealous of me getting close to Kenma. I just saw his aggressive side."

She quirks a brow. "Oh? And what was that like?"

"Kinda hot, not gonna lie."

"Pfft! Ok, whatever you're into, I guess. Just don't do something inappropriate during the training camp. It would be bad if you got caught. Who knows what kind of trouble you could get into."

You nod. "I don't plan on fucking with him. I can't say that he has the same mindset."

Kiyoko walks over, standing beside you. She slings an arm around your shoulders, leading you back to the gym where the others are waiting for you. "Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. For the time being, try not to make him act that way. If he's getting jealous of the other guys, maybe try keeping a distance."

You deadpan. "I'm literally a manager for a team of boys. How can I avoid being in contact with them? What, should I just tell the team that Shoyo is a jealous monster and I need to keep interactions with them to a minimum?"

The older girl hums. "I mean... if it works."

Your jaw drops. "Kiyoko, I can't do that! It's not an option! The only thing I can actually do is to make sure I don't touch any guys, and that they don't touch me."

Kiyoko purses her lips. "You can't get away with talking to the guys all the time, though. If they start flirting with you, Hinata might explode. I think you need to come up with an actual plan now."

You pause mid step. "I didn't even consider the possibility of the guys flirting with me. I mean, I can always turn everyone down and say I'm in a relationship. But if Shoyo hears anyone flirting with me, or finds out someone even tried to flirt with me... oh god. He's gonna lose it."

She pats your shoulder. "Yeah. Good luck with that."

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