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All week, you've been able to successfully keep a distance from your boyfriend. Though, the boy was very upset that he could barely get any time with you. You had been too busy to notice how he was doing, since you've been talking with Kageyama, Yachi, and Kiyoko during all of your breaks just so all the preparations for Hinata's birthday would be ready for the special day.

Of course, he bought every excuse you fed him to explain Kageyama heading to your house every night. He even walked Yachi to her bus stop on Friday night (last night) for you, no questions asked. He just thought you were busy with tutoring Kageyama, that you couldn't walk your blonde friend part of the way to her home. However, he was completely unaware that Kageyama hadn't gone over to your house last night. He didn't even know that his setter wouldn't even be going over to your house tonight after practice.

Kiyoko and you were talking as the boys were playing volleyball. You both kept your voices low so that no one else would be able to hear your conversation. "I think we picked out the right decorations last night. Tonight, let's just focus on setting up and picking out your outfit. We should also plan out the makeup you'll be wearing, oh, and your hairstyle as well!"

You nod, glancing over at the court to make sure you didn't have the attention of any of the guys. You turn back to the older girl once you confirmed that the coast was clear. "Sounds great. Thanks so much for all of your help with this, Kiyoko. I don't know what I would've done if I had to do all of this on my own."

She shakes her head. "It was no problem at all, Y/n. I was glad to help. To be honest, I feel like I didn't do much, since you discussed with Kageyama how to decorate and what kinds of things to do for Hinata. That seemed to get all the harder parts out of the way. The only difficult tasks we have is the actual decorating tonight, plus making sure we have your look for tomorrow ready. You haven't told Hinata that he needs to come to your house tomorrow at noon yet, have you?"

You shake your head, sneaking a quick glance at the boy you were talking about. "Not yet. I was gonna say something before he goes to the club room. That way, it'll give us time to go, while Hitoka waits for him outside of the gym. I'm just glad he agreed to walk with her. I don't know what I would've done if he tried making plans to still walk with me."

Kiyoko raises a brow. "Doesn't he think that you're tutoring Kageyama?"

You shrug. "I have no clue. That was the only excuse Kageyama and I could come up with for the week. I'm not sure if Shoyo thinks we're still doing that. Right now, I'm just worried about him finding out about what's actually going on. Everything will be ruined if he finds out what I'm actually doing."


Before you knew it, practice had ended. You walked up to your boyfriend as he was drinking some water. "Hey, Shoyo. Come to my house tomorrow at noon. I wanna have a talk with you."

Hinata looks at you, a small smile creeping up on his face. "Really? Well, ok. I'll be there!"

You nod, smiling. "Alright, I'll be taking my leave now. See you tomorrow, Shoyo." You wave to him, walking out of the gym and meeting your friend. "Ok. It's done. Let's go."

Kiyoko nods as she starts walking off of the school campus with you. "Now we need to set up for your little date."

Back at the gym, the boys just left the building. They headed off to the club room. Yachi was waiting outside of the gym, just standing there while Hinata gets changed with the other guys.

Hinata looked at a certain setter with a raised brow. "Kageyama, don't you have a study session with Y/n tonight?"

Kageyama shakes her head. "She said she was really tired, so she wanted to get home and go to bed early. I'm also pretty well prepared, and think we did enough studying. I don't think she and I will be meeting up for a while." He starts changing into his track suit, not looking at anyone else in case his face gives away his lie.

Hinata let out a loud sigh, throwing his shirt on the ground once he pulled it off his body. "I hope everything's alright with her. She just suddenly said she wanted me to come over tomorrow. Something about us needing to talk."

Everyone aside from Hinata and Kageyama froze in their spots, eyes going wide.

Sugawara slowly turned to look at the short middle blocker. "What?"

Hinata turned around, a confused expression on his face as he looks at his teammates. "She said she wanted to talk. Is something wrong?"

Tanaka went about this carefully. "How did she say it? Like, what did she look like when she told you she wanted to talk?"

The orange haired boy hummed. "She looked pretty serious. It sounded important."

"Oh no." Almost every one of the boys breathed out at the same time, Kageyama and Hinata being the only exceptions.

Hinata tipped his head to one side, not understanding their reaction. "What's wrong?"

Kageyama turned to see the looks on everyone's faces, getting confused. "Is there a problem? Y/n said she wanted to talk to Hinata all week while we were studying together."

Nishinoya's eyes went wide. "What?! Why didn't you say something sooner, Kageyama?! This is serious!"

Hinata looked confused. "Why? What's going on?"

Daichi sighed, hoping to break it to the boy softly. "Look, Hinata, when a girl says she wants to talk and she's serious about it, it usually means she wants to break up."

Hinata's heart dropped. "What? Y/n's gonna break up with me?" His voice was weak.

Kageyama felt panic rise inside him. "That's probably not what she meant. She looked happy when she was talking about it with me."

Tsukishima snorted. "Figures. She's been spending a lot of time with you, king. She probably likes you and is dumping shrimpy to try dating you."

Kageyama knew this was false. "She's not like that."

Hinata fell to his knees. "You're all lying, right? She wouldn't break up with me, especially not for Kageyama. She assured me all the time that they're just friends."

Tanaka inhaled a sharp breath. "Oh shit. That's what they all say before they leave for someone they call a friend. I'm sorry, Hinata. Looks like L/n's leaving you."

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