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About a week has passed since you made a compromise with Kageyama and Hinata about how things will work with your involvement with the volleyball club. And, you and Yachi had decided to stay after school to work on homework together. You two had classroom duty, so you were going to do that before working on homework. You split up the tasks that needed to be completed, you ended up doing anything that required you to do heavy lifting or get onto a chair to make sure you could reached higher areas. You didn't want to risk Yachi getting hurt, so you decided to do all the harder tasks. When classroom duty was taken care of, you two sat back at your desks and worked on the work that was assigned for the night.

Your blonde friend hummed, looking up at you after answering a question. "Since we won't be heading to my house today, what are you doing after we finish?"

You keep your eyes focused on the paper sitting on the desk. "Well, the guys have been pestering me about going to their afternoon practices. I was thinking about spending the rest of the day with them for once, since we didn't make any plans prior. Well, I'm finished with the work. Did you have any questions about any of the problems?"

Yachi pushes her paper closer to you, seeing that you attention was on her. "This math problem is a bit difficult. I'm struggling to remember the formula we use to answer it. Can you show me which formula we use, then watch me work to make sure I'm doing it right?" After she ends up getting the question right, she looks at you again. "Thanks, Y/n. So, are you good friends with everyone on the team?"

You nod. "Yeah. I think the only person I don't really talk to on the team is their third year manager, Shimizu-san. I offered to help her once, and she allowed me to give her some assistance with her tasks, but we just don't talk to each other very often. Maybe I'll try becoming friends with her today, if the guys don't insist that I play with them. Though, they don't seem to realize that I'm not completely comfortable playing in my school uniform. I never have a change of clothes with me, and I feel like something could go wrong if I keep playing in a skirt. I think I'd rather stay on the sidelines and learn to act as a manager."

Yachi hums, putting her schoolwork into her bag. "Are you thinking about joining the boys' volleyball club as their manager?"

You stand up, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "Yeah. I think that's the club we should join. I can teach you about volleyball, if you'd like. The guys on the team are pretty nice. It's really fun to be at their practices. You will join with me, when we're both ready to join a club, right?"

She stands, slowly putting her bag over her shoulder. "Of course. I think I'm just gonna need another month or so to prepare myself for it. I'm still not used to being around a lot of people, and I don't know anyone on the team. How about we join around the start of summer break? That gives me about three months to get myself ready for it."

You smile at her, walking with the blonde to the door of the classroom. "That works for me. We can easily join in July, when they're gonna need to start looking for managers to train so there's someone there for the team once all the third years graduate."

"Alright, it's a plan."

You two walk through the school, stopping at you shoe lockers to change into your outdoor shoes. You two leave the building together, parting ways. You say goodbye to each other. Then, you walk to the boys' volleyball gym. You open the door, walking inside. The boys don't notice you since they were busy practicing.

Kiyoko notices you, walking over to you as you close the door. "Hey, L/n. Are you joining us for practice today?"

You nod, smiling at the older girl. "Yeah. I thought I'd lend you a hand today, since I have nothing else to do. Maybe you could show me everything a manager does. Would that be ok? I don't have a change of clothes, and would prefer to not join in on practice."

Kiyoko chuckles. "Sure thing. I understand. I wouldn't want to play volleyball with a bunch of boys while wearing a skirt either. Is there any reason why you would want to learn how to do manager duties?"

"Well, I'm considering joining a club with a friend in a few months, and this is the club we've settled for. She just needs some time to get herself ready, but we plan on joining around summer break."

The black haired girl gasps, dropping what she had been holding in her hands. "You and someone else want to join the club?!" She gently places her hands on both of your shoulders.

This gained the attention of the boys. They all stopped playing volleyball, turning to look at what was going on. Smiles came on their faces when they saw you standing with their manager, smiles on both of your faces.

Tanaka gasped dramatically. "Look at Kiyoko-san! She's so happy. L/n is like an angel to make such a scene unfold!"

Daichi shook his head, sighing. "Enough with that. Hinata, Kageyama, did either of you know that L/n was coming to practice today?"

Both boys shook their heads. "No clue."

You look over at the team, still talking to Kiyoko. "Oh, uh, Shimizu-san, it looks like the boys are watching us."

She briefly looks at the team, taking her hands off of you. She looks back at you, a cute smile on her face. "You can call me Kiyoko, L/n."

"Then call me Y/n, Kiyoko." You grin at her before turning to the boys. "Get back to practice while I help your manager out!"

The boys went back to practice, happy that you joined them for the afternoon. Meanwhile, you were running around and helping Kiyoko do all the tasks of a manager.


Takeda walks into the gym, falling on his face and gaining the attention of everyone in the gym.

"You ok, Take-chan?" Tanaka, along with the rest of you in the gym, looked at the teacher with concern written all over his face.

Takeda stands up, pushing his glasses up further on his face. "I got a call back! Aoba Johsai has agreed to have a practice match with us next Tuesday!"

Everyone gasped, excited by the news. You tip your head to the side. "Really? That sounds great. What are the details, Takeda-sensei?"

He looked a you briefly, before letting his gaze flick over the team. "Well, they had a condition. Kageyama has to play as setter during the whole match."

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