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You ring the doorbell, readjusting the strap of your bag. You smiled nervously as you waited for someone to answer the door. This was the first time since you were a kid that you'd be sleeping over at someone else's house. You've only had sleepovers with Hinata, and that's the only person you were used to sharing a space with. For the first time in your life, you were about to spend a couple of nights at another girl's house. And not just any girl, the girl that most guys in your school (especially on the boys' volleyball team) idolize.

Kiyoko answered her front door with a smile on her face. "Hey, Y/n. Dinner's almost ready. Come on in, I'll help you get set up in the guest room." She leads you through the house, opening up a bedroom door for you. "Here you go. My room is right across from this room, if you need me at any point in time."

You nod, setting your bag down next to the bed. "Thanks, Kiyoko."

"It's no problem, Y/n. I'm happy to have you over for the week. Oh, you don't have any food allergies, right?"

"Uh, well (insert your answer here). Shouldn't really have any problems with whatever you made, hopefully."

Kiyoko shakes her head. "No, you'll have nothing to worry about. I'll make sure to be careful when making food, just to be on the safe side. Is there any food you don't like or just don't eat?"

"(insert food dislikes). I mean, I can eat them, but I usually won't touch it." You close the door to the guest room, walking with her through the house, stopping when you reach the living room. "Is there anything I should be careful about while staying here? What are the rules your parents have?"

She hums, shaking her head. "They're pretty chill, and fine with anything. As long as you don't plan on doing anything illegal, you'll be fine. My mom is always home, and my dad works from early morning to late at night. My mom is usually the one that cooks, so I'll go let her know about the foods she should stay away from while you're here." She disappears into the kitchen.

You sigh and follow her, wanting to at least greet her mom. "Um, hello. I'm L/n Y/n. Thank you for having me this week." You give a shy smile to the woman that was cooking.

She looked at you, lips spreading into a warm smile. "It's nice to finally meet you. Kiyoko has talked about you, saying how you help out with the volleyball club often. I'm glad my daughter was able to make friends with a girl like you. Let me know if there's any food that you would like me to make. I'm willing to go to the store during the day for our guest."

You shake your head, waving your hands in front of you. "I'm fine with anything you make. You don't have make something special just for me. I don't want to trouble you."

The mom huffed out a breath. "Oh, it's no trouble. You're such a sweet girl. Dinner will be ready in a little. Why don't you girls go look for a movie the three of us can watch after dinner? I'll call you both in when the food is ready to be plated."

Kiyoko nods, taking your hand as she starts walking out of the kitchen. "Alright. Thanks, mom. Come on, Y/n. What kind of movies do you like?"

"(Favorite genre). But I'll watch pretty much anything. I'm not that picky about movies." You take a seat on the couch, looking through the movies that your friend had pulled up.

The black haired girl sighs, sitting beside you on the couch. "How about this one? Do you think this would be fine to watch?"

You looked at the movie she selected, a smile spreading on your lips. "That's actually my favorite movie. I'm more than ok with watching it."

Kiyoko chuckles. "Alright. I guess we won't really have much argument. My mom has been talking about watching this movie for the longest time. I think she'll be happy that you like it. Is it good?"

You nod. "Yeah, it's probably the best movie I've seen. Your mom is going to love it."

"Girls, dinner's ready! Come dish up your food for yourselves!" Kiyoko's mom calls from the kitchen.

You two walk together to get your food.


The mom had a huge smile on her face. "That might've just been the best movie I've ever seen. Kiyoko, please tell me you enjoyed it as well."

Kiyoko nods. "It was a really good movie. I bet you really like watching it, Y/n."

You nod, smiling. "It doesn't matter how many times I see that movie, it's always just as great as the first time. I could watch that movie a couple more times before I've had enough of it for the day."

Mrs. Shimizu chuckled. "I think I have to agree with Y/n. It was such a good movie. I wouldn't mind watching it again. Ah, maybe we can see it together some other time. You two have a long day ahead of you. You both should go up to bed right now. I should be up in the morning early enough to make you breakfast. If I'm not up, either make yourself a bowl of cereal or get something on your way to practice." She waved at the two of you as you made your way to the stairs, preparing to go up into your rooms.

Kiyoko giggles when she's outside of her bedroom door. "I hope you won't mind, but my mom is probably gonna treat you like her own daughter from here on out. I think she really likes you."

You hum, smiling. "Why don't we do something nice for her. I mean, she's letting me stay here and is being such a kind host. Maybe we could make breakfast for her in the morning."

Kiyoko gasps. "That's a great idea! I'll be up early, I'll probably come in to wake you up."

You grin at her. "Sounds like a plan."

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