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You sat in your bedroom, looking at the boy that was doing his homework at your desk. You laid down on your bed, eyes still on your friend. "Is everything alright, Shoyo? You seem... different."

He stiffens, sitting up straight. He doesn't dare look at you, not wanting you to see the fearful expression on his face. "Everything's fine. Why would you ask?"

You prop yourself up with your elbow. "Well, you've been really quiet since coming over. I've never seen you focus so much on your homework. And after you noticed that I got a cut on my finger, you've just been acting off. Is something bothering you? Come on, you know you can tell me anything. We're best friends. Let me know what's going on with you."

Hinata sighs, slowly turning to look into your eyes. "I just got a little worried about you when you said you cut yourself."

"It's small. Nothing to worry about. Why did you -"

"People our age get depression easily." He interrupted you, a strangely serious look on his face. "I didn't like the way you phrased it. You've always been so happy, like a little ray of sunshine. I just got worried that maybe you intentionally harmed yourself. We haven't really been talking much lately, since we're busy with different things. I never know what you're thinking, how you're feeling. Why don't you let me know what's going through your head."

You blink a few times, trying to process what you've just been told. You begin laughing once it settles as a thought in your head. "I'm not depressed, nor do I think about committing suicide or anything like that. You have nothing to worry about, I'm genuinely happy with life. Why would you think that way of me? Do I seem like someone that would get depression?"

Hinata looks away, wondering if now is the right time to tell you. "It was just a thought that came to mind. Don't think anything of it. It was a stupid thought."

"No. That's what I've been talking about. That negativity isn't like you. Is something wrong? Like, something you're not telling me? Seriously, I feel like you're the one with secret thoughts and feelings that you refuse to tell me, or something. You know I won't judge you for anything. Whatever it is, just tell me. I'm here for you." You look at him with a concerned expression.

He sucks in a deep breath. "Look, it's nothing. Don't worry -"

"Don't tell me to not worry about you! We've been best friends our whole lives. It's like second nature for us to worry about each other. Now, tell me what's going on. I don't like that you're going through something and refuse to tell me. Do you just not trust me? Is this something you can't tell me?" You have a hurt expression on your face, almost scared to hear what his answer might be.

The orange haired boy shakes his head. "It's not like that. I trust you, more than anyone else in the world. I just... I don't know how to tell you."

You look at him, tears brimming in your eyes. "Tell me what, Shoyo?"

Hinata leans back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling. "You know my parents got divorced when we were kids, right? And that my dad moved out?"

You nod. "Yeah, it was right after your mom got pregnant with Natsu. What about it?"

"You never knew the reason behind the divorce, did you?"

You shake your head. "You never told me. Our parents refused to talk about it with me. What happened?"

He slowly moves his head, looking away from the ceiling. His brown eyes look into your e/c eyes. "My dad's a piece of shit. He abused me throughout my life. Whenever he comes back, he just hurts me. Both physically and with his words. My mom told me the moment she found out she would be having another kid. She was already worried enough for how I was doing, she was terrified to think she'd have another kid that he might hurt. So, she filed for a divorce and forced him out of our lives. She didn't want to risk him killing me or Natsu."

You gasp when you heard everything, covering your mouth with your hands. "I'm so sorry. I wish I had known sooner. I would've liked to have been there for you all that time. I never would've guessed you had been through all that."

Hinata looks away from you once more, a dark look crossing his face. "He came back while we were in middle school, while you were away. He - he was rougher than he's ever been before. Slamming me against walls, throwing me across rooms, choking me until I passed out. Your parents even heard the commotion and came over, calling the cops. He's in prison now, so I guess that's something good that came out of it. Luckily, he didn't even lay a finger on Natsu. I made sure to keep her safe from him. On the bad side of things, he apparently hurt me so bad that your parents got me rushed to the hospital. They said I nearly died that night. Ever since, I'd get these dark thoughts in my head and constantly feel bad about myself. Sometimes I think that my dad was right with everything he said. He really got in my head, which is why I've been a bit negative since we saw each other again."

You were speechless. What could you possibly say to him, after hearing all of that? This was deeper than you would've ever imagined Hinata to be. And this was the most serious you've ever known him to be. How could you possibly respond to him. You can't just say that everything's fine now, because this clearly still affects me. "Th-thanks for telling me. I... if I'm being honest, I don't really know what to say to you. I've never experienced anything like this before. I - I don't know how to help you. I guess - just - I'll always be here for you if you ever wanna talk about things."

He smiles. "Thanks. I'm glad to have you around. I was so worried about telling you for a few days, trying to decide whether or not I should actually tell you anything. I guess I was so worried about what you would think, and maybe say about it. I'm just glad you don't seem to see me any differently."

You give him a kind smile. "I could never see you differently. You'll always be my best friend, the person I'll always be there for, no matter what." And you're the only person I'll ever be in love with.

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