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Hinata landed on the ground, having spiked the ball Kageyama tossed to him with everything he got. A bright smile rested on his face. He looked over, seeing you smiling back at him, holding up your hand to give the short middle blocker a thumbs up. He turned back to his setter, asking for yet another toss to come his way. Everything seemed fine today. He felt confident in all his abilities, he was even sure that he would do well with the study session he'd have with Yachi and Ennoshita after practice. Hinata was only a little sad that you wouldn't be there after practice. But he shook that thought out of his head. He knew you were busy with preparing for the training camp in Tokyo, as well as making sure your grades didn't drop to keep your parents happy. Yet, something in him made him uspet that he wasn't able to spend as much time with you. And, for some unknown reason, a bad feeling was settling in the pit of the orange haired boy's stomach. Today felt off to him, but he had no clue why that was.

He was too distracted by this feeling, not paying attention during practice. A ball comes flying his way, but he's not ready to receive it. You and a few of the others in the gym call out to him, including coach Ukai. He only heard his name being called before the ball hits his face. He falls backward, landing on the ground with a heavy thud. He blinks a few times, trying to process what happened. He feels a stinging pain on his face, and the dots get connected in his brain. He lays back on the ground, unmoving as he stares at the ceiling of the gym.

You rush over, getting into the boy's line of sight. "Shoyo! Are you ok?!" You held an ice pack in your hands, ready to apply it to where his face got hit.

Hinata flicks his eyes over to you, seeing the worried expression on his face. "Yeah. Sorry. I guess I got a little distracted. It won't happen again." He pushes himself into a sitting position, preparing to stand up.

A hand gets placed on his shoulder, preventing him from standing up. Ukai shows a serious, yet concerned, expression. "Sit out for a little, Hinata. Let L/n put the ice pack against your face for a little. We need you to take some time to make sure you're fine."

Reluctantly, Hinata does what he's told. He walks with you to the sidelines, sitting down with his back against the wall. He watches your every movement, seeing you kneel beside him and feeling how gently you press the ice pack against his face. "Thanks, Y/n."

You nod, humming in response. "It's no problem." You look at his face, eyes revealing your concern for your boyfriend. "Is everything ok, Shoyo? You usually don't space out like that while playing. Is something bothering you today?"

He averts his eyes away from yours, unsure if he should talk about his feeling or not. "I don't know. I guess I just don't feel as good as usual today. Sorry to worry you."

You frown. "Why don't you feel well? Are you sick? Did you not eat or sleep properly? If you need to take a day off from practice, you can. No one's gonna force you to stay and participate if you're not feeling up to it."

Hinata shakes his head. "It's not like that. I just have this bad feeling for some reason. It's almost like my body and mind are telling me that something bad is gonna happen."

"I see. Here, keep applying the ice pack to your face. I need to go help out for a bit. I'll come back to check on you."

He watches you get up and leave. He holds the ice pack against his face. Today seems like a bad day. I won't let her come over tonight. I think she needs some more rest. It feels like she's been getting less sleep these past few days. I wonder what's wrong.


Hinata opens the door to his house, finding the lights on but the house was silent. He raises a brow, taking off his shoes by the door and walking deeper into the house. He doesn't see his mom nor his sister around, so he decides to call out to them. "Mom? Natsu? I'm home."

There's no response right away. That was until footsteps sounded inside the house. They were heavier than the footsteps of his mom and sister. And it couldn't be you either, since he knew you were at your own house. The boy's eyes widened as a tall figure makes its appearance in the hallway. The one man Hinata wished he'd never see again.


His father took a few steps closer, watching as his son steps back. "Shoyo. Where the fuck have you been?! Where's your mom and Natsu?!"

"I - I don't know. I just got home from practice."

The man glares at the small boy. "Practice? You play a sport now? What can you possibly do? You're small, stupid, and worthless. I bet you're no good at whatever you're trying to do."

Tears pricked Hinata's eyes as his back hit a wall. He couldn't move anymore. He couldn't call out for help, since there was no one around to come to his aid. "Go away, dad. Mom said you're not allowed to come here anymore. She doesn't want you anywhere near me or Natsu."

His father harshly grabs the collar of his track suit jacket. "Shut the fuck up, you worthless piece of shit. No one loves you, no one is gonna help you." Without warning, he punched the small boy's stomach.

Hinata groans, his legs feeling weak. He's unable to stabilize himself, the only thing keeping him upright was his father's hold on his jacket. The man throws more punches at the boy, eventually throwing him onto the ground. He steps on Hinata, kicking him every so often.

When he started breathing heavily, the man back away from the boy. "You should've never been born. You should be dead." He leaves the house, slamming the door without another word.

Hinata pulls himself across the ground, dragging his weak body to his room. He throws his bag to his desk, then forces himself to his feet. He begins the process of slashing his arms, cleaning up afterwards. He looks at the bandages now wrapped against his arms, letting out a sigh.

One of these days, everything will hit too hard. When that time comes, I won't be wrapping my arms up. I'll finally cut deeper, deep enough to get the veins, and I'll no longer be awake to deal with all of this.

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