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You wake up, stretching. None of the other managers had woken up yet. You quietly get up, not wanting to wake anyone up. You move throughout the room, watching where you were stepping carefully. You didn't notice any of the others stirring, so you thought it would be best to leave the room.


You freeze mid step, slowly turning to the owner of the voice. You see that the other girls are waking up. "Morning."

Kiyoko sits up, rubbing her eyes. "Where are you going so early in the morning?"

Yukie turns to look at you, propping herself up on her arm. "Meeting loverboy Bokuto first thing in the morning? I doubt he'd be awake right now, but he could be running if he's awake."

You frown. "I'm not meeting Bokuto-san. I was just leaving so I wouldn't wake any of you up. But, since you're all up, I might as well stay with all of you."

Kaori shakes her head. "We should all get changed. It would be best if boys didn't see you in your sleepwear, just in case any of them are up and about at this time. I doubt it, but you never know with all these different boys."

You sigh, walking back to your belongings. "Fine. Should we make breakfast for the guys since we're awake?"

Yachi nods. "I'd be more than happy to help you cook for everyone."


Yukie groans. "Why do I need to cook?! I'd rather just eat food, not make it!"

Kaori rolled her eyes. "How do you expect to live on your own as an adult?"

"I'll have my handsome husband cook." Yukie grins.

Kaori crossed her arms over her chest. "Last I checked, the boy you want, which is Bokuto, can't cook. I think he'd sooner set a kitchen on fire than be able to make food."

Yukie huffs out a breath, throwing her arms up in annoyance. "Fine! I'll just eat out or order food everyday!"

"That's not healthy."

You raise a brow. "Yukie likes Bokuto-san?"

Kaori nods. "She's had a thing for him since our first year in high school. I don't know how Bokuto feels."

Yukie snorts. "He obviously has a thing for L/n now. I saw the way he was acting around her. He never acts like that with anyone. I'm not jealous, so I don't really care too much."

Kiyoko cuts into the conversation. "And Y/n is dating Hinata from our team."

The Fukurodani managers look at each other before turning to you Karasuno girls. "Bokuto would be an upgrade."

You scoff. "What's wrong with Shoyo? He's a ball of sunshine. I've loved him our whole lives. There's no way I'd catch feelings for someone I just met. It makes more sense for me to have a childhood friends to lovers kind of relationship."

Yachi agrees. "That seems like a trope you fit in with."

Yukie chuckles. "Ok, but now you'll have to put up with Bokuto hitting on you during this whole camp."

"Oh no."

Kiyoko shook her head. "Hinata is gonna explode from jealousy the moment he finds out about this."

Yachi gave a worried expression. "Will there be a fight?"

You shrug. "Probably not. Shoyo may always be like 'you wanna fight' or something like that, but he's not one to actually get into fights. He's more likely to run away."

Yukie hums. "If a fight actually breaks out, Bokuto would win. He's taller and has way more muscle."

You look at the ground. "I'm aware. He carried me last night when I almost passed out. Shoyo can't lift me up like that."

Kiyoko's eyes went wide, filling with disbelief. "Don't let Hinata hear about that. If he finds out someone not from our team was taking care of you when you were at your worst, he's gonna lose it."

Yachi nods violently. "I don't think Hinata would be very happy if he finds out you're getting really close with a another player, and an ace at that."

"Shoyo might end up having an inferiority complex." You turn to face the Fukurodani managers. "Try to convince Bokuto-san to stay away from me during the times we have practice matches. I'd like to avoid a confrontation between him and Shoyo."

Kaori gives a thumbs up. "You got it. I can keep things calm. Yukie, don't add fuel to the flames."

Yukie puffs out her cheeks in a pout. "I wasn't going to!"

Yachi walks over to you as the Fukurodani managers began bickering back and forth. "Do you think you can handle someone from another team flirting with you during this training camp?"

You sigh. "I honestly doubt that Bokuto-san will be flirting with me. This isn't a big deal. Shoyo will have nothing to be jealous of."

Kiyoko raised a brow, not convinced by your words. "Famous last words."

Kaori shook her head. "Trust me, L/n, Bokuto will flirt with you. Once girl catches his eye, he flirts until he gets rejected."

Yukie nods. "The moment he first starts flirting with you, you need to shut him down immediately. But, I wanna see drama so I say let things play out. Let your boyfriend catch Bokuto flirting with you. Then I can watch as something entertaining happens."

Kiyoko sighs. "Y/n, to avoid something happening this week, maybe you should just tell Bokuto that you already have a boyfriend."

"Actually, about that." Kaori chuckles nervously. "He won't believe that unless there's proof."

Yachi hums. "Well, Y/n could ask Hinata to show more pda with her throughout the day."

You groan. "No way! He's too sweaty with all the moving around he does. And it's way too hot to touch someone else. I'm not gonna go out of the way to prove that I have a boyfriend."

Kaori pats your back. "Then good luck having Bokuto flirt with you. The most I can do is convince him to not flirt with you while the practice matches are going on. I can't promise that he'll stop himself from flirting with you the moment he sees an opportunity."

"You know what, I'll take what I can get. Shit, I already feel exhausted."

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