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You sigh as you leave your house, ready to head to school. Summer break had finally ended, so you would be going back to your normal routine. Within the next few months, you would still be making trips to Tokyo for more practice matches with the other schools. And, at the end of it all, the qualifiers for the spring nationals will start up.

You grab your bike, hopping on. You rode in circles in front of your house, waiting for your boyfriend to join you on the way to school. You were going in circles for about 5 minutes before he exited his house.

Hinata looks at you as he grabs his bike. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you." You stop your motion, looking over at the boy. "Ready to go?"

He nods, hopping on his bike. "Let's go. I wanna get there before Kageyama. I can't let him beat me today!"

You chuckle. "Alright then. Let's go." You start heading to school, your boyfriend riding his bike right beside you.

Hinata glanced at you briefly from the corner of his eye. "Are you feeling alright, Y/n? You've been quiet ever since you disappeared that one night at the training camp."

You tense, pedaling slightly faster. "Ah, well, it's nothing to worry about."

"But it is something? Why can't you tell me?" Even though he told himself he had no right to ask you to share everything with him, he just wanted to make sure there was nothing serious going on with you.

You don't dare to look at him. You keep your focus on what's in front of you. "Well... my parents were just worried about the whole passing out thing. They went to get me checked out once we got back from the training camp."

Hinata's interest was peaked. "Did they find something?"

"It's nothing. It was just the heat and too much physical activity that caused it. You have nothing to worry about." You felt that you couldn't tell him about the seizure. And, right at this moment, there were more important things to focus on. Especially with the fact that you two are riding your bikes to school, dropping something serious like the seizure would probaly create problems for you two."

The orange haired boy hums. "I guess it's fine. You would tell me if it's something serious, right?"

"I would let you know the moment I think something you need to know about happens."

He was slightly confused by what you had said. "I'll trust your judgement. I know you wouldn't lie to me or keep secrets from me."

"Just like I know you'd never do any of that with me."

Boy, how you two are so much alike. Hiding something very serious going on between the two of you. He hides the fact that he wants to kill himself, the fact that he constantly attempts to take his life. And you refuse to let him know about the most serious thing that has happened in your life.

You two get to school, not saying anything since you two shared your beliefs that neither of you would lie to the other. You both park your bikes in the rack, then make your way to the club room. Hinata starts sprinting, determined to get there before Kageyama. You just walk there, not wanting to risk anything happening. Sure, you could be fine with running a little bit every now and then, but you still didn't want to risk having another seizure. You just didn't want to worry anyone else.

Kageyama stopped running the moment he saw you, walking over to you instead. "Hey, L/n."

You smile weakly at him. "Hey, Kageyama. You're not running to try beating Shoyo?"

"Since you're right here, I think I've already lost. But, that doesn't matter. I can't believe Hinata would leave you behind. I mean, you two are dating, so shouldn't he prioritze you over racing me?"

You chuckle. "I think he doesn't consider that fact."

Kageyama glances at you as you two keep walking to the club room. "If I were him, I'd do nothing but worry about you. I'd stay by your side until I can't anymore."

You furrow you brows, looking over at the setter. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, you have health issues. I know you only told me about what happened at the doctor since I saw the seizure. I know you let Yachi, Takeda-sensei, and coach know about the results, since they also knew about the incident. Knowing something like that, I guess it makes me worry about you more than I worry about myself. You've gotten quieter since everything happened, and you never move too quickly. Are you scared of something happening again?"

"Wouldn't you be scared if something like that happened to you?"

He tips his head to one side. "I dunno. I never know how I feel until something happens. I guess I'd get pretty upset if I had health issues come up, especially if it gets in the way of me playing volleyball. Usually, I wouldn't concern myself with someone else's problems, but you're different. Maybe it's because I witnessed something happen myself. Maybe it's because you're one of the people I'm closest too. I don't really know the reason. All I know is that I worry about you almost nonstop now."

You pause, halting in your tracks. "That's sweet. I understand your concern for me, since we're friends and everything. But I can assure you that you don't need to think about me all the time. I can handle myself. You know I'm taking care of things. There's no way something like that will ever happen again."

Kageyama opens his mouth to speak again, but he doesn't get the chance.

Hinata calls out once he sees you two. "I beat you, Kageyama! I win today!" He was gloating, celebrating his victory over the setter.

Kageyama glared at the shorter boy. "Shut up, dumbass! You got lucky! I'll beat you next time!"

You shook your head, watching as they get ready to argue first thing in the morning. "Knock if off, you two. If Daichi finds you guys fighting, he's going to get mad."

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