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You shook the nerves out of your body. Don't be afraid. Don't be nervous. Karasuno has got this. Shiratorizawa will finally taste defeat. Ushijima will finally understand what it feels like to lose. He doesn't have power over you. He can't touch you. You are no longer the puppet he'll use to become the best. You're free. You're with Shoyo now. You are happy. You've found where you belong.

"Y/n, open your eyes. You look like your having some sort of medical issue."

You slowly open your eyes, looking at the orange haired boy that was standing before you. "Don't worry, Shoyo. Just a few nerves. We'll be facing a former senpai of mine, one I spent a bit of time with in middle school. I was just giving myself a little pep talk and getting rid of all the nerves."

Hinata tipped his head to one side. "Speaking of that, it's their ace, right? I think I remember Oikawa asking you about him at one point. You know Ushijima?"

You nod. "I once helped him with getting as powerful as he is now. But, I'm with you guys now. There's not an ounce of doubt within me. We will win today. We will become the strongest in the prefecture. We're the team that will be going to nationals. I have no doubt about that. I believe in you guys."

All the guys had tears in their eyes, looking at you like puppies. "You're so sweet! We won't let you down."

Kiyoko pat your shoulder. "Thanks for saying that to them. It's exactly what they needed to hear. Oh, can you go fill the water bottles for me please?"

You nod, grabbing all the water bottles for the boys. You walk away, going to fill the bottles.

"L/n, we meet again."

You tense, turning to look at the owner of the voice. "Are you stalking me or something?"

Ushijima shakes his head, some of his teammates were standing behind him. "I have no reason to do that. But, it's funny. Seeing you work for people that aren't me or my team. It's unbecoming of a once great treasure I had possessed."

You narrow your eyes at the opposing team. "I was never something you possessed. I'm not some object you can own. I'm my own person. I have free will. And doing what makes me happy is part of that free will. I was miserable at Shiratorizawa. I'm happy at Karasuno. The past means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. You're just an obstacle that me and the boys I'm supporting will overcome."

Tendou chuckles. "Oh, is that so? I don't know your connection to Wakatoshi-kun, but you seem to be quite fascinating. He was determined to come see you before the match. So what kind of person are you? What do you mean to someone as great as him?"

"I was his former manager. That's all."

Ushijima sighed. "You don't give yourself enough credit, L/n. You helped me become what I am today. For that, I'm thankful that you had been a part of my life. It's just a shame. You could've continued doing great things, had you come to Shiratorizawa. You and I could've been unstoppable. People would bow at our feet, they would adore us, worship us as if we were gods."

"I don't have a good complex. I don't care about any of that. I was only helping you out because I was asked to, and then I was forced to still be around you as long as I was a part of Shiratorizawa. That's not freedom. My team will beat you, and I'll be smiling when they do."

Shirabu glared at you. "Bold statement for someone that means nothing now."

You sent a deadly glare to the boys in front of you. "Shirabu, Semi, Tendou, Yamagata, Reon, and Ushijima. I've known most of you for only a year or two. I may have been your little pet back while I was still in middle school, but things have changed. I'm not on your side anymore. You guys won't continue to get stronger. You'll no longer be the champions of this prefecture. You're losing today. And it's all because I helped out another team."

"Traitor." Most of the guys spat at you.

Ushijima gave you a pitying look. "It really is a shame. You fell from grace. You were once an angel, with the most beautiful white wings. Now, you're nothing but a lowly peasant. You stand in the way of those greater than you, since you refuse to stand beside them. You no longer seem to know what strength is. And for that, I pity you. The rest of you can leave now. This is between L/n and I."

His teammates left, not sparing you another glance. You and the ace watch as they completely disappear from your sights.

You sigh, placing the filled water bottles onto the ground. "Are you only here to talk about how I'm a disappointment to you now? If so, I've heard enough. I'd rather get back to my boys."

Ushijima steps closer, completely closing the distance that was once between you two. "That's not all." He lift his left hand, softly caressing your right cheek. "You're so smart and beautiful. Your talents know no bounds. You truly are a gift from the heavens. I wish I had been able to make you fall in love with me during the time we had spent together. We would've been a powerful duo."

You move his hand away from you. "You were never the one I would ever loved. Shoyo had my heart ever since we were kids. You had no chance of gaining my affection."

"Pity. You were the only person I would've ever considered to be a good match for me. You made me who I am today. I'm the best ace in the country because you had been by my side for three years. You have a gift. And in this match, you'll see that you've wasted it."

You turn your back to him, picking up the water bottles. "It wasn't a waste. You'll see just how far I've pushed them. We both know what I'm capable of." You begin walking away.

He calls out to your retreating form. "You've been the only one I might ever love, L/n. If you ever find yourself falling for me, I'll be here. Until then, we can just watch each other from opposing sides. Goodbye for now, my angel."

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