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Daichi walked up to you once morning practice had ended. "L/n, its good to see you here. But, you looked kind of wiped out."

Sugawara walked over to you, a worried expression on your face. "Are you alright? Did you not sleep well last night? You know you don't have to come here if it gets in the way of you sleeping."

You shake your head, offering a small smile to the older boys. "No, it's nothing like that. Shoyo came to my house early this morning and brought me here. I was still trying to sleep, so I'm only tired since I was woken up. You don't need to worry about me. Is there anything I can do to help all of you?"

Daichi smiled at you, shaking his head slightly. "Don't worry about it. Everything's taken care of. Just, go ahead and walk to your class. Maybe try getting a little bit of rest before classes start. I better not see you at practice after school. As much as we all enjoy having you around, you need to prioritize your health first. You need to get plenty of rest after school, especially if you'll be joining us in the mornings."

You nod at the captain. "Alright. I'll see you guys." You walk out of the gym, walking into the main school building. You change your shoes at your shoe locker, then head to your class. You sit in your seat and put your arms on the desk. You place your hands on top of your arms, closing your eyes as you exhale a deep breath. You doze off for a little bit, not noticing when others walked into the classroom.

Yachi walked in, sitting behind you like always. She looks at you, noticing that you're asleep. She decided to wake you up since the teacher would be in the room within a few minutes. She places her hand on your shoulder, shaking you awake. "Y/n, wake up. The teacher will be here soon."

You stir awake, turning in your seat to look at your friend. Exhaustion was clear on your face. "Oh, hey, Hitoka. Thanks for waking me up."

"No problem. Did you not sleep well last night?"

You give her a tired smile. "It's not like that. Shoyo woke me up to take me to his morning practice. I'm just a little tired since I wasn't prepared for it. I'll be fine. I just might stay in the classroom at lunch and get a little more rest. We're still gonna go to your house later to study together, right?"

She nods. "Of course. Why don't I get you some coffee from one of the vending machines at lunch? Maybe some caffeine will help you get through the day."

"Thanks, Hitoka. I really appreciate it." You turn to face forward just as your teacher walks into the classroom.


At lunch, Hinata walks to your classroom, looking for you since you hadn't shown up like you normally would. "Y/n?" He peaks into your classroom, spotting you at your desk. He walks into the room, seeing you fast asleep. "Y/n?" He nudges your shoulder.

You wake up, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. "Oh, hey, Shoyo. Is everything alright?"

Hinata sits at the desk next to yours. "Yeah, but are you ok? You usually come to my class so we can have lunch together. Are you really tired? You never sleep at school, yet here you are, fast asleep at your desk."

You sit up straight, stretching your back. "Yeah, sorry. Why don't we eat lunch together in here today? I don't think I'm ready to go somewhere else."

Hinata smiles at you. "Don't worry, I brought my bento, so it's fine if we eat in here today. Kageyama told me after practice that he wanted to eat lunch alone today, so we don't have to worry about him. Are you going to be coming to practice after all our classes are over?"

You shake your head. "Daichi told me to not come. He wanted me to get some rest instead. I have plans with Hitoka to go study at her house for a bit anyways. Maybe I'll just join you for practice in the mornings. Does that sound good to you?"

"Uh, sure. Hey, do you mind if I come to your house for dinner after practice tonight? I wanted to spend some extra time with you."

You smile at him. "Of course you can come over. You know that you're always welcome to come over to my house whenever you want. You don't even need to ask, you can come over at any time."

"Y/n! Oh, who's this?" Yachi walked back into the room, holding a can of coffee she had gotten from one of the school's vending machines.

You turn your attention to the girl. "Oh, thanks for the coffee, Hitoka." You grab the can from her outstretched hand. "Oh, this is my childhood best friend, Shoyo. Shoyo, this is my friend, Hitoka."

Shoyo smiled at the girl, internally frowning. He wasn't expecting to meet another one of your friends. "Hi. I've known Y/n our whole lives."

Hitoka seats in her seat. "She was the first person to speak with me this year, and we became friends almost instantly. It's n-nice to meet you."

He nods, looking back at you. "I can go back to my class, if you still want to rest or something."

"You don't have to - "

He got up and left the room, not listening to a word you were trying to say.

You frown, turning to your other friend. "I'm sorry about him. He won't tell me, but I think something's been bothering him lately. He's not usually like this."

Yachi waves her hands in front of her. "Oh, no. It's fine. I just hope everything is alright with your friend."

"Me too. I'll try talking to him tonight." You open up the can of coffee, taking a sip. "Huh, this is surprisingly good coffee for a school to have."

Meanwhile, Hinata just sat back at his desk. He opens up his bento, eating with a frown on his face. Y/n doesn't need me around. She has other friends. I shouldn't even bother to go to her house tonight. I'll just be a waste of time and space. I should just kill myself. I'm worthless. I don't deserve to be alive.

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