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Yachi looked at you as she walked into the classroom. "Is everything alright, Y/n? You look kind of sad. Did something happen?"

You slowly turn to face her, your lips kind of curving into a small smile. "Just overthinking about things. Nothing to worry about. Did you do the homework? Why don't we compare answers while it's just the two of us?"

The blonde girl sat in her seat, going through her school bag to get her homework out. "I wasn't very confident with some of the history work. I think I did well, but I seem to get better scores after you walk me through the problems. Maybe I should've called you last night to get your input on the problems."

You chuckle, leaning over to look at her answers, holding your papers out towards her to look over. "You shouldn't worry so much, Hitoka. You already do well enough on your own. You don't need to rely on me. Have some confidence in yourself, you usually get almost every answer right all the time. I bet you'll be one of the top scorers in the class once we get one of our firsts tests."

She shakes her head, waving her hand in front of her dismissively. "You give me too much credit. I try my best, but sometimes it's really not good enough. I don't deserve all the praise you give me. If anyone is going to be a top scorer on tests, it's going to be you. You rarely get anything wrong on all of our work. And the teachers always call on you whenever no one else can answer a problem. It's like you always seem to know what the answers are."

You rub the back of your head. "I think you're the one praising me too much. I do my best, just like everyone else. My parents are just really strict when it comes to grades, so I try to be a perfectionist just to keep them happy. You don't really have anyone on your case about your performance in school, and you still do really well. I think that's much more impressive than how I do on all of our work."

You two look at each other with serious expressions on your faces, then soon start laughing uncontrollably. Ever since you two first met, you've been able to act as close friends. Even though you two are pretty different, and you get busy with Hinata, you and Yachi somehow always manage to get along as if you've known each other your whole lives. You two already felt close, almost like sisters. There was no way you were going to leave each other alone. You'd make the most of your time together, even if that involved just doing schoolwork together.

Yachi was the first you two to cease with the laughter. "Seriously though, how do you manage to live so stress free, even when you get busy with school and helping your other friends out with volleyball. I mean, I know nothing of the sport so I would be useless to help out, not to mention I get pretty busy with the work our teachers give us. How do you do it?"

You shrug. "To be honest, my middle school was pretty tough. We had to work really hard to get almost perfect grades or else we'd get kicked out. My parents made it clear to me that I had to make it through all three years of middle school with top scores, or I would have to go to whatever high school they wanted me to go to. I was lucky enough to work hard and earn top scores, just so I could come here instead of being forced to keep attending Shiratorizawa for high school. Honestly, I hated staying in the dorms, and many of the people that go there are kinda mean. I much rather go to a normal school instead of a prep school like that. I guess I just got used on needing to work on so many different things at once, that it's easy for me to handle all these different tasks I'm working on. Maybe some people are just better suited for doing more things. It's ok if you can't handle it. The important part is to do what you can and not get hung up on what you can't do."

"Have you ever thought about being a motivational speaker or something? I feel comforted by your words more than I've ever felt before." She tried to keep a straight face while talking, but couldn't help letting her lips curl up while looking into your eyes.

You roll your eyes playfully. "I'm not going to get paid to talk to people that need to feel better about themselves. That's why people have friends and family, those are the people made to cheer you up. And it's free of charge!"

Yachi giggles. "I guess you have a point. I never see or hear you talk like this with anyone you haven't befriended. You're a really good friend. I always feel better when I'm around you."

"I guess I'm magic." You chuckle, watching as the smile stretches wider on your friend's face. "Do you wanna eat lunch with me and Shoyo today? I think he'd like to meet you."

Yachi takes a deep breath. "I don't think so. I don't think I'm ready to talk to any of the guys in this school just yet. Heck, I haven't even looked in the direction of any of the senpai here."

You raise a brow at her. "Have you even talked to anyone in class, other than me and teachers?"

She gives a nervous chuckle. "I haven't mustered up the courage to talk to any of them yet. I mean, some of the girls come up to me and talk, but I don't really say anything back. I feel bad, but I guess my anxiety is just that bad. I'll keep working on it."

You give her a bright smile. "Don't worry about it, Hitoka. I'll help you every step of the way."

Meanwhile, Hinata was slumped in his seat, waking up from his nap. He looked to his side, seeing some of the classmates he's been talking to since the school year started.

One of them looked at him, smiling. "Hey, Hinata. Some of us were thinking about going to karaoke tonight. Do you wanna join us?"

Hinata forced a smile onto his face, hoping he looked friendly to the others. "Sorry, I have volleyball practice tonight. I can't. Maybe some time when I don't have practice, I'll go out with you guys."

One of the others lightly punched his arm. "We'll be looking forward to it. Just, actually come out with us at some point. You seem like the life of the party when you do show up. We're looking forward to hanging out with you."

Hinata closed his eyes, stretching the fake smile more across his face. "I'll let you know the moment I'm free. Oh, would I be able to bring someone else with me?"

One of the boys looked at him with a smile, tipping his head to one side. "Yeah, that's fine. Who?"

"L/n Y/n from class 5. She's a friend of mine, and I think she'd be fun to have around at karaoke or something."

"A girl? Cool. You totally have to bring her with you the moment you get the chance to come with us. Now I'm looking forward to it much more!"

"Yeah, L/n is probably the hottest first year in the school. Well, talk to you later, Hinata."

The boys returned to their own seats as one of the teachers walked into the classroom.

Hinata wiped the fake smile off his face, propping his arms on his desk and resting his head in his hands. Y/n's already popular with the guys. I doubt she knows. She's really only focused on the guys in the volleyball club, and the friend she has in her class. I wonder if she'll actually get into a relationship. Maybe that's what she needs. It'll make it easier in the event that I actually manage to kill myself.

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