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You sit at the table, trying your best to eat and not just poke your food with your utensils. "Um, dinner's really good, Ms. Hinata."

The mother waves her hands in front of her. "Oh, thank you. But you really don't need to compliment my cooking. I know you always like my food, whether you say something to me or not. Oh, but I'm wondering about something. Maybe you can give me your input on this?"

You take a quick sip of your drink, looking at the older woman. "Uh, sure, of course. What is it?"

"How exactly did you and my son become a couple? And when did this happen? Maybe you could also tell me where it happened?"

You look at your plate of food. "Um, well, we kinda got together about four days ago. We went outside of the gym during the training camp and talked. I told him how I felt about him, and he said he felt the same. So, we just kinda agreed to become boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hinata turned red, clearly embarrassed that his mother and sister had to learn about what happened. "Mom, can we talk about something else? This is kind of an embarrassing topic. Natsu doesn't need to hear about any of this stuff."

Natsu smiles at you, her eyes shining. "Y/n nee-san, how long have you loved Shoyo? Did you plan on marrying him? Are you excited to be my big sister?"

You chuckle nervously. "Uh, well - um, I mean - yes, I would love to actually be your big sister. I guess I am planning on marrying Shoyo one day. And, about how long I loved him..." You glance at him, seeing a questioning look. You lower your voice, trying to hide your face from the family. "I - I've always loved Shoyo."

His mother looked surprised at that answer. She just assumed it was a crush that started recently, not that it was a life long romance in the process. "Really? I'm so glad to hear that. Now I know that my son has chosen the most perfect person for him. Make him happy, and take care of him. I think you're the only person that can do everything for him."

Hinata swallowed hard, nervous about what his mother might've meant. Mom - she doesn't know about my depression and self harm does she? She's only looking out for me, right? That's got to be the reason why she would say all that to Y/n. There's no way in hell that she could've figured out the one things I've been keeping a secret from everyone. I haven't even told Y/n, and I wasn't planning on letting mom know anytime soon. She couldn't know about it. There's no way. Unless, that's a mother's instinct. She has no clue about anything... right?

You went back to eating, trying to keep yourself from thinking about the woman's words too much. "I'm glad you're welcoming me into your family already. I just think it's a bit too soon to be thinking that far in the future, though. I wanna focus on the present. Live in the moment, you know?"

The mother nodded. "I understand perfectly. I don't expect either of you to have marriage on the mind. Sometimes, it's better to take things slow. I just trust that you'll always be there for my son, especially in the off chance that something bad happens."

Hinata felt uncomfortable. He shifts in his chair, staring down at his plate of food. No way. Does she know?! But - but I've done such a good job at hiding it! How is that even possible?!

You look next to you, worrying about how quiet he's been. "Shoyo, are you ok? Are you feeling alright?"

Hinata forces a smile onto his face, chuckling quietly. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just, I guess I was a little uncomfortable with the conversation. Hey, um, can we go up to my room when we finish dinner?"

You scrunch your eyebrows, knitting them together in a confused, yet concerned kind of expression. "Sure. Is there something going on?"

"Nothing serious!" He quickly goes back to eating, not giving you another chance to try asking him about anything."

You sigh, continuing to eat your meal. You didn't bother looking up from your plate, unless you were taking a drink from your glass.


You follow the boy up to his room, quietly sitting on the bed. You watch as he closes and locks his door, not once looking at you as he sits beside you on his bed. "Shoyo, is everything alright? You seemed off during dinner."

He sighs, slouching over a little. "It's just, some things my mom said. I don't exactly tell her everything, but I'm worried that she knows about things I haven't even told you."

You raise a brow, curious as to where this conversation was going to go. "Really? I mean, parents can seem really smart. Sometimes they pick up on the subtle things their kids do. If she thinks something is going on with you, it's probably just because she's worried about you as a mother. She might not know for a fact if there's something wrong, but I think she at least considers that there are some possibilities about what's going on in your life." You hesitate, trying to think carefully about his words, then planning out what you should say next. "Is something bothering you, Shoyo? You always act as if everything's fine, but there are some times when it seems like you're a whole other person. You can always tell me if something's bothering you. You can always come to me, even if you can't talk to anyone else about your problems."

Is now the right time to tell her? It seems like I've been given this opportunity. Should I take it? If I do, will things still be good? Hinata debates all the possibilities in his head, but nothing turns out how he wants them too. He shakes his head, putting on a fake smile - one that can fool you. "It's nothing to worry about. I was just worried about making my mom worry over me when she has her own problems. I don't like thinking about causing her problems. Did you think there was anything to worry about with what she said?"

You hum, remembering the exact words you were told. "Not really. I just think she's showing she cares about you, since she's your mom. She just wants what's best for you, and is happy that you'll have someone to always stand at your side in case you start going through something that's hard to handle." You place a hand on top of his gently. "She's looking out for you, like any good parent would. What she said, I think that was something along the lines of 'in case of something bad happening' or 'in case he starts going through something', you know like a hypothetical scenario. She and I know you better than anyone else, and we tell each other everything that goes on with you. I can promise you that there's nothing she knows that I don't."

"Thanks. I guess that's exactly what I needed to hear. You always know what to say." He hugs you, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. Neither of them know. If either one of them knew, it would've come back to me through one of them. The secret's safe. I have nothing to worry about. All I need to do is keep hiding it. Everything will be just fine.

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