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You look inside the room, yet don't see anything out of place. It's been a while since you've been here, yet something felt different. It was like you were in a whole different world. This room, it had a dark vibe to it. You felt like there was a lot of pain within this room, when the door is closed and no one can find out what goes on inside. You slowly sit down on the bed, feeling as if this was the most comfortable spot in the whole room. Yet it still made you feel uneasy. You couldn't tell why you were suddenly feeling this way. You've been in this room countless times before you started middle school, and haven't been here since.

Yes, you visited the Hinata residence fairly often. It's just that it's been years since you were last inside of your best friend's bedroom. And, for some reason unknown to you, Hinata invited you to come inside his room for a little while tonight.

Normally, this would be where you consider confessing your feelings to him, since you've been given the chance. But you just couldn't. Something felt so off that you decided tonight was not the night to let the boy know that you love him as something more than a friend. You didn't even know why he invited you over. He had just looked at you with a very serious expression and asked you to come over.

You had been at home when Hinata arrived home from practice. The boy had walked over to your house, ringing your doorbell. When you answered, you saw a serious look on his face. With no emotion to his voice, he asked you to go to his house with him. Naturally, you couldn't refuse. And so you were sitting in his room, waiting for him to finish up with the quick shower he wanted to take since he had just finished up with practice. A bad feeling crept up your body, crawling all over your skin. You felt uncomfortable, thinking something was wrong. You just didn't know what was going on in the boy's head. You silently hoped that everything would be fine, but you were becoming concerned with how long your friend was taking with his shower. You never knew him to take more than ten, maybe fifteen, minutes with a shower. Tonight though, he had been in the bathroom for over half an hour. You thought something was wrong, you just didn't know what it could be.

Hinata walks into the room, wearing a hoodie and shorts. He looks over at you, seeing how tense you are. "Is everything ok, Y/n? You look almost like you don't want to be here."

You shake your head. "No, it's just - I haven't been here in a while. Things just seem so different from the last time I came into your room. Usually, we're at my house and in my room. Or I'm only in your living room or kitchen whenever I come over. But, uh, is everything alright? I'm kinda getting a bad feeling. Like something is gonna happen."

The orange haired boy sighs, walking over to his desk and sitting in his chair. "Well, I really need to tell you something. I just don't know how you're gonna react to it. It's kind of something serious. I need you to just be honest with me, ok?"

You nod. "Of course. I'd never lie to you, Shoyo. What's going on? Did something happen? Do you need my help? Is it serious? Should we get our parents involved?"

He holds his hand up, signaling for you to stop. "Nothing that bad. My mom already knows about it, though. You might need to talk to your parents, if you want to join me with something."

"Huh? What's this about?" You felt your voice get caught in your throat, worrying about all the possibilities of why he wanted to talk to you. Almost none of your thoughts were good.

"Well, next week is golden week. The team is going to have a training camp. At the end of the week, we're going to be having a practice match with our rival team from Tokyo, Nekoma." He looks into your eyes, an intense look on his face. "I was wondering, would you like to join us for that time? It's ok to say no. You would just have to stay in a place with either me and the team, or you would have to stay with Kiyoko-san. I don't know for a fact that she'll be in the same building as us, she might, but no one told me that detail. Did you wanna join us so that you can watch us play?"

That wasn't what you were expecting. You let his words process in your head, then start bursting out with laughter. "Really? That's what you wanted to talk to me about? I thought you were about to say something horrible and life changing. I'm actually relieved that it wasn't even that serious."

"This is serious! This involves volleyball! Are you gonna join us for the golden week training camp or not?!" He pouted, having not expected you to behave this way.

You take a few deep breaths, calming yourself down. "Of course I'll join you guys. Man, you actually scared me with how serious you were being. I almost thought we would stop being friends or something with whatever you were going to say."

Hinata raised a brow. "No. That would never happen. You know how seriously I take volleyball. I didn't mean to worry you." He walks over to the bed, sitting beside you. "But I'm happy you're gonna be joining us. It'll be so fun to have you around. Oh, and today at practice, I met our libero!"

"Nishinoya, right? Sugawara-senpai told me about him before. How was he?"

He had stars in his eyes. "It was amazing! He was a little shorter than I am, but he was so cool. His receives were awesome! I was able to get him to agree to teach me how to receive better. But I don't think he's coming back to the team. It seemed like he was upset that someone named Asahi-san wasn't coming back."

You glance at him, turning your attention to the bedroom floor. "From what I know, Asahi-san is the ace of the team. Maybe they were good friends, or they worked really well together. I'm pretty sure Nishinoya-san has his reasons for not coming back. Hopefully he can be convinced to come back."

Hinata nods. "Daichi-san and Suga-san said I should try talking with him more. They think I can at least get him to come to practices, even if it's just for me to learn how to do better receives."

"Well, I'm glad things might be working out for you. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you."

He hugs you. "Always." When he was sure you couldn't see his face, his smile disappeared. I can't keep bothering her with everything. I don't even know why she sticks around. She's going to get sick of me sooner or later. When she leaves, I should probably try killing myself.

You turn to look at the side of his face. You lean in, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Let me know if anything is wrong, Shoyo. I like seeing you happy and at your best. I'll do whatever it takes to help you be the best at whatever you want to do. I gotta get home now. See you tomorrow, Shoyo." You wave to him before leaving his room.

Hinata sits on his bed, staring at the door. I don't deserve her.

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