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"Well? Wasn't I right about that game? You won." You gave a cocky grin to the team.

Daichi shook his head. "We won, but it was still a challenge for us. Dealing with someone that tall wasn't easy."

"I'll bet. It got hard to watch at times, but I knew you guys could pull ahead. Now, we don't have any matches for two months! We can relax a little now!"

Coach Ukai raised a brow at you. "Don't give them false hope. We'll have some really strong teams to face in October. Some of the biggest powerhouses in the prefecture will become our opponents. We're gonna need to work hard during practices from here on out."

You roll your eyes. "Like we were going easy before." You look around. "Hey, where's Kiyoko and Shoyo?"

Yachi walked up to you, carrying some of the lighter things. "Kiyoko-san went to make sure no one forgot anything. I think Hinata forgot about his lunch box or something, and went back to get it."

"Ok. I just hope they hurry and don't get into trouble." A few minutes pass. "I'm going to look for them." You quickly rush off to look for the two members of the club that have yet to come outside of the building. On your way, you run into a small group of boys.

One of them had blonde hair and an undercut. He grinned the moment his eyes locked onto you. "Hey, cutie. Mind handing your number over?"

You raise a brow. "Uh, sorry, no. I have a boyfriend."

"I bet I could be better than him. He doesn't need to know about anything. And, if you realize you like me more, you can always dump that loser."

You frowned. "Look, I'm a manager for a volleyball team. I'm too busy to deal with your flirting. I seriously need to look for some members of my club. I'm not giving you my number, I'm not breaking up with my boyfriend. I love him very much and don't want to leave him. I'm not interested in you. Get that through your head. Leave me alone before I call for someone to come help me." You quickly start walking by the boys.

Terushima grabs your arm, preventing you from walking away. "Now, hold on a minute. I like my girls to be a little fiesty. Why don't you just gimme your number and we can talk. We can always start out as friends."

"I'm not interested. Let go of me."

He frowns, letting go. "No fun. I bet I could beat your team." He walks off, kicking at the ground as he leaves you behind.

You shake your head, continuing to search for Kiyoko and Hinata. Luckily, you find them as they're walking down a flight of stairs. "There you guys are. We were getting worried about you. Let's hurry back to the bus. Everyone wants to get back to school asap. Coach still has a few things he wants to say to everyone when we get back."

The two nod, picking up the pace. The three of you hurry back to the rest of the group. Once you arrive, the bus gets packed up. You all make your way back to Karasuno High School. Back at the school, coach Ukai holds a quick meeting, making sure to dismiss the team at a good time. He makes sure everyone knows to go home to get a proper meal and a good night's rest.

On your way back home, you find yourself walking with Kageyama and Hinata. "You guys did really well today. The new quick seems to be working really weel already. Keep up the good work."

Hinata beamed. "Thanks. I'm gonna keep being awesome on the court. Send plenty of tosses to me, ok, Kageyama?"

The setter nods, continuing to look forward. "Next, we'll be facing one of the powerhouse teams. Do you remember which team it'll be, L/n?"

You nod. "Johzenji, I believe. They ranked within the top four at the last tournament. They must be a pretty strong team. Coach Ukai said plenty about all the teams we might face. I wonder who we'll see in the finals."

Hinata gained a determined look on his face. "I'll be at everyone. The grand king of Aoba Johsai, Ushiwaka from Shiratorizawa, all of them. I won't let anyone beat me. I'm going to Tokyo! We'll play in the spring nationals!"

Kageyama nods. "We won't lose to anyone this time around. We're stronger than we were last time. Nothing can get in the way of us going to nationals."

You sigh, shaking your head. "Geez, at least look at what's in front of you. Don't worry about opponents that you're not facing right away. You can think about them, but you need to focus on what's in front of you. Don't get swept away by others that you may or may not face. If you want to win, win one game at a time. If you focus on the future, you're gonna miss out on the present."

Hinata looks at you, a somewhat serious look on his face. "You sounded kind of like Takeda-sensei just now."

You just look in front of you. "Takeda-sensei makes some really good points at times. He sometimes knows just what to say. I'll consider what you said a compliment."

Kageyama huffed out a breath. "This is where I turn off. I'll see you two tomorrow."

You and Hinata nod at him. "See ya, Kageyama."

The orange haired boy got on his bike, waiting to start riding with you. "So, anything you want to talk about, Y/n?"

You start riding your bike the rest of the way home, not looking at the boy beside you. "Well, there is something I think you should know about, Shoyo. But first, just know that I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted to make sure you were focused on your matches."

"Ok. So what's going on?" His eyes remained focused on the road ahead of you two.

You took in a deep breath. "I had a seizure at the training camp when I was helping Kageyama with his sets. It happened suddenly, and he and Hitoka had to get Takeda-sensei so that I could receive help. I remained unconscious until the afternoon, when I rejoined everyone at the camp."

Hinata halted, frozen in place. "What?" His voice was quiet, a hint of fear could be heard.

You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him. "I went to the hospital with my parents when I got back. The doctor put me on medication that should help prevent something like that from happening. They think the cause was the excessive activity I was doing in the heat. That's kind of why I haven't practiced with you guys since then."

"This is serious. Are - are you alright now? Is it even ok for us to be riding bikes?"

You nod. "I'm fine. I'll let you know the moment that changes. Come on, we need to get home. We need to get plenty of rest before the practices we're gonna start having. If you want, you can ask me anything about the whole seizure thing. I'll tell you whatever I can."

He nods, and you two continue making your way back home. He doesn't dare to say another word about this. The ride home remains silent.

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