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You run around, filling up water bottles and making sure all the towels were clean and ready to be used by the team. You walk over to the third year girl you've been helping out. "Kiyoko-san, is there anything else you needed help with? I've filled up the water bottles, and cleaned the dirty towels. I also brought some clean ones into the gym for the team to use."

Kiyoko smiles at you. "I think that's everything, Y/n. I really appreciate you helping out for the past few days, even if you come to practice about an hour later than everyone else."

You rub the back of your neck. "Yeah, well, my friend has been busy with some stuff this week. We only take an hour after school to work on homework together, then part ways. So, I'm using my free time to help out the team. They're going to need some extra help. I mean, they have a practice match coming up. They only have a few more days. It's on Tuesday, right?"

The manager nods. "Yes, did you want to come along with us? Takeda-sensei already got the transportation worked out, and he said you're more than welcome to join us when we go for the practice match."

You shrug. "I'll have to think about it. I'll let my friend know that there's a match that day that I want to go to. I think she'll understand, so that means I won't be busy with her that day. If the guys want me to come along, then of course I'll join all of you. I love supporting this team. I consider everyone here to be my friends."

"Awww. We all love having you around, too." She hugs you, giving a few light squeezes. "I think the guys would get more fired up for this match if they knew you were coming with us. I think they'd give it their all, even if this is just for practice."

You hug back quickly, releasing her to turn back to watch the boys. "They do seem to be working well together. But, why did Aoba Johsai want Kageyama specifically to play as setter? I mean, Sugawara-senpai is our starting setter, shouldn't they let us use whoever we want in the match?"

Kageyama, who overheard you, turned and walked over to you. "Well, there are some people that I know that go to Aoba Johsai. They're former teammates from middle school. They might have done that to see what I'm like nowadays."

You raise a brow at him. "What does that mean? You're one of the most talented setters I've ever seen. Were you a worse setter back in middle school or something?"

Tsukishima walked over, a smirk on his face. "Oh? So, you don't know, L/n? He earned the nickname the king because he was like a tyrant on the court. His own team got sick of him bossing them around, that they ended up abandoning him in a game. I think his old teammates want to confirm that he's still the same king they know him to be."

You furrow your brows. "That's pretty petty of a reason. Shouldn't they be nicer about trying to see their old teammate playing volleyball?"

Hinata jumped over to you, nodding his head. "Who cares what they think. Kageyama is a different person from how he used to be! We're gonna beat his old teammates, even if this is just a practice match." He looks at you with a hopeful expression on his face. "You are coming with us to watch the match, right, Y/n-chan?"

You look at the entire team, seeing that each one was looking expectant for your answer. You release a sigh, smiling at the boys. "Yeah, of course I'll be there. I'm going to support my friends, even if it's just practice. I want to see you guys win, and show that other team that Kageyama isn't the king they think he is. They'll learn to respect him for his talents." You look over to a certain third year. "But I'm kinda surprised that you went along with this, Sugawara-senpai. Don't you want to play as the setter?"

Sugawara nodded, sighing. "I really do want to play, but we don't know when we'll have the chance to get a practice match with another team. I can only imagine how hard Takeda-sensei worked in order to arrange this. I'm willing to step back, as long as we can benefit from it."

"That's kinda too mature. I expected someone to start throwing a tantrum over this." You look at the guys, expecting more childish reactions from them.

Kiyoko put a hand on your shoulder. "Have more faith in them. They're actually mature."

Next thing you know, Tanaka and Sugawara are rolling on the floor, banging their fists against the wooden floor.

Sugawara let out a yell. "It should've been me!"

Tanaka kicked his feet into the air. "It's not fair! Suga-san is our starting setter! He should be the one playing in matches!"

You slowly turn to face the manager. "You were saying?"

Daichi shook his head. "Get up, you two. This is unbecoming of a senpai."

Kiyoko sighed. "I think you might've caused them to lose restraint and act out like this, Y/n."

You shrugged your shoulders, your hands moving out to the sides. "Who knows. But this is the kind of reaction I was expecting from them, more or less."

Kageyama turned to look at you. "So, how are you gonna behave knowing that people there hate me? I mean, I doubt anyone would believe I made any friends. And they dislike me. How does that make you feel, L/n?"

You give a bright smile. "I'm so mad I just might kick them where the sun don't shine." You giggle, trying to be cute while you start radiating a terrifying aura. "If they try saying or doing anything to you, I'll be right at your side to put them in their place."

Hinata just blinked a few times, trying to process this side of you that he's never seen before. "You can be kind of scary sometimes, Y/n-chan." Never get on her bad side. I might kill myself if she looked at me like that.

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