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You woke up early in the morning. You sit up and stretching, yawning in your bed. You look over at your phone, checking the time and date. This was it. Today was the day of the three on three match being held by the boys' volleyball club. You swung your legs over the edge of your bed, blinking the lingering traces of sleep from your eyes. You rub your eyes with both hands before pushing yourself off of the soft and comfy bed. You walk across your bedroom floor, stopping at your desk. You pick up the clothes you had laid out for today and head to your bathroom. You shower, dry off, get dressed, and do the rest of your morning routine. You walk to the kitchen, quickly making yourself something to eat. Once you've eaten, and are confident that you have everything you need for the day, you leave your house. You grab your bike and head over to Hinata's house. You ring the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer the door.

It ended up being Natsu. The little girl smiles brightly at you. "Good morning, big sis! What are you doing here?"

You smile, bending down to gently pat her head. "I came to get Shoyo. Is he up yet?"

Natsu nods. "Mom is making sure he eats breakfast right now. He tried to leave the house without eating, and mom got upset. Come in, mom might like to see you." She leads you to the kitchen. "Mom! Big sis Y/n is here for Shoyo!"

The mother looks over at you and her daughter. "Oh, good morning, Y/n. How have you been?"

You smile at her. "I'm good."

"Have you eaten yet?"

You nod. "Yes, I made sure to eat before leaving my house." You look over at Hinata, who was quickly shoving food into his mouth at the table. "I'm guessing you're excited for the match today, Shoyo?"

He nods, quickly swallowing what's in his mouth. "Of course! Kageyama and I are gonna win, then we'll be playing volleyball all year!" He quickly finishes the rest of his breakfast, standing up and hurrying to clean up after himself. "Your bike's outside right, Y/n? Come on, we gotta hurry so we're not late!" He grabs your hand and starts dragging you out of the house.

You chuckle, noticing he was already in practice attire. "I see you're ready to get started asap. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines."

He beams at you. "I'm counting on you. Watch me be awesome and score so many points with my spikes!"

You nod, ushering him to his bike. You get on your own, waiting for him before beginning the trek to the school. "Of course I'll be watching you, that's why I'm going in the first place. You better beat that tall rude blond boy. Tsukishima, I think his name was. I don't want to see someone like that win against my best friend. You're probably way better than him at everything." You keep your eyes forward, trying to focus on safely riding to the school.

Hinata nods, his eyes facing in front of him while he pedals on his bike. "Don't worry. I'll beat him, no problem. I also have Kageyama and Tanaka-san with me. There's no way I could lose to anyone."

You hum. "I don't know. From what Tanaka-san and Sugawara-senpai have said, Daichi is one of the best all around players on the team. It might be difficult to play against him. We also know nothing about how the other first years play. They might be better than we think, even though I hope they suck. I want to see you and Kageyama wipe the floor with them."

The orange haired boy laughs, being careful with steering his bike. "I'll make sure they won't have anything to brag about. Kageyama and I are gonna play well today. I promise we'll win."

You two remain quiet for the rest of the bike ride to the school. You hope off your bikes as you enter through the school gate, walking your bikes to the bike rack. You turn to your friend, watching him stretch. "Ok, so what now?"

He grins at you. "Try to keep up." Without saying another word, and not letting you say anything in return, he sprints away. He runs all the way to the volleyball gym.

You desperately chase after him. "Shoyo! Don't just run away! Shoyo!" You nearly trip, quickly stumbling back into a run as you follow your friend. You didn't even get the chance to look at your surroundings, or else you would've noticed an entire volleyball team watching your run after a certain orange haired boy.

When you finally catch up to him, you stop running. You bend over, hand on your knees, and you pant. You desperately try to breathe in the fresh air. "Shoyo... never do that... again!" You manage to huff out a sentence in between your pants.

He turns to you, a lopsided smile on his face. "Sorry. I just get so used to racing Kageyama here. I forget that you're not as used to running here as I am. It won't happen again while I'm with you."

"You two are already here? I knew I should've started running when I got to the gate." Kageyama appeared, blue eyes scanning the two of you. "Did you run a marathon, or something, L/n?"

You huff out a breath. "Something like that. But I now have an answer to a question I've had for a while. Apparently, I can't beat Shoyo in a race."

Kageyama raised a brow at you. "Why would you try racing him?"

"I didn't." You deadpanned. "He started running and I chased after him. I could barely keep up enough to still see where he was going."

Hinata scratched the back of his head. "Sorry again about that, Y/n. I promise I won't do that to you ever again."

"I see this is a lively bunch. That's good energy to have before a match." Daichi approached you three, the other members of the volleyball club were following close behind the captain, even Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

You smile at the other members of the team. "Hi, I'm Shoyo's childhood friend, L/n Y/n. Nice to finally meet you all." You felt kind of awkward, since you were the only one here not involved with volleyball.

Daichi gives you a kind smile. "Nice to finally meet the girl that's been working with these two problematic first years. I heard from Tanaka and Suga that you have some skills. That could come in handy, if you stick around the team long enough."

You chuckle nervously. "I don't know how often I'll be around the team, but I'll definitely put my knowledge of volleyball to good use."

Sugawara walks up to you, gently patting your head. "Go head into the gym, you guys can too, if you're ready. The rest of us guys will head to the clubroom and change, then we'll be in there with you."

And so, everyone either goes into the gym or to the club room. Soon, the three on three will be taking place.

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