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Last night, you were lucky. You were able to sneak back to the managers' room without anyone noticing, then showered by yourself. No one was awake by the time you went back to go to bed. You had gotten a good sleep.

But waking up proved to be a problem. Since you went to bed last, and had a hard time falling asleep do to what your boyfriend had done, you were the last one to wake up.

Yukie kicks your side. "Wake up Y/n." As you sit up, her eyes widen upon seeing the state your neck is in. "Holy shit! What happened to your neck?!"

You narrow your eyes at the other managers, all of them looking at you. "One Hinata Shoyo happened. He saw Bokuto-san being ultra friendly with me, then marked me up and fucked me to make up for it. He said that next time, he'll make it hurt. All because he walked into the gym Bokuto-san and the others were practicing in! He joined in, saw me exhausted from helping other guys out, then got jealous that he hasn't been around me the past few days since I've been hanging around guys from other teams!" You cross your arms over your chest, huffing out a breath.

Kiyoko sighed, helping you stand up and acting as a support while your legs start working. "We both know you should've seen something like this coming."

Yukie chuckles. "Ha, cumming."

You glare at her. "This isn't funny. I was trying to avoid this the whole time. And now he probably thinks he can have sex whenever he wants. I didn't want something like this to happen at a training camp! If the coaches find out, they're gonna be so mad!"

Kaori hummed. "Then make sure they don't find out about the sex part. Your coaches and team already know about your relationship with him, so they won't care too much."

Yachi chimes in. "Nekoma also know now, don't they? I think they'd understand what happened."

You groaned, putting your head on Kiyoko's shoulder. "I already know most of them will figure it out! I don't have any way to hide my fucking neck! There's nothing I can do about any of this!"

Kiyoko rubs your back. "It'll be fine, Y/n. Just remain calm. Act like nothing happened. As long as you pretend that everything is alright, things should work out just fine."

"I hope you're right." You muttered.


Coach Ukai took one look at you. "Looks like we're not having L/n sub in for Nishinoya today. I hope your night was worth it."

You groan. "Don't remind me of it."

Hinata had a grin on his face. "It was totally worth it."

You send a glare his way. "Don't look so happy about it, Hinata Shoyo. You're not touching me for the next week."

"What?! Why?!"

You point at your neck. "This is why!"

Kuroo walks by, chuckling. "Chibi-chan had a fun night, I see."

"Shut the fuck up, you rooster looking captain." A deep frown rested on your face.

Bokuto stood beside Kuroo. "Why is your neck all blackish, L/n?"

Hinata narrowed his eyes at the ace. "Me and my girlfriend here spent some time together last night."

Bokuto's eyes widened. "You have a boyfriend, L/n?"

You nod. "Yes. And he did the one thing I didn't want him to do. Shoyo, I swear to fuck. Wipe that smirk off your face before I hit you."

Hinata beamed with pride. "But now no one is gonna flirt with you, since you're obviously taken. I'm happy that I get to keep you all to myself."

Tsukishima walks up to you, stopping I front of you and gently patting your head. "Don't worry. He'll get what's coming to him soon. Patience. Karma is a bitch, and he will find that out for himself."

You smile at the tall boy. "Thank you, Tsukishima. You're officially my favorite person today."

Hinata's jaw dropped. "What?! What about me? Y/n-chan?! You still love me, right? Right?!"

You sigh. "Yes, Shoyo. I still love you. But that doesn't make what you did ok. I'm still gonna be mad today."

Kiyoko walks up to you, patting your back gently. "There, there. You'll be fine. Let's just start with our manager duties. Everything will get better as the day continues."

You nod. "Yeah. I just want to get today over with."

The older girl grins. "Those marks will still be on your neck for at least another week. You'll still have to deal with that."

Yachi held the water bottles for the team. "Don't worry, Y/n. I bet everything will be just fine. Since you won't be participating in any of the matches, maybe you'll have more energy for the individual practice tonight. You can play with the guys for a while. Won't that be nice? You can play with any of the guys you want and will most likely be fine. I doubt you'd pass out tonight."

You shrug. "Maybe." You walk with the two managers. "I mean, it would be nice. I don't know if I'll be helping the guys out tonight. Shoyo is joining the group of guys I usually hang around with. I doubt he'd be happy if I get closer to the other guys by receiving for them. And they had a 3 on 3 match going on, so I don't think they'd let me join even if I wanted to. What about you guys? Who do you normally help out during the individual practices?"

Kiyoko holds up her notebook, getting ready to write the notes for today. "I usually help the rest of the team. Usually the second and third years need a little support and help with getting towels and water bottles since they get so focused on improving."

Yachi smiles as she sits beside you on the bench. "I've been helping Kageyama out this whole time. Coach Ukai and I have been helping him get better with the new tosses he started working on. He's making a lot of improvements, but he just needs to work a little bit more to get it just right. He wants to make sure he can get it to Hinata properly before consistently tossing to him."

You nod, looking out over the court. "I hope things take a turn for the better soon. I hate seeing these guys lose constantly. They better improve. We need to be able to beat every other team in the Miyagi prefecture in order to make it to nationals. I know how much this goal means to the guys. I just wanna see them succeed. I hate seeing them fail."

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