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"Oh, Kiyoko? Why are you here?" You look up from your seat, seeing the third year girl standing in front of you. The look on her face was unreadable to you, making you worry about why she was suddenly in your classroom.

Kiyoko heaves a heavy sigh, sitting at the desk beside you. "I need your help."

You briefly look at the girl sitting behind you. "Uh, Hitoka, do you wanna join us for this talk, or do you wanna leave?"

Yachi shrugged. "Um, is it even ok if I sit through this talk? I feel like I don't belong in this conversation." She looked worriedly at the older girl, thinking she wasn't wanted for whatever was about to be discussed.

Kiyoko shook her head, a stressed smile stretching on her face. "It's nothing bad, you can stay here with us. Actually, it might be better if I had multiple people help me out here."

You raise a brow at the ravenette. "Ok. So, what's up? Is it serious? Is this an emergency? Do I need to take special measures?"

Kiyoko sighs. "Look, I know you two are very busy, and that I'm probably just bothering you in your spare time, but I can't do this anymore! I'm just feeling overworked, and like there's so much pressure on me. No one really helps me, and it's becoming too much for me!"

"Uh, Kiyoko, what is this about?"

"Y/n, I need to find someone to help me out with the club. There's so much more going on, we'll even be going to Tokyo next month. I don't want to leave the guys without a manager next year, but it's really hard to look for someone willing to join. No one I've tried talking to wanted to volunteer, not even once or twice. I need your help to find someone that can lend me a hand permanently."

You smile at the older girl, a chuckle rumbling in your throat. "That's what this is all about? You're in luck, Kiyoko. Hitoka and I can join as managers for you. Instead of just one person, you'll have two girls assisting you with your daily tasks. You don't need to get so stressed over all of this. And the guys already know me, so I doubt they'll have any problems with this. If anything, I'm just gonna get bothered about my relationship from the guys on the team."

Yachi nodded, giving a somewhat nervous looking smile. "I'll be glad to help you out. I may not know much about volleyball, and I might not be the best with people, but I promise to try my best!"

Kiyoko let a relieved smile wash over her face. "Oh, thank god! When can you two start? The sooner you can help out, the better for me. But I won't force you two to join right away. If you still need some time, let me know. I can wait just a little bit more."

You laugh a little, waving your hand in front of you. "Kiyo, we can start today. Right, Hitoka. Are you ready to meet the team?"

The blonde girl nods at you. "Sure. I might be a little nervous because of my anxiety, but I can pop in for a bit to meet the team. I can't promise that I'll stay for the whole practice." She turns to the third year sitting beside you. "Is it ok if we come in late? We usually study together right after class. Y/n knows the way, so she can lead me there."

The girl with the glasses nods. "That's fine."

You hum. "Maybe Hitoka and I can find a way of doing our homework after practices after we settle into our roles as managers. We can always think of something so we can be at the entire practice."

The manager nods. "Thanks, you two. Oh, let me go get some application forms for you two. I'll be right back." She stands up, exiting the classroom.

You turn around to face your fellow first year. "Are you sure you can handle meeting the team today? I was pressure you into doing something you're not ready for."

Yachi gives you a smile. "I'll be fine. I'll let you know if I get overwhelmed. You talk about the team often, I think I'm ready to actually get to know all of the guys. Especially your boyfriend." She wiggles her eyebrows at you, a smirk plastered onto her face.

You roll your eyes, the smile on leaving your face. "Whatever. But, seriously, let me know if you feel uncomfortable or anxious. I think Kiyoko would understand you not feeling the best after meeting so many new people. There won't be a problem if you need to leave early."

She nods, appreciation written all over her face. "Thanks. I'll try my best."

"I know you will."


"So these are our new managers." Kiyoko introduces you girls.

You smile and wave at everyone. "There's no need for me to get an introduction. You all know me pretty well by now." You point at the trembling girl beside you. "She's in my class and is my bestie. Please treat her well."

Yachi bows a perfect 90 degrees. "M-my n-name is Y-Yachi H-Hitoka! I'm in year 1, class 5! N-nice t-to m-me-meet you!"

You give a big smile, pulling her into a standing position and slinging an arm around her shoulders. "Don't bother her too much. She has anxiety and is trying her best. Also, I'll start hitting you guys if you overwhelm her. So please be on your best behavior."

"Yes ma'am!"

Yamaguchi looked at Yachi with stars in his eyes. "She's cute." He mutters to himself, not audible to anyone else in the gym.

You pat Yachi's back. "You'll be fine. Come to me and/or Kiyoko if you need or want anything. Don't push yourself too hard. If you're having problems, let me know immediately. Ok?"

Yachi nods, a small smile creeping onto her face. "Thanks, Y/n. I don't know what I would do without you."

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