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He waits nervously for the girl to arrive. He already cleaned up, but he hasn't found the confidence to leave his room. His girlfriend could show up at any moment, yet he's busy pacing in his room. The orange haired boy is in a slight panic. He was debating spilling his big secrets to you, but ever since you confessed to him and this romantic relationship formed between you two, he has been terrified to confess his deepest darkest secrets to you.

Hinata sighed, looking over his room once more. How can I even think about telling her about something like this? I mean, this is depression and attempted suicide I'm thinking about letting her know about. It's serious, and we just started dating. If I was going to tell her, it should've been while we were still friends. Now that our relationship is different, now that we'll be even closer than before, with intimacy that can't be compared to a normal friendship. Damn it! I can't find it in me to let her know everything. If I couldn't tell her before, why would I be able to tell her now? I can't let her see my arms, I can't let her know the thoughts I have. If she finds out, everything will change. I mean, she's probably gonna leave me and never speak to me again. I don't think she's that kind of person, but I don't know what's happened to her since she went to a different middle school. Hell, she even knows Oikawa and is apparently friends with him! She could be completely different about some things now! I can't tell her. I have to make sure she never finds out about what I'm really like now. I just have to keep putting on this face and pretend like everything is alright. This has to be a secret I die with.

There was knock on the door. "Shoyo? Mom says you just be coming downstairs soon. It would be rude if you didn't great Y/n nee-san when she gets here." Natsu stood outside of the room, relaying the message their mother had given her. She didn't think anything of her older brother hiding out in his room, since that became a normal thing for him to do over the years. She only did as she was told because her mother has always tried doing what was best for everyone, at least that's what Natsu believes.

Hinata sighed, turning to face his locked door. "I'll be down in a few minutes. I think Y/n is still cleaning up and getting herself ready to come over. She had to take a while to get home from the house she was staying at for the week. It wasn't too long ago that she texted me that she had just gotten home. Tell mom I have a few things to do before I come down."

"Ok!" Natsu turned on her heels and went to tell her mother what her brother said. "Shoyo has a few things to do. He'll be down soon."

The mother of the Hinata siblings nods, trying to keep her focus on the food she was making. "Alright. If he's not down, can you answer the door when Y/n arrives?"

"Of course! I love Y/n nee-san! I want to show her the new dolls I got! Maybe she can play with me for a little tonight!" The little orange haired girl jumps up, bouncing off to wait in front of the door.

Hinata pulled himself together, unlocking his bedroom door. He leaves his room, closing the door, and walks down to the front door. "Natsu, what are you doing?"

His little sister looks over at him, hand on the front door. "Mom said to wait for Y/n nee-san in case you didn't come down before she got here. I was gonna welcome her in and play with her and show her my new dolls!" The little girl bounced with excitement, desperately wanting to spend some time with you.

The big brother frowned. "Get away from the door. I'm down here now, so I can answer the door for Y/n. I've known her longer than you've been alive."

Natsu pouted, crossing her arms in front of her as she huffs out a breath. "I like Y/n nee-san just as much as you. I deserve to spend some time with her too! And not just her babysitting while you're busy with volleyball!"

Hinata took in a deep breath, slowly exhaling as he starts pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, Natsu, you and I like Y/n in different ways. I love her -"

"I love her too!"

"I mean that I'm gonna marry her one day! She'll be your big sister, and my wife! I'm in love with her, it's different from how you feel! Y/n is my girlfriend!" Hinata's face turned red, shouting his response to try and get the younger girl to understand what he meant.

Natsu's eyes widened. "Really? Y/n nee-san is gonna actually be my big sister one day?"

The older boy nods, suddenly feeling shy. "Yeah, so I'll open the door for her. She can spend some time with you after dinner, if you really want."

Natsu jumps up, celebrating the good news she just found out. "Spend all night with her, Shoyo! Make sure she'll be my real big sister!"

Hinata sighs, then turns to the door when the doorbell rings. He opens the door, smiling when he sees your face. "Hey, Y/n."

You smile right back at him. "Hey, Shoyo." You look behind him, seeing a certain little girl. "Hey, Natsu. How are you doing?" You walk into the house, letting your boyfriend close the door.

Natsu beamed at you. "I'm doing amazing now that I know that one day you'll marry Shoyo and be my real big sister!"

You feel a lot of heat build in your face. "Uh, what? Where did you hear that from?" You chuckle awkwardly. You never expected something like that to come from Natsu so suddenly.

The little girl giggles. "Shoyo told me!"

You look at your boyfriend. "You what?"

Before he could answer, his mother called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, kids! Let's eat!"

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