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You yawned, rubbing your eyes tiredly. "It's so early. Why did we need to head to Tokyo this early in the morning?"

Daichi looked over at you, seeing you practially dragging yourself and your bags towards the bus. "It'll take us a while to get there, and there are probably gonna be matches all afternoon. We need to be there early enough to get ourselves situated, then be ready to play."

Hinata walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. "I'll miss you while I'm still here. I'll make sure to pass on the first try and get there with plenty of time to spare. Kageyama and I will be playing volleyball with the rest of you."

You give your boyfriend a tired smile. "I appreciate that, Shoyo. Good luck with your exam, you too, Kageyama." You walk onto the bus and sit near the back, already getting yourself ready to fall back asleep.

Everyone else says their goodbyes to the two first years that have to stay back. Soon, everyone but Kageyama and Hinata are on the bus. The team leaves their first year duo behind, heading straight for Tokyo. All the players and managers sleep throughout the ride, needing enough energy for the matches that they're going to be taking part in once they arrive at the training camp. You wake up a little while before you all arrive at your destination, being fully rested up. You stretch in your seat, looking over at the others. Kiyoko had her head against the window, still deep asleep. Yachi's head rested on the older girl's shoulder as she remained unconscious. You rub your eyes, doing a quick check up on all of the sleeping players. You smile to yourself, glad that everyone else was still collecting all their energy to give this training camp everything they've got.

Ukai wasn't driving at the moment. The coach turns back, making eye contact with you. He gives a small smile. "Can't sleep anymore?" He keeps his voice quiet, being just loud enough for you to hear without waking the others.

You shake your head. "I think I've rested up enough. How close are we to the school?"

He hums, checking his phone for the time. "Looks like we should be there within 20-30 minutes. We can let the others continue sleeping for now. We should wake them up as we're pulling into the parking lot."

You nod, watching as he turns back around in his seat. You glance out the window, taking in the sights of the new prefecture. It's pretty. It would've been nice to see all of this with Shoyo. I hope he does good on his exam. I'd like to see him get here while there are still practice matches he can take part in. He'll be so happy to play again. You let out a sigh, thinking about the unusual behavior he's had for the past few days. Something seems off with him, though. He was smiling less since that one day he got hit in the face. I wanna hope that it's just because he's upset about the supplementary lessons making him miss out on some of the training camp. But I have this feeling, almost like something else happened. He never told me anything, and his mom said he was asleep when the got home that night. I wonder if Shoyo is hiding something from me. He hasn't been in the best condition since getting hit in the head.

You shake your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts building in your head. You wanted to believe that everything was going to be fine, that everything is fine. You tried to stop focusing on how odd your boyfriend has been acting lately, hoping there wasn't something too serious going on without you being aware of it. Your eyes focus on the scenery outside of the bus window, but your mind stays wrapped around the idea that something could be wrong with Hinata. And you had no clue about it.

The bus soon pulled into the parking lot of the school. You went around the bus with coach Ukai, waking everyone up. They all tiredly rubbed their eyes, but ended up giving you smiles. You go back to grab your bags, being the first one off of the bus. You look up from the ground, seeing a familiar figure standing there. You vaguely remember him from golden week, you knew for a fact that he was on the Nekoma team. You were thinking hard about his name when he walked up to you.

"Hey, you're the cute girl that was close with chibi-chan from Karasuno. What was your name again?" Kuroo gave a friendly smile.

You smile back, trying to be nice even though you just wanted to get today over with. "L/n Y/n. Could you remind me of your name? I know you're the captain of Nekoma, but I can't seem to remember your name."

Kuroo chuckled. "That's fine. I didn't think you'd remember much about me. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. Last I checked, you weren't actually a manager for Karasuno. And you played with the team a bit. Are you still just helping out, or did you officially join as a manager or something?"

"I'm actually a manager now. I joined just after the inter high."

Tanaka and Nishinoya had just stepped off the bus, immediately spotting you laughing with the Nekoma captain. They frowned, running over to get Kuroo away from you. "Back off! She's taken." They took it upon themselves to make sure no one would flirt with you while Hinata was still back in Miyagi.

You sighed, rolling your eyes. "Knock it off, you two. I'm not gonna cheat on Shoyo. Kuroo-san and I were literally just talking about small things. Like, reminding each other of our names and catching up on how we're involved with the teams. You two better be on your best behavior, right, Daichi?" You give an intimidating smile to the two, glancing at the captain that was approaching them from behind.

Daichi places his hands on each of the boys' shoulders. "You two aren't causing problems already, are you?"

They gulp, sprinting away from the captain.

You turn back to Kuroo with an innocent expression. "So, how's your setter doing?"

Kuroo chuckles, beginning to lead you and the team towards the building you all will be staying in. "Kenma's fine. He's been kind of excited to see your chibi-chan again. Speaking of which, you're dating him now?"

You nod. "Yeah, we were actually dating during golden week. We kept it a secret for a while." You get led to the room the managers are staying in, finally being able to unpack your weekend bags.

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