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The door opens once more. This time, Lev and Hinata step into the gym together. "I wanna join you guys too!"

You look over, panting. "Oh, there's more." You take a step forward and fall on your face. "Ow."

Hinata looks over, seeing you laying face first on the ground. "Y/n? What are you doing here? Why are you laying on your face?"

You turn your head to look at him, an irritated look on your face. You speak sarcastically. "Oh, I don't know. The ground seemed comfortable, so I'm taking a nap."

Lev looks down at you. "I don't think it's healthy to take a nap on the ground."

Tsukishima is annoyed by their stupidity. "She's not actually taking a nap. She collapsed again, you idiots."

Hinata looked worried. "Again? What happened this time?"

Bokuto beamed. "I asked her to help us out, and she's been receiving all my spikes! I got a total of 10 spikes she couldn't receive!"

The orange haired boy pursed his lips. "Oh? You asked her? And she agreed? Is that right, Y/n?"

You chuckle nervously. "I can explain. What he said is right, but I'm really only doing this for practice purposes."

Akaashi sighed. "Stop with whatever is going on. Aren't any of you going to help her up."

Bokuto blinks, starting to walk over to you. "Oh, right." He picks you up bridal style, carrying you over to a wall and setting you down against it. "Just watch now. You don't need to do anything else."

You nod, offering a weak smile. "Thanks, Bokuto-san." You look behind him, at your boyfriend. "I'm guessing you and I are having a little chat later, Shoyo."

The short middle blocker doesn't say a word. He just nods, not looking away from your eyes. He has a mix of emotions bubbling inside him right now. And he was determined to mark you up later, making sure everyone knows that you're taken. He turns away from you, getting ready to play with the others.

Akaashi sighed once the teams of three were picked out. "This seems a little unfair." He was on a team with Bokuto and Hinata.

Kuroo grinned, being on a team with Tsukishima and Lev. "Come on, let's do things we normally can't during the day."

You saw how unfair this was, with the height differences. You laughed at it. "Alright, let's see who's better. Three tall middle blockers, or a short middle blocker with an average sized setter and a somewhat tall ace."

"It's not funny." Tsukishima furrowed his brows, clearly unhappy with this whole thing.

You wrapped your arms around your stomach. "It's only funny to me because I'm not involved!" You watch as the group of six boys start playing. You make mental notes on areas each of them could improve. It was mainly the first years you thought needed improvements.

Luckily for the first years, Bokuto and Kuroo were teaching them techniques to use during matches. The three first years were actually learning from the third years. At every word the two third years said, Akaashi looked done with everything, which would make you giggle to yourself. Occasionally, you would call out to the group of boys and add your input. Bokuto seemed happy every time you complimented him. Hinata, however, was becoming more jealous by the moment. You would have to force compliments out on what Hinata did good, just to keep him from blowing up in front of everyone.



You turn to face your boyfriend as you two were walking behind the others, on your way to dinner. "Y-yes, Shoyo?"

The orange haired boy didn't have a smile on his face. "Why are you being so nice to Bokuto-san?"

"Ah, well, about that." You tried thinking of excuses you could give, but none of them sounded good enough. "It's kind of hard to explain. But, I'm not doing it for a bad reason. I'm just being nice, and helping out."

"He asked you. You could've said no. You even collapsed. And I heard from Akaashi-san that you collapsed the other days you've helped out, which was every day of the training camp."

You look away, seeing how the others weren't paying attention to you. "Well -"

"Y/n. I thought we had an understanding. I'm supposed to be the only boy you're close to during the training camp. I warned you what would happen if you got too close with any of the other guys here."

You quickly sprint away. "Tsukishima, help me!"

"You dug you're own grave. Now lay in it. Don't involve me with your problems with shrimpy." He looks away from you, secretly feeling guilty that he's abandoning you in your time of need. He just didn't want to become a target for your boyfriend.

Hinata, began chasing after you. "Come back, Y/n!"

"Wait till after we've eaten dinner! I will gladly face your wrath after we've eaten! Please, Shoyo!" You tripped, falling on your face. "Ow."

Hinata helps you up. "Fine. You're mine after dinner. Enjoy the time while it lasts." He walks off, going to eat.

You sigh, turning to the other boys with a nervous smile on your face. "I'm in danger."


Your back gets slammed against the wall. "Sh-Shoyo!"

Hinata looks at you, a hunger in his intense gaze. "You did specifically what I told you not to do. This is your punishment." He roughly bites and sucks at your neck.

"Ow! That hurt!"

He doesn't respond to you, instead he slips his hand under your shirt. He grasps at your breast, moving your bra away to feel your bare skin in his hand. His other hand slips down from your waist, heading to your shorts. He pulls the fabric, letting it snap against your skin. You let out a yelp, but he continues marking you. He finally puts his hand in your shorts, trailing down to tease you over your underwear.

You lower your voice to a whisper, not wanting to get caught. "Shoyo, we can't! We'll get caught."

Hinata looks at you, after leaving a final hickey near your chest. "No, we won't. Keep your voice down, and everything will be alright."

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