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You sit there, having just finished looking over the papers. Out of nowhere, she giggles, causing you to laugh. You look over at the girl, a wide smile on your face. "Ok, why are we laughing, Hitoka?"

Yachi ceases with her laughter, looking into your e/c eyes. "Sorry, but we were looking at the papers so long trying to see what was wrong with it. I realized I made a spelling error, and I think it's kinda funny cuz we were so focused on finding the problem."

You look over her paper one more time. "Oh, shit. You're right. Instead of saying 'hi, my name is Hitoka Yachi', you said 'hi, my mane is Hitoka Yachi'. How did you mix up the m and n?"

"I guess I got a little confused with the two letters. I'll fix it right now."

You nod, taking a sip of the drink you had gotten while you two were working on homework together. "Yeah, you probably should. I'd feel bad if you got a point deduction for a simple mistake like that. I don't want to see you freak out for making such a small error. It's not even that big a deal."

She chuckles, quickly fixing her mistake. "Yeah. I'm just glad we're doing it together right now. I think I would be having a panic attack without you to help me. Thanks for coming over today. It means I lot to me, even though you had to find a way of getting your bike all the way here. Are you sure that you'll be fine traveling back home? I can always walk a part of the way with you. Or, you could stay until my mom is able to help you get home."

You shake your head, putting your drink on the table. "Don't worry about it. I can handle riding my bike alone at night. I'd feel bad for troubling your mom after she's had a long day of work. And I wouldn't want you being out at night. I'll be fine. Speaking of which, I should probably get going soon. We did everything for our homework, right?"

Yachi nods. "Yes. We had agreed that English would be the last thing we work on. We made sure to check over everything else, and it looks like it's all good. I can walk you down to the outside of the building. I would feel bad if I didn't walk with you for just a little bit."

You chuckle, getting up from your spot and gathering all of your things together. "Alright. I won't say no to that."

You two walk out of the apartment together, heading down to the ground floor. The moment you two exit the building, Yachi stops moving. You take a few steps forward, turning back to your friend with a smile on your face. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning, Hitoka."

Yachi waves at you, watching as you get your bike. "Alright. See you tomorrow, Y/n. Get home safe, and get a good night's rest!"

You nod, getting on your bike. "You too!" You start pedaling away, heading back home. When you finally reached home, you headed up to your room and grabbed a change of clothes after setting your school bag down by your desk. You went to your bathroom to get cleaned up and changed. When you come back out, you put your dirty uniform into the washer. You walk back downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing different things in order to make dinner tonight for you, your parents, and Hinata.

Your mom walks into the kitchen, seeing you starting to make dinner. "Would you like some help with that, sweetie? Your father will be home in a little bit, and I thin we could use this time to talk."

You look over at her, not paying attention as you continued to chop up some potatoes to put into curry. You wince, having accidentally cut your finger. "Ow. Uh, yeah, come help me, mom."

She hurries over, taking your hand in hers and walking you over to the sink. "Wash it carefully. I'll go grab a band aid." She leaves the kitchen, but returns quickly. She walks over to you. "Did you wash it out?"

You nod, removing your hand from under the water. You turn the sink off, holding your hand out for your mom. "Yeah. Thanks, mom."

"It's no problem. Sorry for distracting you." She looks over, seeing you had all the ingredients to make curry. "Curry for dinner tonight? Is there a special occasion?"

You divert your eyes away from the older woman. "Well, Shoyo is coming over tonight once his practice ends. I thought I'd make something a bit different." You walk back over to the counter once your finger was taken care of.

Your mom grabs the knife before you could reach it. "I'll take over with chopping the meat and vegetables. Why don't you prepare everything else?"

You sigh, turning to start preparing the rice and curry.


The doorbell rung, causing you to leave the kitchen and answer it. You smile when you saw your friend. "Hey, Shoyo. How was practice?" You move aside to let him in.

Hinata walks inside, taking his shoes off and dropping his bag onto the floor. "It was fine. Kageyama was yelling and calling me a dumbass every time I made a mistake, though."

You frown, leading him to the kitchen. "Sorry to hear about that. Dinner's ready. Are you hungry? I made curry with my mom tonight." You go over to the counter, grabbing plates. You put some rice on both of the plates, then pour some curry on top of it. You walk back to the table, putting the plates down before taking a seat next to your friend. "Hope you like it."

"Thanks for the food." He scoops some food onto his spoon, about to put it in his mouth. Then, he got a look at your hand. "What's with the band aid?"

You flinch, trying to hide your hand. "Uh, nothing."

Hinata put his spoon down, grabbing your hand. "You got hurt?"

You don't meet his gaze. "I accidentally but myself with the knife."

He froze, eyes widening. "You cut yourself?" He could barely choke the sentence out.

Your parents walk into the room, getting their own plates. Your mom looks over at you two. "Oh, Shoyo, it's good to see you. I see you noticed her little cut. It wasn't that bad. I distracted her while she was cutting up some vegetables. She's fine, it was barely bleeding. Nothing serious."

Hinata slowly lets out a breath. "I'm glad it's nothing serious."

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