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You grab your phone, quickly turning the alarm off. With a yawn and quick stretch, you get out of bed to get ready for the day. You smiled as you remember everything that's happened over the past few days. You spent time with the other managers and exchanged gifts, you spent Christmas with Hinata and his family, and yesterday you had went back to practices and gave the other members of the club their presents. They all seemed happy, even if they hadn't opened the gifts until they got into the clubroom after practice. But each one had thanked you multiple times for the gifts you had given them.

You walk around your room, making sure you had everything in order for practice. You hummed to yourself, a song stuck in your head. You move throughout your room, then leave to go eat and leave. You quietly walk through the house, not wanting to disturb your parents. Even though they were already awake, you didn't want to worry them with anything. You make your own breakfast, eat, then clean up after yourself. You soon leave your house, quickly saying goodbye to your parents and reminding them where you'll be all day.

With your bag slung over your shoulder, you make your way to your bike. You head over to Hinata's house and wait for him to come out. The moment he steps out of the house, you call out to him. "Ready to go to practice, Shoyo?"

He smiles once his eyes land on you. "Yeah. Let's go." He get his bike, and you two start riding to the school together.

Neither of you say anything on the way to the school, a relaxing and comfortable silence falling between you two. You looked around using your peripheral vision, taking in the sights around you. You take glances at the boy riding beside you, seeing how he was completely focused on making his way to practice. Something seemed different with him. You've noticed that there have been some sudden changes ever since the first year camp in the prefecture, but you couldn't place what was actually different. All you knew was that something seemed off. Maybe he was concentrating more, maybe he became quieter. You had no clue what it actually was, but you grew concerned for him.

"Is everything alright, Shoyo?"

"I'm just tired." He answers blandly, not sparing a glance in your direction. You noticed he's been saying that a lot lately whenever you ask about him. It's like it's the only response he knows. You wondered if he was just getting poor sleep, or if there was something more to it.

But you had no clue. It wasn't like he was offering to tell you everything that was going on with him. It worried you, but you weren't gonna force him to talk about it. You just thought that maybe he had a lot on his plate. So, you decided it was better to back off and let him be. If he wants to talk about it, he will. It was as simple as that. So, you pushed all your worried thoughts to the back of your head. After all, everything is fine until you're proven wrong. Right?

"Hey, Hinata, L/n."

You stop riding your bike, getting off to turn to the person walking towards you. "Hey, Kageyama. Ready for practice?"

Kageyama nods, offering a faint smile to you. "Yeah. I heard we'll be having practice matches soon. Coach sent a message, I don't know if you heard about it yet."

You shake your head, frowning slightly. You quickly fix a smile back in place. "I wasn't informed yet. I guess coach didn't send anything to any of the managers yet. Do you know when the practice match is?" You side eye your boyfriend, almost surprised that he hadn't told you a thing.

The setter shifts his weight between his feet. "Tomorrow. We managed to schedule something with Dateko. Are you gonna step in at all during the practice match?"

You hum, then shake your head. "Nah. I think I'll leave everything up to you guys. It'll help you all prepare for nationals. I don't see any reason for me to join in practice matches. But, I will be joining in practice again today. Let's see how well your spikers can get around my receives."

He chuckles quietly. "I'll carve the path for them. You won't beat us every set you're on the court."

"We'll see." You grin as you walk in between the two boys. You manage to keep up a conversation with Kageyama. Hinata remains quiet, focusing forward. He had a distant look on his face, almost as if he wasn't mentally here with you. It wasn't until you and Hinata put your bikes at the rack that your boyfriend went back to his usual self. He took off in a sprint, getting a head start over Kageyama. The tall first year ends up screaming after him, right on the shorter boy's heels.

You laugh at their usual antics, heading to the changing room you managers use. You head inside, quickly putting on an outfit you practice in, then head to the gym. When you step inside, you notice that only you were inside the building. No one else had made it there yet. You shrug it off, starting to set up the net and grab the ball carts from storage. When everything is set up, you walk to the wall and smile at your work. It was what you normally do, but you liked seeing that you were capable of doing everything by yourself.

Soon, the others started filing into the gym. A few of the boys were talking about stuff, mainly about the upcoming practice match. You watched their movements, keeping an eye on them as they walk onto the court to start their warm ups. It wasn't until coach Ukai and the other managers walk in that your attention shifts away from the boys.

You offer a kind smile as the others approach you. "Hey. Everyone ready for another busy day."

They all just smile at nod, then turn to look at the boys on the court.

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