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"One more!"

Everyone collapsed, groaning. Even the coaches seemed exhausted after the teams had played set after set for the whole day.

You sigh, walking over to the court and placing your hand on the boy's shoulder. "Shoyo, everyone is exhausted. Plus, the Tokyo team needs to get on the train so they can go home. If we keep them any longer, they won't be able to get back to Tokyo. Let's call it a day. There are always other opportunities to play more with other teams."

Hinata looked at you with big, sad eyes. "But, Y/n-chan!"

You cross your arms over your chest. "Oh no, you're not gonna try that with me. Shoyo, you're done for the day. Everyone is exhausted. If you don't agree to stop right now, you won't be getting anything you want. You won't be allowed over at my house, I won't make food for you, we won't ride bikes together to and from school, I won't eat lunch with you, and I won't come to your practices anymore."

He fell to his knees, his head hanging. "Fine. I'm done for today. Let's clean up."

You smile, helping him back to his feet. You pull him in for a hug, patting his back and ruffling his hair. "Good boy. Now, use the rest of your energy to help clean up the gym."

Hinata perked up, wrapping his arms around you and jumping up while holding you. "Alright! You can just sit around, looking pretty, while I do all of the hard work!" He lets go of you, running off to start cleaning up.

Everyone else just looked shocked. No one would've thought you two would interact that way. But, then again, Hinata is the little sunshine of Karasuno, and you are his best friend. You've always been a little ray of sunshine yourself, so you cheering others up seemed to be normal. However, you calling Hinata a "good boy" while petting his head caught everyone else off guard.

Kiyoko walks over to you, whispering in your ear. "Why did you do that in front of everyone?"

Your face heats up, you use your hands to cover how embarrassed you look. "I wasn't thinking. I just trying to get him to stop with playing volleyball. I mean, it worked, didn't it?"

She pats your shoulder. "There, there. Kiss your boyfriend when you two get home."



Hinata jumped on you, squeezing you with his arms. "Hey, wanna come over to my house?"

You quickly look around, seeing a few of the other guys gazing at you two. "Uh, sure. Any reason why?'

"I texted my mom to tell her we started dating, and she said she wants you to come over for dinner when the training camp is over." He nuzzled his face against yours, being extra lovey.

You give a nervous smile, still eyeing the guys that were currently staring you two down. A drop of sweat rolled down your face. "Right. I'll be there."

He frowns, squeezing you tighter. "Why can't we head to my house together?"

You sigh, praying that it's not obvious to everyone. "I have to grab my stuff from Kiyoko's house. I'll need to drop it off back home, then clean up before heading over to your place for dinner. Just, please be patient. And let go before everyone figures out that we're together. I thought we agreed to keep it a secret." You kept your voice low, not wanting to risk any of the others to hear anything you said.

Hinata seemed to understand, for he let go of you and backed away slightly. "Right. Sorry. I guess I got a little excited. I can't wait to hold you later. I - I'll give you another kiss."

You watch with wide eyes as he bounds away to help finish up with cleaning the gym. You let out a breath and walk over to Kiyoko. "He's making it obvious, isn't he?"

Kiyoko looks at you with a thoughtful expression. "I don't think the others have it fully realized yet. They can tell Hinata is acting a little different, but it's not blatantly obvious that you two are an item." She gently places a hand on your shoulder. "If it gets bad, and everyone finds out, you can just be open about it. It's not like you're doing anything wrong. Why did you even want to keep this a secret anyways?"

"I - I don't know. I'm just worried about hurting other people's feelings. I don't want to just come out and let the whole team know I'm dating someone. I mean, what if it creates problems between the guys?"

Kiyoko hums. "I doubt that, but I can see the point in worrying about it. A few of the members could have secret crushes on you for all we know, and it might make them working with Hinata nearly impossible. If it bothers you that much, try asking someone like Sugawara to find out who might genuinely like you. If there's no one other than Nishinoya and/or Tanaka, then I say confidently tell the team."

You nod, helping Kiyoko with some of the tasks. "I don't think Tanaka genuinely likes me, but the Nishinoya thing is a possibility."

"Also, Hinata already seems to be jealous of you. I'm going out on a limb here and saying something happened with that one guy from Nekoma, the one with the mohawk. Every now and then, I catch your boyfriend sending death glares at the Tokyo boy."

You freeze. "Wha-? Really? Shoyo is already acting like that? It's only been a few days. I didn't think he was a possessive or jealous type. He seems to sunshiny to be like that, you know?"

"Only in a very serious situation can you see the truest part of a person. You never really know someone until something happens."

You stay rooted in place, watching as the manager walks away. Something about her words gave you a bad feeling. Do I really know Shoyo? Is there something serious he's hiding? Could he actually be a completely different person from what he shows? Your eyes follow the figure of Hinata, watching him closely to see if he reveals something to you. No way. Shoyo is a ball of sunshine. Nothing could ever be wrong with him. He's the happiest person I know. He doesn't have a dark side, or anything like that.

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