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It was early in the morning when the doorbell rang. You groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You sat up in bed, slowly getting off your bed and heading to the front door. You make your way through the house, sleepily opening the door.

Only to find your best friend and next door neighbor smiling at you. "Shoyo, what are you doing here so early in the morning. School isn't for another four hours or so. You could've let me sleep for a little longer."

Hinata shook his head. "No, we have to leave within the next twenty minutes to get to practice on time. Hurry up and get dressed already, Y/n."

You groan, turning in your house, leaving the door open for the orange haired boy to walk in. "Go grab a breakfast bar or something from the kitchen. I'll be back down in a few." You head upstairs. You go splash cold water on your face before quickly getting dressed in your school uniform, grabbing everything you would need for school. You walk back downstairs, going to the kitchen. "How much time do we have?"

"Five minutes until we need to leave. Here, have some onigiri." He handed you the rice ball with a smile on his face. He stood up from the chair he was sitting on once you started eating. "Hopefully, we can get there before Kageyama. I need to beat him!"

You quickly finish up the onigiri, grabbing a quick drink of water before grabbing a water bottle to put in your bag for school. "So you had to wake me up just so you could get to school before Kageyama?"


You sigh, dragging your feet as you head to the front door. You put your shoes on side by side with your friend. "Why do I need to come with you? I'm not a part of the team."

Hinata looked at you with a frown. "I thought you said you would come to some of our practices. I was just thinking we could spend more time together like this. Do you not want to?"

You hang your head as you two walk over to your bikes, hopping on and starting on your way to school. "That's not it, Shoyo. I just wanted a little more sleep. I don't want to distract any of you guys at practice, so I didn't think about showing up so soon after you joined. I mean, just yesterday you had that three on three match. And I did a lot of stuff during the day. I'm tired, you could've just let me sleep in a bit longer."

I knew I was being too clingy with her. She probably does want me around. My arms just finished healing, maybe I should try to kill myself again. Y/n doesn't need me in her life. I should just die, completely disappear from her life. I'm too much of a burden. Hinata remained silent, a deep frown on his face. He was overthinking, the dark thoughts starting to win.

You noticed the frown on his face, thinking your answer upset him. "It's fine, Shoyo. I'll come to your practices whenever you want me to. Next time, you should ask me in advance though. I don't want to be surprised last minute."

"Sorry. I should've just left you alone."

Your brows furrowed as you worried. That answer didn't sound like him at all, it was almost as if he was another person. "No. I just didn't expect any of that. I'm more than happy to come with you." You give a bright smile. "I love watching you play volleyball. You have nothing to apologize for. Next time, just ask me a day in advance, ok?"

He nods, slowly forcing a smile onto his face. "Ok. I won't do any more last minute surprises."

The rest of the ride to the school was silent. A part of you felt uneasy with how Hinata changed so much within a few seconds. You wondered if there was something wrong with him, but he refused to tell you. You didn't want to push him to say something he didn't plan on informing you about, so you acted as if you didn't notice that anything was wrong. You thought that would be for the best.

But it wasn't. Inside, Hinata was wondering if you even cared about him, or if you had noticed that he let his dark side slip out a little. He thought you would've mentioned it by now. If you did, maybe he would finally be able to talk about it with you. He could work on getting better with your help, and he was almost tempted to bring this up with you. But the depressive thoughts stopped him.

You're only going to get in the way. She won't be able to live her life if I tell her. She'll focus everything on me, dropping all of her own problems. She won't ever be free to live her own life if I start worrying her with my depression. She doesn't need to know. It's better for everyone if no one finds out about how I really feel.

You turn to him as you finished putting your bike in the rack. "Hey, is everything alright, Shoyo? You've been awfully quiet lately. Did I do something wrong? Is something bothering you? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Hinata tensed, slowly turning to look on him. The look on his face was almost fearful, worried for what you might already know. Once he met your eyes, he nervously laughs and rubs the back of his head while giving you a big smile. "Sorry, I guess I'm also just a little tired this morning. There's nothing to worry about. Come on, let's hurry. I need to sprint to the club room to get there before Kageyama." Without letting you say another word, he rushes off to the club room.

You sigh, chasing after him.

"L/n!" Kageyama spotted you while you were running, calling out to you.

You paused mid step, turning to look at him. You smile warmly at the setter, walking over to him. "Hey, Kageyama. What's up?"

"Why are you running?"

"Shoyo started running to the club room. I kinda have to chase after him."

Kageyama's eyes widened. "Sorry, you'll have to excuse me. I can't lose to him." He bolts off.

You release another breath, this time walking in the same direction the two boys had run off to. Boy, this already felt like it was going to be a long day.

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