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Your alarm goes off, making you groan. You roll over in bed, reaching your hand out to grab your phone. You pop your head out from under the blankets, looking at what you're doing. Once your alarm gets turned off, you sit up in bed and put your phone back on your nightstand. You start doing your morning routine, trying to be quick about it so that a certain orange haired boy won't ring the doorbell while your parents are still asleep.

You quickly make some breakfast wraps for you and Hinata once you finish up with your morning routine, having already brought your school bag down. When you feel that everything is in order, you walk over to your front door. You put your shoes on, grabbing your school bag and slinging it over your shoulder while still holding the wraps. You walk out of your door, managing to lock the door. You turn and grab your bike, walking over to the house next door.

The door opens, and out comes Hinata. He turns to look at you, smiling brightly. "Morning, Y/n-chan. Whatcha got in your hands?" He leans over as he walks closer to you.

You hold one of the wraps out for him to take. "Breakfast. I'm going to eat mine while watching your practice, you can eat yours whenever you're ready for it." You put your wrap into your bag, swinging a leg over your bike. You sit on the seat, getting ready to lift your legs and start pedaling. Then you look over at your friend. "Is everything alright, Shoyo? We need to get going or you might not be able to beat Kageyama there."

Hinata puts his wrap in his bag, getting his bike. He gets on, about to start pedaling. "Yeah, just didn't expect you to make me something for breakfast. I'll make sure to eat it after practice. Thanks, by the way."

You smile as the two of you start pedaling towards school. "It was nothing. I just thought I'd help you out by making sure you eat breakfast sometime this morning."

"What would I do without you?"


You had finished your wrap long ago, just sitting on the side and watching as the team practiced volleyball together. You were impressed by what you saw. You didn't think you'd be able to play with all of them, if you ever needed to.

Hinata jumped up and looked at you. "Y/n-chan! Come join us!"

Your eyes widened. You point to yourself once all eyes were on you. "Me? You guys want me, a girl, to play? Like, for real?"

Kageyama nods, attempting to smile at you. "You were a lot of help with getting Hinata's receives to be decent. Why don't you join us for a bit?"

You shake your head. "I don't know, I don't have a change of clothes."

Hinata pouted. "But you always helped me out while wearing your school uniform. What's the problem with playing volleyball now?"

You knew there was a problem, especially if you had to jump or move around too much. But you weren't going to point that out to a bunch of boys, considering some of them might try harder to get you to play if they saw the problem you were thinking about. You slowly stood up, letting out a sigh. "Fine. I'll play with you guys for a bit. But I'm not doing any spiking! I'll stick to receives like a libero!"

Kageyama shrugged. "That's fine. There's no problem, as long as your receives are good. Which team are you gonna join?"

You noticed that Kageyama and Hinata were on the same team. You could join them, but you noticed that Suga's team didn't have Daichi - who was the best person here when it came to receives.

Hinata gave you puppy dog eyes. "You're gonna join my team, right?"

You chuckle nervously. "Actually, I was planning on being on the team with Sugawara-senpai and Yamaguchi. You guys have Daichi, and he's the best with receives. I think I'm gonna help out a team that needs someone else with pretty good receives."

Sugawara gave you high fives when you walked onto his side of the court. "Good choice! And if you change your mind about spiking, I'll be more than happy to send you a toss or two."


Kageyama was glaring, but only because the team he was on lost. "You never said you were that good at volleyball, L/n." He huffed out a breath, crossing his arms over his chest. He was pouting like a big baby.

You did your best to not laugh in his face as you walked into the main school building with the team. "I didn't? Weird. I meant to tell you all that even in gym class, Shiratorizawa's school expects the absolute best results from their students."

Sugawara chuckled. "Hey, I'm not complaining. I was even surprised that you started running and called for a toss."

Yamaguchi nodded his head enthusiastically. "That was even the winning point! I never would've guessed that you'd be able to play on the same level as the rest of us. You must've had some serious training when you learned how to play in gym."

You shrug, being as nonchalant about it as possible. "I guess. I didn't really think it was hard. I gave it everything I had, and it seemed like the results were better than most of the others our age could play."

Hinata was bouncing all around you, taking bites of his wrap every so often. "You were amazing, Y/n-chan! You should consider joining one of the volleyball clubs!"

You hum, changing into your indoor shoes at the same time as the boys. "Well, I would, but I made a promise to a friend that we would join the same club together. She has bad anxiety and isn't the best with sports. I doubt she'd want to start learning to play volleyball because of me. I mean, we could always consider helping Shimizu-san by becoming managers, but neither of us are ready to join a club yet. Maybe wait couple months while we think about it."

Hinata suddenly appeared at his side. "That one girl in your class that gave you a coffee?"

You nod. "Hitoka, yes."

You all split up by year, heading to your respective floors. You were walking in the hall with your fellow first years. "Ah, I've got to head this way to class. See you at lunch, Shoyo, Kageyama."

Kageyama held his hand up. "See you later, L/n."

Hinata waves excitedly. "I'll pick you up from your class, Y/n-chan!"

You wave to the two boys, turning to walk down the opposite end of the hallway with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You face the direction your class is in. "I guess I'll see you both either later today or tomorrow morning. Bye, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima." You open the door to your classroom.

"Later, L/n." Yamaguchi offered a small smile while standing outside of his own classroom.

Tsukishima paused while stepping into his class. "Bye, L/n." And he disappears into the room.

You walk into your own classroom, heading straight for your seat. You smile when you see your friend walk in. "Hey, Hitoka."

She walks over, sitting at her desk. "Good morning, Y/n. Anything interesting happen?"

"I think the volleyball team would love to have us as managers."

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