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You wake up in the infirmary. You slowly sit up, looking around the room. "Is anyone here?"

One of the nurses comes over to you, a soft smile on her face. "Did you need something, miss L/n?"

"Where am I? What happened? I remember practicing with Kageyama and Hitoka, so why aren't they here? When did I leave the gym?"

The nurse sighs. "You had a seizure last night. Your teacher and two of the other students brought you here to explain what happened. Do you mind if I ask you some questions, so that we can better understand this situation?"

You nod. "Wait, last night? You mean, it's morning now?"

"It's actually the afternoon. So, have you ever had a seizure before?"

You shake your head. "No. This would be the first time it happened."

"I see." She hums, writing your answer down on a clipboard. "Have you been experiencing anything unusual lately? If so, what happened around the time it happened?"

"Uh, well, I've been passing out a lot recently. I'm just practicing volleyball, acting as a stand in for other players. It's only started happening since we came to these training camps. Nothing like this has happened before this year."

She continues jotting down what you tell her. "I see. Well, we might be able to release you soon. We've watched over you, and your vitals seem to have gone back to normal over time. We just need to do another check over them, then I can discuss with the doctor if you're ready to go back to normal activities." She leaves you for a moment.

You sigh, laying back down in the bed. Shit. I didn't think it was anything serious. Were all those times I passed out just leading up to a seizure? Oh my god. Hitoka and Kageyama must've been freaking out when that happened. I should probably talk to them when I get the chance. How would I even begin to explain this to shoyo or the rest of the team?

The nurse comes back, a female doctor behind her. They're quick to take all of your vitals. The nurse leaves after everything has been checked.

The doctor smiles at you. "It looks like you'll be able to return to the training camp. But, I have to warn you to no longer take part in physical activities for the time being. Since being active is what caused this, it'll be better if you rested and took it easy while doing your normal routine. The next time this happens, we'll have to send you to a hospital so people who are trained for this kind of thing can properly take care of you."

You nod, watching her leave. You get up from the bed, and leave. You go change in the managers' room, then head down to the gym. When you walked in, almost everything stopped. Everyone turned to look at you, the manager that had disappeared for half a day. You slowly walk over to your team, seeing relief wash over Yachi, Kageyama, and the adults. You walk right over to the coach and Takeda. You lean in close to whisper in their ears. "I was told no more physical activities. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to go back on the court for the rest of the training camp."

They nod in understanding. Takeda offers a smile. "I'm just glad it wasn't too serious. It's good that you're alright enough to come back here."

Hinata ran off of the court to hug you. "Y/n! Where have you been?! No one's seen you since last night!"

You plaster a smile onto your face. "Ah, I was feeling unwell after helping Kageyama out last night. I was resting at the infirmary because I overworked myself. It's nothing to worry about. I'm fine now."

He smiles, letting go of you. "That's good. Oh, I have to play now. Promise to watch me?"

You nod. "I'll always watch you, Shoyo."

He leans in, planting a gentle kiss onto your lips. He turns and runs back on the court, seeming to be more fired up now that you're back.

You sigh, sitting down on the bench in between Takeda and Yachi.

Yachi leans over to whisper in your ear. "You gave Kageyama and I a scare last night. Are you really fine now?"

You mutter loud enough for only her to hear you. "As long as I don't run around anymore, I should be just fine. Sorry to scare you guys like that. I didn't think anything like that would happen."

Kiyoko leans over, looking at you from around the blonde manager. "What happened, Y/n? You completely disappeared last night. Kageyama and Hitoka were the last people to see you, and both of them claimed to not know where you went."

You chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of your head. "Ah, well, I stopped feeling good. I went to the infirmary and they had me spend the night there, just to make sure I would be alright for the remainder of the ttraining camp. It's nothing to worry about."

She gave a skeptical look. "If you say so. Just don't push yyourself anymore. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with." She faces the court once more, paying attention to the match in front of you guys.

Yachi leans close, whispering in your ear. "Are you sure that it's ok for you to be here? Wouldn't it be better if you went to a hospital?"

You shake your head, not daring to look away from the court. "I'll be fine, Hitoka. If it happens again, I'll go to a hospital. Until then, I can act as a manager. As long as I don't play with the boys, I should be fine. You really have nothing to worry about. Just focus on the training camp."

She sighs, looking away from you. "If you think that's what's best, then I'll go along with it. Don't hesitate to come to me if you feel like something might happen."

"Don't worry. I'll definitely be going to you and Takeda-sensei if there's anything wrong."

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