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You sat on the roof of the school. Instead of eating with your boyfriend, you were spending your lunch break with Kiyoko and Yachi. Apparently, according to what Hinata had texted you, the boys of the team wanted to have lunch together and talk about stuff without you girls around. You shrugged it off, making plans with the other managers for the day. You laughed as you all talked about your love lifes. You found out Kiyoko once had a boyfriend back when she was in middle school, yet she never had sex nor did she have an actual first kiss. She only gave and received kisses on the cheek or forehead. And, to no surprise, Yachi had yet to get into a relationship. The blonde girl of course hasn't had any romantic or sexual experiences with another person, yet she said she was interested in having her firs tkiss while she's still in high school.

Kiyoko nudged the shorter girl. "I bet if you confess to Yamaguchi, you'll definitely have your first kiss. I bet he likes you too, he's just to nervous to say something."

You raised a brow at the older girl. "Ya know, the same could be said to you about you receiving your first kiss if you confess to Tanaka, Kiyoko. Why don't you also pluck up the courage to let your crush know how you feel?"

Yachi shrunk in her spot, feeling like tension was about to rise. "I don't think it's that simple, Y/n. I mean, I'm far to anxious to confess to Yamaguchi, and I think that Kiyoko-san feels something similiar when it comes to thinking about confessing to Tanaka-san."

You sigh, leaning against a wall. "I get that, I really do. I was feeling so nervous when I started thinking about letting Shoyo know how I feel about him. It's kinda like ripping off a band aid. Just do it quickly to get it over with. There's really nothing you can do until you've let everything go. What's the worst that can happen? In Kiyoko's case, there's a 100% chance that Tanaka will accept her and they'll get a confession. In Hitoka's case, none of us know for a fact that Yamaguchi likes her back. The worst thing that can happen is he turns her down gently, but still wants to try remaining friends. I can't really see him behaving in a way that'll actually hurt Hitoka, so I don't think anything too bad will happen."

Kiyoko nods, agreeing with you. "He's one of the nicest boys on the team. There's no way he'd make things difficult with Hitoka-chan if he doesn't like her back. I think he wouldn't care how someone else feels about him, he'd just try to respect their feelings no matter what."

The blonde girl lets out a sigh. "I know, but I'm just not ready to even think about confessing to him yet. I'm the one that hasn't really known the team for that long. I don't think I have the right to try letting Yamaguchi know my feelings until I get the chance to know him better." She looks up at you and Kiyoko nervously, fidgeting with her fingers. "Does - does that make sense?"

You nod. "Of course. I wouldn't take a chance of confessing my feelings for someone until I learned enough about him to feel that I've earned the right to try getting into a relationship. I think it's best to take things slow, and form a close bond before doing anything else. In Kiyoko's case, however, she won't really make an effort to get extremely close with anyone on the team. It's already rare enough for her to directly talk to any of the guys. It kinda makes sense that her love life is kinda forming from a silent admiring thing. It suits her."

The older girl smiles, chuckling lightly. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment. I mean, I've always thought about all the possible scenarios that could happen if I were to let everyone know my feelings. I think that almost the whole team would be freaking out about me having feelings for Tanaka, including the boy himself. I don't want there to be chaos, so I'm thinking of waiting until around the time I graduate. I think I'm gonna just exhange numbers with Tanaka and let him know I wanna keep in touch. I don't actually know when I should let him know how I feel about him. Y/n, you've known Hinata your whole life and confessed to him a while back. Any advice?"

You hum, tapping your chin with your index finger. "Well, I guess you just got to find a time you think would work, and just go for it. I kinda just went for it during golden week. I had no clue what would happen, but I had hope that I wouldn't get my heart shattered. I guess, the best thing to do is honestly let your feelings out. And I told him that it was fine if he didn't like me back, or didn't want to have a relationship with me. I kinda just let him know that everything could move at a pace he was comfortable with." You shrug, not really knowing how to explain things to the two girls. "I don't really know what I can tell you two. You never know what will happen until you make a move. Of course, you could always wait until the boy makes the first move."

Yachi tipped her head to one side. "I know Tanaka-san would probably make a move with Kiyoko-san first. But I'm still unsure about Yamaguchi. I don't even know how he feels about me." She looks down at the floor. "I find it kind of hard to talk to him. I just get so nervous and I struggle to find the words to say to him."

"Hitoka, just act natural. Everyone on the team knows you have anxiety, and that socializing is hard for you. I think they're patient enough to wait for you to be comfortable with talking to all of them. Just take your time and do what feels right. Make sure to try smiling more. If the guys see how much effort you're putting into getting along with them, then I think you won't have much trouble talking with them."

"Thanks, Y/n."

Kiyoko grinned at you. "It's kind of like you're a therpist sometimes."

You roll your eyes playfully, smiling at the two girls. "Hey, I just wanna help my friends out. I like seeing everyone happy. I hope things work out for you two."

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