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You lay in bed. You groan as your alarm goes off, signaling that you needed to get ready to go to school. A weight laid on top of you, making it difficult to move. You manage to turn off your alarm, but you're unable to sit up. You look around your bed, spotting what was holding you in place.

Your eyes widened. "Shoyo! You stayed the night! You have to wake up and get back to your house! we need to get ready for school! You're lucky you don't have morning practice!" You started shaking the boy, trying everything you could to wake him up without hurting him.

Hinata groggily sat up, the blankets falling to his lap and revealing his bare chest. He starts rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up. "You're so mean. I just wanted to cuddle after sharing that experience with you." He watches intently as you sit up, your body bare for him to stare at. "Actually, can we go another round? I'll make it as quick as possible, I promise."

You narrow your eyes at him. "I'm sore from having my first time last night. And there's no extra time for it. You'll have to wait for a better time, and when I give you the go ahead. Right now, we need to focus on getting ready for school. Hurry up and put some clothes on! You need to head over to your house and get your uniform on!"

Hinata watched as you attempted to stand, quickly leaving the bed to help you. "Careful! Did I really go at it that hard last night?" He laughs lightly, but purses his lips when he sees the irritated expression on your face. "Sorry, it's not funny. Let me help you." He tried wrapping his arms around your waist, in an attempt to help stabilize you.

You lightly smack his arms away. "No. You don't have enough self control to help me without trying anything. I can manage on my own, but you need to get going. Hurry up, before we start running late!" You push him towards his pile of clothes on the floor, urging him to get dressed. When you saw he was actually putting clothes on, you walked to grab your robe and wrapped it around you. "Since I didn't get to shower after last night's activities, I need to take a quick on this morning. I'll see you in a bit."

He nods, heading towards the door of your bedroom. "I'll hurry up and try bringing something over for us to eat. I love you!" He blows you a kiss before exiting your room.

You sigh, walking into your bathroom and looking in the mirror. "There's no way in hell that I can cover all of this up. Now I know I'm gonna be asked questions later." You groan, quickly turning on the shower and going through your morning routine as quickly as your weak legs will allow you to move.

You walk back into your bedroom wrapped in a towel, after having dried yourself off. You quickly get dressed into your school uniform, looking into a mirror to see how noticeable your neck looked. "Shit. I don't have enough makeup to cover all of this up. Everyone is either gonna ask me what happened, or make assumptions. Damn you, Shoyo. You just couldn't hold yourself back last night, now could you?" You glare at the reflection in the mirror.

You shake your head, moving away from the mirror. You gather everything up, then sling your bag over your shoulder. You head down the stairs, finding Hinata waiting for you at the front door. "You didn't hold back at all yesterday."

Hinata gave you a bright smile. I went too far. "Sorry, Y/n-chan! Looks like you're able to walk just fine. Are you ready to get on your bike and start our ride to school?"

You give him a hard stare. "If it hurts to ride my bike, I will make sure there's no repeat of last night for the rest of our high school lives."



"Whoa, L/n, what the fuck happened to your neck?!" The volleyball team had showed up at school the same time you and Hinata had arrived. Of course, the first thing they noticed when looking at you was all the marks a certain orange haired middle blocker had left all over your neck.

You force a smile onto your face, pushing out a chuckle. "Oh, it was - well, um. I fell?"

Kageyama looked at you with suspicion. "On your neck?"

"I was a very rough night." You deadpanned.

Kiyoko approached, having heard your comment. "Yeah, I'll bet. Was it at least good?" She snickered, walking next to you and placing a hand on your shoulder.

You roll your eyes. "It was a pain." You lower your voice so only she could hear you. "I'll tell you everything later."

"You better." She walks off, leaving you with all the boys of the team.

Tsukishima tipped his head to the side. "So, who did you fuck with?"

"Tsukishima! You can't just ask that!" Sugawara began scolding the first year.

You look at the ground, fidgeting a little. It was more than obvious that you were embarrassed by this. "Uh, well, my boyfriend was at my house last night. I - I gotta go. I'll try coming to your practice later." You quickly run off, not wanting to discuss this topic any longer.

Tanaka and Nishinoya blinked, processing this new information. "She has a boyfriend?"

Tsukishima shrugged, not caring to learn more about it. "Yeah. All the first year boys like her. She was bound to start dating one at some point. Though, I can't say I really care about her love or sex life." He walks off, Yamaguchi following him closely.

Tanaka turned to the short middle blocker that was still standing there. "Hinata, you're L/n's best friend. You have to know that she was in a relationship."

Hinata nods. "Yeah, I knew the moment she confessed. There's no secret that we don't know about each other." Except for my depression. Then again, no one knows about that.

Nishinoya leaned close to your boyfriend. "Who is it? Tell us!"

Hinata shook his head. "I promised her I'd never tell anyone about it. If you want to know, you could always ask her. I'm heading to class now." He walked away with a smirk on his face.

Kageyama narrowed his eyes, noticing that Hinata looked rather pleased with himself. "I think I know who it is, but I'm gonna ask L/n at lunch." He walks off to his class, his thoughts about this situation getting pieced together in his head.

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