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You walk out of the school, humming to yourself. Normally, you'd go to volleyball practice, but today you weren't going to go there. You knew that if you went, you were going to be bombarded by all the boys - except Hinata, Kageyama, and Tsukishima - about your neck and this boyfriend you told them you had. You decided the best thing for today was to go home right after your daily study session with Yachi. You walked over to the bike rack and began your trip home, after walking with Yachi to her bus stop.

Meanwhile, a few of the boys were having a hard time focusing with practice. The news they received this morning definitely came as a shock. None of them expected that you would actually have a boyfriend. They were even more surprised to find out you would do things like have sex or let someone give you hickeys. You just didn't seem like that kind of person to the guys. And they were trying to talk amongst themselves to gain more information. Tsukishima and Kageyama weren't taking part in the conversation, since they already knew what was going on. Hinata would be asked about who your boyfriend is, but he refused to give up that information. Though, he seemed smug and rather pleased about himself while thinking how everyone knew you did something with someone you referred to as your boyfriend. Of course, the others - at least to his awareness - didn't know that Hinata himself was the very person they wanted to learn more about.

Kageyama finally had enough of seeing Hinata with an inflated ego. He pulled the shorter boy aside and scowled at him. "Stop enjoying this so much. I know you're the one L/n's dating. Either you come clean, or I'm letting L/n know that I'm telling everyone else in the club that you're the person behind her appearance today."

Hinata gasped loudly, gaining the attention of his other teammates who stopped to look at the two first year boys interact. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me."

Tsukishima called out to them. "I'm with the king on this one! You better confess your sins, shrimpy."

Asahi looked at the three first years in confusion. "What's going on?"

Hinata looked down, speaking loud enough for the whole team to hear. "I can't say it out loud. Y/n's probably gonna get upset with me."

Kiyoko sighed, shaking her head at the boy. "You have nothing to lose. She's already upset due to the incident that happened last night and this morning. You might as well just come clean, Hinata. Y/n said it's fine. I already texted her. That's part of why she didn't show up to practice."

Hinata took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "I'm the one that marked up Y/n. I'm her boyfriend. We've been dating since golden week. Sorry for not telling you, but Y/n wanted to keep it a secret."

The gym remained silent for a few moments.

Nishinoya and Tanaka shouted in unison. "You fucked L/n?!"

Hinata turned bright red, nodding shyly. "Y-yeah. It kinda just happened last night."

The libero walked closer, leaning over and almost getting into the first year's face. "How many times did you do it with her?"

"Last night was the first time." Hinata looked away, finally feeling how uncomfortable you must've been when the others tried questioning you.

Tsukishima huffed out a breath, not looking at his teammates. "It was obvious that something was going on between L/n and shrimpy. He got way more touchy with her." He looked at the ground, wondering why this whole situation was bothering him so much. He narrowed his eyes. "But if you hurt her in any way, shrimpy, I'll make you regret it."

Kageyama nodded. "I'll hit you if you upset her."

Hinata looked at the two in disbelief. "Why are you two agreeing to do something to me?!"

Tsukishima clicked his tongue. "Normally, I wouldn't agree with the king. But L/n is a good person. She doesn't care how we act towards her or others, she accepts us for who we are."

Kageyama nods, agreeing with the taller boy. "She treats us all the same. And, she's probably the first person that gave me a kind smile without having a reason behind it. She's just... nice." He looks away from his teammates, feeling embarrassed that he's sharing his thoughts about you.

Hinata raised a brow at the two. "You two don't have crushes on her, do you?"

The two taller first years shook their heads. "Not at all. She's just a friend." When they realized they said the same thing at the same time, they turned to glare at each other.

Daichi cut into the conversation before a fight could break out. "Ok, that's enough. We need to get back to practice. Focus on volleyball." He leads the rest of the team back onto the court, where they continue practicing like normal.


In the club room, Tanaka looked over at his kouhai after removing his shirt. "How did you manage to score a girl like L/n, Hinata? I mean, you guys are both really cheery like rays of sunshine, and I know you've known each other your whole lives. But how did you manage to get her to be your girlfriend?"

Sugawara sighed. "Really? I thought we were done with this conversation the moment we went back to practice."

Hinata blushed, looking at the ground as he stopped changing. "I honestly don't know. She just confessed that she's loved me our whole lives, and I told her that I felt the same. I'm kinda worried about messing up and losing her." He looks up to look at all of his teammates. "How do you make sure you don't lose someone you really love?"

Crickets chirping could be heard within the club room. No one on the team had experience with these kinds of things, so they had no clue what they should say to the first year.

Sugawara was the first to open his mouth, hoping he would give some good advice. "None of us really know too much about these kinds of things, but I'd say to just be yourself. Be open and honest with her, while also making sure to show her how you really feel about her. Things will come naturally, and she seems like the type to be patient and accepting of everything. I think you'll know what to do whenever something happens."

Hinata hummed, not daring to say another word back. So I'll probably lose her if I never tell her about my depression. How would she even handle it. Sure, she's accepting, but will that be enough to keep her by my side. What if she changes her mind? What if she'd rather have someone like Kageyama or Tsukishima? What would I do if I can't keep her as mine?

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