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You roll over, unable to fall asleep. You frown, furrowing your brows. Why can't I fall asleep? I need to get plenty of rest before tomorrow. Or is it today now? What time even is it? How long have i just been lying here in bed? No, don't check. The light from my phone is probably gonna give me a harder time at falling asleep. Ugh! What's my problem tonight?! Am I just excited from finally getting into a relationship with Shoyo, or is there something else going on to keep me from falling asleep?

You roll over again, this time flopping onto your back. You let out an audible exhale as you stretch your limbs out. You stare up at the ceiling, your eyes quick to adjust to the lack of light. You just lay in the bed, trying to figure out what was keeping you awake. Maybe it was just a bout of insomnia. Maybe you weren't as exhausted as you thought. Maybe tonight was just not your night. You let out a sigh as you forced your eyes shut. You silently begged that you would be able to fall asleep quickly, but this was not the case. You felt even more awake than before.

With much frustration, you sat up in bed, letting the covers fall into your lap. You rub your eyes, letting out a quiet groan. Even if you were in a bad mood, you were going to remain silent since you didn't want to wake anyone else up. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, pushing yourself into a standing position. You slowly walk to the door, opening it only to met with more darkness.

As quietly as you possibly could, you went down to the kitchen and flipped on the light. You head over to the fridge, opening it up to look for something to drink. Maybe milk could help you sleep, so you were thinking about looking for a glass to pour it into. Of course, that was the plan. Until you heard footsteps approaching you from behind. You swiftly turn around to face the person walking towards you. You let out a breath of relief when your eyes meet the all too familiar face.

Kiyoko yawns, rubbing her eyes. For the first time since you've met her, she wasn't wearing her glasses. "Y/n? What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep, so I was going to make myself a drink. Maybe milk or something will help me finally fall asleep. I didn't wake you, did I?"

She shakes her head. "No. I was actually having a bit of a hard time falling asleep myself. I feel exhausted, but my body doesn't want to shut down for the night. I have some tea that might be able to help. Close the fridge, I'll boil some water so we can make tea. Feel free to put milk in it once it seeps for a bit."

You nod, closing the fridge door. "Thanks, Kiyoko. I'm not even sure why I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm usually able to get myself to sleep by now, but tonight I'm just not having any luck."

She nods. "I know how you feel. I guess it's just one of those nights. I just hope we'll be able to get enough sleep before going to practice. I can only imagine the kind of day we'll have if we're unable to sleep at all. You'll definitely have trouble if they want you to play with the team."

You groan, holding your face in your hands. "I think if I don't get enough sleep, I'm just going to sit out. I'll gladly help you, but I don't think I'll have the energy to move around like the guys. That might kill me." You watch her as she continues to move around the kitchen.

The older girl walks through the kitchen, having already started heating up the water. She grabs sweetener and places it on the counter. She grabs a couple of mugs, then finds the tea bags to put inside the mugs. She turns to look at you with a tired smile. "Honestly, if I could get away with it, I might try taking a nap while the boys are busy. I'll gladly cuddle with you on the floor somewhere in a corner of the gym."

You chuckle quietly, trying to remain quiet enough to not wake up her parents. "I'm down. But I don't think Shoyo would be very happy about it. He might get a little jealous."

"Well, I apologize in advance for making your boyfriend jealous by cuddling with you." She lets out a breathy chuckle, trying to keep an eye on the kettle on the stove. "Honestly, if we actually end up doing that, I can see the whole team stop what they're doing and look at us for a bit. I bet a certain second year duo will be in awe about it. The third years would probably get all emotional, too. I think Hinata would be the only first year to react to it. Kageyama and Tsukishima might only care since it's you, but wouldn't make a big deal of it like the second and third years might, maybe with Hinata too. Yamaguchi doesn't seem like he'd be interested in either of us enough to really contribute anything to whatever happens."

You nod, leaning up against a wall. "You're probably right about that. I can already imagine being woken up by Nishinoya and Tanaka creating a commotion if we cuddle and try taking a nap during practice. I bet it'll make coach Ukai mad, though." You almost laugh at that thought.

Kiyoko giggles softly. "I think you make a good point." She turns abruptly when the kettle starts to whistle. She turns the burner off, picking up the kettle by its handle. She pours the hot water into the mugs, placing the kettle back down. She picks up a mug and hands it to you. "Wait a few minutes before adding anything to it."

You nod, blowing the tea a little. "I think I'll add milk and a little bit of that sweetener."

She nods slightly, reaching into a cupboard and pulling something out. "I'll be adding honey to mine."

And so, you two end up drinking tea in the middle of the night. Finally, once you're both finished with your drink and clean up a bit, you girls are able to fall asleep for the rest of the night.

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